I love you, Unregistered


Really, it predates Star Wars? That is... incredible. You should watch the Lensman movie. It is actually pretty good.

As for remakes of classics... Well personally I am not a fan of remakes so... You should feed them to your lensdog instead.

I watched it!!!

Well Zotis, due to the dedication of the love thread to me; and my delight in seeing" I love lenslady" "every time I log in.... and perhaps also due to your subtle and not so subtle urging, suggesting, encouraging, along with the rather......ah shall I say, unexpected and eerie........ hijacking of my last attempt of reviewing a different movie on another thread lmao- I watched Lensman.

Now I want you to know that this was the first Japanese anime I ever saw. so the genre was new to me And I had to do a little search to find one in Englishlol. Well the big thing that impressed me was that couple looked so much like Han Solo and the princess that I could see the vaaaasssst similarity to Star Wars -(and yet I could understand that the original Smith work may have been a springboard for more than one sci fi epic) And I also think one of the characters looked like a monkey or lemur from Lion King, did you notice that?Well it seemed to me, not really familiar with this type of film, that the graphics, that is the animation, was very good and really was the crux of the film. It was a compelling visual 'ride' I also thought some early graphics in the film reminded me of the last scenes in 2001. I was glad to explore a new genre and in particular, one whose title was obviously dedicated to me. 😜It s a fun type of movie,

And now..... I think I will be watching one of those alt remakes next, perhaps not as impressive as Lensman, but with the saving grace bonus of the flesh and blood Han/Harrison as co-star- perhaps:

Random Lenshearts,

Indiana Jones and the crystal lenslady,

A clear and present lenslady.
OR since we re looking at sci fi:

Lensbladey Runner. 😛😀😃. 🙃

Hi MovieFan1988, welcome to the love thread.
O_O the love thread huh, ok this is odd and thanks lol

Orgies? Listen, sorry to dissapoint but the only orgies here are text based and PG. Also I'm saving myself for marriage. I love you all, but in the platonic sense.

My username. Main thread deleted? WTF is going on??
My Favorite Films

That's just weird!

A good movie to be in, but i would like to change my co-star.Carrie Ann-Moss is not hot.

lol now I get the joke, but I'll let the others that discover the thread figure it out now haha

A good movie to be in, but i would like to change my co-star.Carrie Ann-Moss is not hot.
Lol, stop thinking about girls. You need to get out of the Matrix first. : P

Lol, stop thinking about girls. You need to get out of the Matrix first. : P
Okay, I'll start thinking about boys, then. Thanks for the tip.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

A system of cells interlinked
Yes, this thread is about Unregistered

Always has been, always will be!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

... I'm trying desperately to say something other than, "no comment," and then I realize how I turned that two word sentence into one that takes up multiple lines on a webpage. Is this a sign I'm too talkative?

Um... hi? I feel really slow that I'm not catching on what the hell this thread is.

Edit: So, it's just I love you, bbusername. Essentially. Either that or someone manually changes the thread title for every new member that joins??

Box-Fanned & Consoled Nobility