Game of Thrones: Season 8, The Final Season (spoilers)


We've gone on holiday by mistake
Friend of mine has put money on Grey Worm dying. Could just as easy be Missandei in the super safe (mentioned 6 times how safe they are) Crypts where absolutely nothing bad is going down.

That include the NK?
As someone who hates fantasy, I hate all of the zombies.

But when I say "Starks" I mean anyone with the last name Stark or who grew up in Winterfell.
There's a potent rumor circulating the internet in regards to the banner he may have fought under before he got turned.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Night King going to King's Landing would fall in line with Bran's vision of the dragon shadow over the city.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I Think they asked Bran the wrong question of rather what worked and should have asked how they stopped and defeated the Night King before. Cause the missed ample chance to tell the Azor Ahai tale or how they children and first men stopped the long night

The Adventure Starts Here!
How much of the Azor Ahai mythos has been told through the TV series? I've seen a bunch of you mentioning that here, but if they haven't been pursuing it on the show enough up till now, I just don't see it coming to fruition at this point.

Also, Cleganebowl has to happen. The Hound's mentioned it more than once throughout the series, and even though The Mountain is "dead," he's still a menace and needs to be dealt with. He's Cersei's bodyguard, so taking him out leaves her verrrry vulnerable. Since she's the last person on Arya's list (I think she crossed off The Hound a while ago), I would love to see The Hound take out The Mountain, leaving Cersei vulnerable to Arya's death-face attack of some sort.

(P.S. How do people fall for that death-face stuff when Arya is, like, five feet tall? Just curious.)

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Same way they fall for Mr. Cruise's face masks in M.I. Who knew the M.I. team were followers of the faceless man?
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
How much of the Azor Ahai mythos has been told through the TV series? I've seen a bunch of you mentioning that here, but if they haven't been pursuing it on the show enough up till now, I just don't see it coming to fruition at this point.

Also, Cleganebowl has to happen. The Hound's mentioned it more than once throughout the series, and even though The Mountain is "dead," he's still a menace and needs to be dealt with. He's Cersei's bodyguard, so taking him out leaves her verrrry vulnerable. Since she's the last person on Arya's list (I think she crossed off The Hound a while ago), I would love to see The Hound take out The Mountain, leaving Cersei vulnerable to Arya's death-face attack of some sort.

(P.S. How do people fall for that death-face stuff when Arya is, like, five feet tall? Just curious.)
The magic changes the height, weight and voice, hahaha.

Melisandre has brought up Azor Ahai a bunch, thinking it was Stannis until he died, then Jon Snow. Stannis killed his own daughter because he thought he was him.

I see it happening at the end of an episode but at the same time it not really amounting to anything significant other than they defeat the Night King.

I think the Azor Ahai thing will happen and when Jon removes the flaming sword from someone's chest, his hair will turn Targaryen yellow! I kid! I kid! That would be the cheesiest thing ever but it's fun to imagine.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I think the Azor Ahai thing will happen and when Jon removes the flaming sword from someone's chest, his hair will turn Targaryen yellow! I kid! I kid! That would be the cheesiest thing ever but it's fun to imagine.
In the background you can hear Sam yelling in his sheepest yell, "Over nine-THOUSAND?! Weh...well, that's not in any of the books!"

The Adventure Starts Here!
Stray Thought: We haven't seen Bran warg in a while. I don't recall the terms under which he can do this...

Can he warg into the Ice Dragon and save the day that way?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Not sure. Beasts and simple minded, I assumed. There was a good build up regarding that skill but we've seen so little of it since.

Stray Thought: We haven't seen Bran warg in a while. I don't recall the terms under which he can do this...

Can he warg into the Ice Dragon and save the day that way?
I thought of that. I don't know. It seems odd that they set up things like warging, the faces that Arya has, the Dire Wolves, etc. only to not use them. I'm looking for these things to happen, whether they do or not. I'm also still wondering if somebody from past episodes will
WARNING: spoilers below
show up as a wight, like Hodor, who will not be able to say "Hodor." Somebody showing up, causing the fighter to pause in shock and thus be killed by their old friend, now a wight. Probably won't happen but these things go through my head.

My wife Courtney the other day: "so who do you think Aziz Ansari is?"
That cracked me up, Yoda! Still laughing at that. I wish somebody would parody GOT and have Aziz Ansari show up.

So what are everyone's thoughts on "the old gods and the new?" It is a pretty common saying. Is there an actual divine connection with gods or powerful deities? What is with the resurrections and the flaming swords etc... if there are no gods? Certainly there is magic at work - that or divine power - or both. Faith of the Seven, Sparrows, Silent Sisters (who I think are an all female group of the Faith of the Seven, but not sure), Many faced God, The Drowned God, Lord of Light, etc...

If Gods exist in this realm then anything is possible even if not probable. Is all the magic just a pagan-like or natural thing, fae, ...? Certainly time travel even if just visions or something akin to an OBE are able to be achieved there must be a divine aspect somewhere.

Of course it may just be all voodoo or maybe witchcraft. I think there is a divine entity/entities at work, whether that will be left for us to guess or revealed is not known.

Necromancy certainly is at play. Anyway just was wondering what you all thought and if this may play a part of what is going on in the crypt.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Stray Thought: We haven't seen Bran warg in a while. I don't recall the terms under which he can do this...

Can he warg into the Ice Dragon and save the day that way?
My wife and I talked about this as well. I think dragons would have a very strong mind, but they are animals but also magical I think. The Ice Dragon however is being controlled by the Night King so that may be how he is able to have it do his bidding. Will we see a battle of mind control/warging between Bran and the NK? Sounds like it would be cool.

So what are everyone's thoughts on "the old gods and the new?" It is a pretty common saying. Is there an actual divine connection with gods or powerful deities? What is with the resurrections and the flaming swords etc... if there are no gods? Certainly there is magic at work - that or divine power - or both. Faith of the Seven, Sparrows, Silent Sisters (who I think are an all female group of the Faith of the Seven, but not sure), Many faced God, The Drowned God, Lord of Light, etc...

If Gods exist in this realm then anything is possible even if not probable. Is all the magic just a pagan-like or natural thing, fae, ...? Certainly time travel even if just visions or something akin to an OBE are able to be achieved there must be a divine aspect somewhere.

Of course it may just be all voodoo or maybe witchcraft. I think there is a divine entity/entities at work, whether that will be left for us to guess or revealed is not known.

Necromancy certainly is at play. Anyway just was wondering what you all thought and if this may play a part of what is going on in the crypt.
There is only the Lord of light

We've gone on holiday by mistake
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