The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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Big fan of The Lighthouse, obviously. Thanks for sharing my review (and thanks to the mods for approving it even though it's way too short and trivial to be approved)! It's #8 on my list.
I was considering not posting the "Read the full review here" link since what I posted was the full review.

This is another reason I struggle with these lists. Knowing I haven't seen everything. Makes my list feel like a sham to me.
As long as you believe in your list, it's valid.

Less than half of mine is gonna make it and you know what? It's fine. It doesn't make my list invalid because I'd fight for each of the films on there. I'd bet you would do the same for the films on your list.

And you know what? I hadn't seen everything either...nor has anybody else. There's more movies than time in the world. Make them count!

Damn, now what am I going to keep guessing for everything?
The Lighthouse really does have all of the possible associations with it -
Greek mythology, two men, a major storm, alcoholism, chasing after another person with an axe while having a limp, The Shining, Lovecraftian stuff, mermaids, shark genitalia, insanity, two people who could be read as the same person, sanitizing latrines, painting a building, seagulls, a timber man, wickies, Keanu Reeves in a flannel shirt (that was the joke hint I imagined way back. What would a timber man want with being a Wicky!), lobsters, masturbation, farts, phallic symbols, phallic looking fruit, boats, islands, Dafoe's "confusingly large package." Was there anything else?
Really, how did I not guess this movie for every single hint?

Still one hell of a spread between it and The VVitch.

The Lighthouse was my #6.
Though it could have also been my #2. My two through six was one hell of a toss-up in terms of their order.

Haven't seen either film.

Would love to get one more point off of the clues to prove to myself that I'm not fluky. Not worried about a win...that ship has sailed.

Incendies is the last of the “bigger” and more popular Villenueve films I haven’t seen. I’ve seen everything up from that though in his filmography. But Incendies and below I have not seen…

I’ve been meaning to forever though. I think I have it on a hard disk ready to go.

As for The Lighthouse, I absolutely loved it on first watch. Amazing and crazy experience. I really want to watch it again to reaffirm its greatness. Glad to see it here and so high.

Two films I've seen, followed by two I haven't, and now two more that I have. Wonder if tomorrow will continue the pattern?

I actually thought Incendies was on my list, but it must have been a late cut. I know I threw a lot of good films off my ballot at the last minute to make room for a few that my heart absolutely insisted I vote for. I just re-read what I wrote about the film when I nominated it for the 17th Hall of Fame, and the first paragraph was a pretty good summary of my thoughts, so I'll just copy that here:
Being partially set during a religious civil war, Incendies deals with some uncomfortable subject matter. The story is steeped in tragedy from start to finish, and its slow moving pace builds a tension that occasionally erupts into intense sequences featuring hatred, revenge, or even pure brutality. It's not a film that is going to appeal to everyone, but I found a lot of the imagery to be quite powerful, and the film is beautifully shot with excellent cinematography.
I do agree with the criticisms that it goes a little too far with its twists at the end though.

I had The Lighthouse on my shortlist as well, but it was an early cut. Other than some gorgeous cinematography, I had no idea what to expect when I saw it, and I'm glad I went in relatively blind. It's a strangely compelling film, but it's not something I've felt the need to revisit either.

My room mate saw Gravity in 3D when it was still in theatres, but I didn't watch it until much later. We definitely had two very different viewing experiences, since he was blown away, and I just thought it was fine, but nothing spectacular. I felt much the same way about Interstellar, actually. It definitely had some memorable scenes, but I just didn't really connect with the film. Boyhood and The Irishman are the two that I haven't seen, and neither are something I'd watch on my own accord.

Seen: 50/72

My List: 11  

Victim of The Night
When I make my list, I don't worry about how many of the movies on my list will make the countdown. In addition to watching movies that I think might make the countdown, I also make a list of the movies that I think might have a chance to make my own list, and then I watch as many of those movies as I can before the deadline. I do it for the fun of watching movies that I haven't seen yet that I might like, and making my own list, of my own favorites.

And when we reveal our lists after the countdown, you'll see how few of the movies on my list made the countdown, but that doesn't bother me because I still had fun watching all those new movies, and finding some new favorites. (In fact, several movies on my list are movies that people recommended to me that I hadn't seen, (or in some cases even heard of), before the countdown was announced, including my #1 movie.)
I hear ya, I just feel like maybe I didn't watch enough of the "relevant" movies, as they are being revealed here, to be qualified for this.

Victim of The Night
They should retire just because you don't like them anymore? Sounds harsh. I mean Scorsese has now had two films on this list hasn't he?

Still seems pretty relevant to me.
Like I said, this is for me. He has two films on the list so far, one of which has to be one of the least interesting films he's ever made, he just does a good job of making films but I can't even understand why he made it other than "well, I haven't made a rote and obvious psychological thriller yet", and the other yet another mob/gangster film. I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if he hadn't been so great in his youth but, for me personally, I'd just rather he only make movies when there's something special to make than keep churning out CGI-heavy bores or still more gangster movies.

Incendies, or How to Ruin an Amazing Film with a B#!!$h*t Ending

I haven't seen The Lighthouse. I haven't seen anything by Robert Eggers. I don't know why. I need to correct this, right?
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Victim of The Night
I say this as probably one of the least Scorsese-y guys around here, but are we really arguing the current relevance of the 80 y/o director that's still making films every 2 or 3 years, just had 4 released the last decade, 3 of which were nominated to both Best Picture AND Best Director, two of which became his highest-grossing films worldwide, with all of them having "Fresh" Tomatometers and very positive IMDb scores? Is that what we're arguing? Just wanna be sure
No, I guess what we're "arguing" is whether I personally wish he would stop. Or just only make a movie when he's got something genuinely interesting to do.
I can't blame him, if I was 80 and could still do what I do, I guess I'd do it as much as I could.
But man, again, for me personally, it's been at least 20 years since he made a narrative film that I felt was on par with the work from his first 15 years or so. And the only one I haven't seen is tWoWS, because I'm just tired of trying.

A system of cells interlinked
28 - Annihilation
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"
Seen The Lighthouse, loved the first half but the second half wasn't my cuppa tea.
The Lighthouse is well made and stylishly shot. I loved the b&w contrasty [sic] look of the film. I'd venture a guess to say that most fans of horror/thriller would really enjoy it. Even though I didn't enjoy the ending, I loved the first half. I often will dislike a film BUT not because it's crap but because it's themes/genre are not my forte. It would be like taking my to dinner at the finest seafood restaurant in town. No matter how fine the cuisine, I'll turn my nose up at it as I can't stand the taste of seafood.
I seen The Lighthouse recently. I didn't care for it as it went too far to the slasher/horror side by the end of the film. Which for me was a pity as it started out as a spell binding, psychological sturdy of two men sequestered on a remote light house, cut off from civilization. I had hoped it would stay reserved and be more like The Innocents (1960) but by the end it went over the top, pulling out the usual horror tropes. I like restrained movies, but you might like it, it's darker and more brooding and serious.
Seen Incendies too and rated it a

No, I guess what we're "arguing" is whether I personally wish he would stop. Or just only make a movie when he's got something genuinely interesting to do.
I can't blame him, if I was 80 and could still do what I do, I guess I'd do it as much as I could.
But man, again, for me personally, it's been at least 20 years since he made a narrative film that I felt was on par with the work from his first 15 years or so. And the only one I haven't seen is tWoWS, because I'm just tired of trying.
I get you, I was being a bit facetious. There's no arguing against how personally invested you are with his films, and in a way, I feel the same.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Victim of The Night
And you know what? I hadn't seen everything either...nor has anybody else. There's more movies than time in the world. Make them count!
Well, this is the truth here, and more what I'm getting at. I'm not worried about what of mine might not make it or how low (though I am genuinely surprised by several including The Lighthouse which I assumed would go Top-10 even though it was my No.17), I was sort of joking when I said I didn't feel like I belonged here, but this latter point is really what I do worry about. I was hesitant to vote in this one because I just care less and less about contemporary film every year and I realize that I only saw maybe 100 movies from that decade and it was a bit of a struggle to come up with 25 I thought were worthy (though I have since realized I forgot a couple that would have rounded out the list nicely). Considering I only have 5 films from the last 3 years I've been impressed with and how few I've even seen, I may have to sit out the 2020s one.

Both are very good movies that fell short of being contenders for my ballot. At this point, I'm thinking I will only have 6 of mine appear.
Snap on the six making it. I was optimistically hoping for about 8/9 beforehand…

Haven’t seen Incendies but like everything else from Villenueve so this will give me the push to get to it soon.

The Lighthouse was a good film. Not in a rush to watch it again and I don’t quite understand why it’s quite so celebrated. Very high placement.

Trouble with a capital "T"
....I was sort of joking when I said I didn't feel like I belonged here, but this latter point is really what I do worry about. I was hesitant to vote in this one because I just care less and less about contemporary film every year...I may have to sit out the 2020s one.
You sound like me! My movie taste is far outside of the range of the average MoFo, making me feel like an outsider (which is OK by me). I use to watch new movies alot, but then almost totally gave up on them a few years ago and focused on deep discovery of 20th century movies.

Sit the 2020s out? Don't we have some years before that countdown will be done? Or am I missing something?

Like I said, this is for me. He has two films on the list so far, one of which has to be one of the least interesting films he's ever made, he just does a good job of making films but I can't even understand why he made it other than "well, I haven't made a rote and obvious psychological thriller yet", and the other yet another mob/gangster film.
Well, you can retire him in your head by not watching any more of his movies. Which I guess you'll do anyway. Seems strange to me that you would like him to stop making them though given that so many millions still enjoy his output.

I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if he hadn't been so great in his youth but, for me personally, I'd just rather he only make movies when there's something special to make than keep churning out CGI-heavy bores or still more gangster movies.
'Silence' in particular is about something very special (faith) and is adapted from a prize winning novel considered a masterwork of literature.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Incendies I was enjoying a lot but it sort of got tangled up in itself and ended up being a lot less plausible than it should have been. I still think it's a mostly good movie, but I do also get the same sense from all Villeneuve movies that I just don't think they're quite as impressive as lots of people seem to find them.

The Lighthouse in the other hand was... I don't even know what it was. I sort of hated it while I was watching it but I will admit there were a few scenes that I thought about afterwards. I just still don't know if it's a joke or a serious movie or somehow both.

Neither film was on my list.