Cobpyth's Top 101 Favorite Feature Films

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67. Love Streams (1984)

I've only seen three of Cassavetes' films yet at this point in time and this is BY FAR my favorite. It's an exceptional piece of film and it's very enjoyable to watch.

The story portrays the inner personal 'conditions' of two main characters that happen to be brother and sister, played by John Cassavetes himself and his wife Gena Rowlands. They both have very clear issues concerning love, care and life in general, but both in exact opposite ways!

Robert, the brother, is a writer who has difficulties to truly connect with people for more than one night. He leads a decadent life full of booze, cigarettes, gambling, hookers and short-time relationships, because he isn't able to experience anything more. When one of his former female conquests suddenly knocks at his door and wants him to care for his son for the weekend, it is clear that Robert has no idea how to be responsible and caring. His egocentrism stands in the way of every relationship possible (except perhaps the one with his sister).

Sarah, the sister, is in the middle of a divorce and her obsessive and weird behavior scares away her daughter, who decides that she wants to live with her dad. Sarah is completely the opposite of her brother. Instead of not being able to connect with people, she finds herself being able to truly love and care for someone, but in an overly intense way, which causes people to be unable to connect with her (like her daughter and her former husband). She decides to go live with her brother for a while, so she can deal with her problems.

The chiastic chemistry between the two characters is great and Cassavetes observes them in a very empathic, interesting and sometimes strangely comic way.
This is a very eventful movie and the characters go through many different situations and emotions, which also makes this a very entertaining viewing, unlike some of Cassavetes' other films that sometimes tend to tire a little bit at some points, in my opinion. In this film the scenes never drag too long, though, and the pacing is absolutely perfect.
The film also looks amazing!

This is one of those criminally underseen films (although it has been labeled as a cult film) that deserves a much wider public. Make sure that you watch this inventive film about the human condition if the subject matter seems at all appealing to you. I don't think you will be disappointed!

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

The last addition to this list I've seen is Reservoir Dogs, which is highly entertaining. I'd like to watch Bullets Over Broadway since it's Woody, but Grave of Fireflies and Love Streams I haven't had great experience with Ghilibi or Cassavates, but due to the low amount of films I've seen from either I'm not marking off either.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Reservoir Dogs and Grave of the Fireflies are both good, but I doubt I'll ever rewatch the latter.

Added Bullets Over Broadway to my watchlist. I need to see more Woody Allen and I love John Cusack.

i really need to watch love streams again, although i'm probably gonna rewatch cassavette's 70s stuff first. i think i would appreciate it more now, especially a woman under the influence.

66. Out of Sight (1998)

This is one of those films that came out in the wake of the succes of Pulp Fiction. Many filmmakers were attempting to recreate the coolness, structure and atmosphere of Tarantino's masterpiece, but a lot of them failed terribly.

There were however a few good films that came out of it, like for instance Get Shorty (which I also really like), but this romantic crime dramedy by Steven Soderbergh is by far my favorite of them all. It's very tastefully directed, it features some of the best chemistry ever depicted on film (in my opinion) between two very handsome stars and it is often cited as the "sexiest film of all time".

It tells the story of a bank robber (played by George Clooney) who has to kidnap a US Marshall (played by Jennifer Lopez) for a short while, while breaking out of jail. While they're in the trunk of a car together, they share a casual, but strangely romantic moment that they both can't let go off...

Despite its 'sexy reputation', the film is never obscene. Soderbergh was able to charm the audience with sexual tension and romantic atmosphere in the middle of an intriguing crime plot, rather than using more physical images. Everything always feels sophisticated and engaging, because of the atmosphere that is evoked by the script's tension, the sharp performances and the brilliant directing.
For me personally, Out of Sight features one of the most effective romances ever put on film.

Watch this if you're in the mood for something cool, entertaining, romantic and sexy! I also strongly recommend it to every Clooney fan out there. He's awesome in this.


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Good choice. Interesting that the two films you sight as successfully copying Tarantino are from Elmore Leonard novels.

Good choice. Interesting that the two films you sight as successfully copying Tarantino are from Elmore Leonard novels.
Yeah, the strenght of the stories probably has to do something with it.
There's something energetic and yet deeply interesting about Elmore's stories. Somehow I related the most to Out of Sight's storyline and characters, though, as it's my favorite Leonard film adaptation from what I've seen so far. (Yes, I like it even more than Jackie Brown )

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Yeah, the strenght of the stories probably has to do something with it.
There's something energetic and yet deeply interesting about Elmore's stories. Somehow I related the most to Out of Sight's storyline and characters, though, as it's my favorite Leonard film adaptation from what I've seen so far. (Yes, I like it even more than Jackie Brown )
Dont disagree but where I think they succeed more than others is in the characters they create. Every movie you have mentioned I think is great. My fave Leonard adaptation is Shorty. My fave Tarantino is Pulp. As I am sure you are learning my tastes run with the crowd.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Another Woody Allen film!
That's why I've not been liking your list!!! I knew there was a reason but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

But you're doing a great job with the list Cob. You've clearly put a lot of time and effort into it. Keep it up.

I really like Out Of Sight the first time I saw it. Seen it twice since and have liked it less each time. I don't dislike it now, but I'm in no rush to watch it again.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

66. Out of Sight (1998) is often cited as the "sexiest film of all time".
I've not seen this movie, but no way could it possibly be "the sexiest film of all time."


It tells the story of a bank robber (played by George Clooney)

Great list so far! I've not seen Love Streams, the Woody Allen movie and Out of Sight, but I add them to my watchlist
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Great list so far, Cobpyth. Nice write-ups, too. We share many favorites in common, and even the ones that wouldn't make my list are still good films. The few I haven't seen look interesting. Keep it up!