Users you miss


Unfortunately it's extremely common that someone sees something and never bothers to report it, and sometimes even makes uncharitable assumptions about the mods because they assume we can monitor everything and, if it's up, it must be because we approve (or even agree) with it. So, a reminder: people are specifically invited to PM Sedai or myself about anything questionable they see, or even just to ask! I know a lot of mods take that kind of thing as an inherent act of defiance, but we don't. We invite all questions or comments on that, provided people are willing to hear us out on any explanation for why something might not meet the standards of removal.

Unfortunately I think that, too--getting used to a new community's rules and standards--is something that causes a lot of "refugee" forumers to bounce off of a place like this (but really, it would happen with almost any new forum). If someone's coming from a relatively small, insular, tight-knit group that had really clear norms and was pretty homogeneous in its attitudes, any place that's even a little more pluralistic (yes, even to those people, whatever that term means to each individual) probably feels intolerably permissive.

Sexy Celebrity (he was the most entertaining user here I always found his antics really fun, I remember back when I lived in the US and at work people were shocked about Trump in 2016, then I said "well I know a gay guy in the internet who likely voted for him" my friend replied "interesting you are talking to a gay guy on the internet ")
MarkF (RIP)
Zotis (I know he is banned, but he still follows me in some other sites)
Camo (banned as well, he was kinda obnoxious but an interesting guy)
Godoggo (took me like 3 years to notice her username reads as "Go Dog Go")

Trouble with a capital "T"
Godoggo (took me like 3 years to notice her username reads as "Go Dog Go")
That's funny about Godoggo's name because when I first seen it I thought it was God Oggo.

This was quite awhile ago. And he didn't specify who or where he had found the post that upset him. I don't remember what thread it was in.
I briefly chatted with Rockatansky sometime ago, and he said he might not return to this forum. I don't think he'd want me sharing his reasons though.

He's active on Letterboxd, btw.

The trick is not minding
I briefly chatted with Rockatansky sometime ago, and he said he might not return to this forum. I don't think he'd want me sharing his reasons though.

He's active on Letterboxd, btw.
Yeah, Rock had a weird reaction to a discussion on artistic integrity on films thread and stopped posting right after.
I’m not sure it was the reason, and may have been a coincidence, but the timing fits.

This site isn’t for everybody, which is a shame.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Thanks for mentioning me in here. I'll be back when possible, but my mother-in-law fell down a flight of stairs and broke her femur. She also hit her head which caused dementia and memory loss. I've been very busy taking care of both her and my father-in-law.

Unfortunately my father-in-law wasn't feeling well today, so we're in the hospital ER right now, waiting for test results. So far, all they know is that he has an irregular heartbeat, but they don't know why yet.

He's been resting while here, and he says he's feeling better than he felt earlier today, so hopefully that's a good sign.

I miss chatting with all of you, and I hope to be back online soon.

A system of cells interlinked

Thanks for the update, and we are all pulling for your family here at MoFo. We all miss you, and hope everything works out as best it can.

See you soon!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Sexy Celebrity (he was the most entertaining user here I always found his antics really fun, I remember back when I lived in the US and at work people were shocked about Trump in 2016, then I said "well I know a gay guy in the internet who likely voted for him" my friend replied "interesting you are talking to a gay guy on the internet ")
MarkF (RIP)
Zotis (I know he is banned, but he still follows me in some other sites)
Camo (banned as well, he was kinda obnoxious but an interesting guy)
Godoggo (took me like 3 years to notice her username reads as "Go Dog Go")
I see I need no explanation.

Have missed you too Guapo, glad to see you still poppin' about.

I definitely miss Mark, that's as obvious as food and water to survival.

I miss Godoggo also.

And I miss Destiny. She was gold.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks for mentioning me in here. I'll be back when possible, but my mother-in-law fell down a flight of stairs and broke her femur. She also hit her head which caused dementia and memory loss. I've been very busy taking care of both her and my father-in-law.

Unfortunately my father-in-law wasn't feeling well today, so we're in the hospital ER right now, waiting for test results. So far, all they know is that he has an irregular heartbeat, but they don't know why yet.

He's been resting while here, and he says he's feeling better than he felt earlier today, so hopefully that's a good sign.

I miss chatting with all of you, and I hope to be back online soon.
GBGoodies are you still around & reading MoFo sometimes? You're still missed here Hope everything is going OK...Guess what, we're currently voting on the next MoFo Countdown and Musicals are on the ballot. Pop in an vote! And stick around too! Your friend, Rules

I don't know the majority of the people being mentioned obviously but I do miss Rockatansky. And Wooley not posting as much. Takoma will probably be back around hopefully. And I'm glad Death Proof eventually showed up. Missed him from the Corrie. Pretty sure he was also at RT/GD.

I don't know the majority of the people being mentioned obviously but I do miss Rockatansky. And Wooley not posting as much. Takoma will probably be back around hopefully. And I'm glad Death Proof eventually showed up. Missed him from the Corrie. Pretty sure he was also at RT/GD.
I also miss Takoma, but I have seen Wooley about the place recently.