The Mofo Top 100 Television Shows


I put the link in the first post. It's at the very bottom.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Ahh...that explains why Amy Lee voted for all 548 shows! (I thought it was something like that)

Night all.
I used to hate my name because it sounds like an adverb and both names are so common. I've made piece with it.

Going through the list...dargh! I forgot The IT Crowd. Might not have made it, but close.

for setting up the list on imdb, Godoggo.

edit: Dang it. World on a Wire.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I think some did. I remember adding lists and feeling really bad for people because hardly any of their shows were going to show up.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think some did. I remember adding lists and feeling really bad for people because hardly any of their shows were going to show up.

I'm pretty sure that I was one of them, but it doesn't bother me because they're still my favorite shows. The only way it would bother me if my shows didn't make the MoFo list would have been if I had voted strategically to try to have more of my shows on the final list, and they still didn't make it.

As long as I make my list using my heart instead of my head, it will never bother me if my favorites aren't everyone else's favorites.

1 Arrested Development
2 The Simpsons
3 The Colbert Report
4 Louie
5 Breaking Bad
6 The Office (US)
7 True Detective
8 Game of Thrones
9 Cheers
10 Portlandia
11 24
12 The Daily Show
13 Spongbob Squarepants
14 Frasier
15 Married… with Children
16 Parks & Recreation
17 Conan
18 The X-Files
19 The Mary Tyler Moore Show
20 Bored to Death
21 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
22 Soap
23 SNL
24 Sanford and Son
25 The Bob Newhart Show

I go back and forth between whether The Simpsons or Arrested Development is my favorite show of all time, and I guess on this day I was feeling AD. I've loved The Simpsons for as long as I can remember and it still holds up. I stopped watching after season 24 because it's unbearable now, but the first 8-10 seasons are some of the best television ever. I could've knocked it down a few spots for staying on the air too long, but I prefer to just forget the last 10 years exist.

Breaking Bad is a great great show too, but it's a little too flawed for me to consider it the best show of all time. Oh well, I can't really complain since I do love it.

Can't believe 24 didn't make it. Also I just started season 3 of Six Feet Under and I wish I had watched it sooner. I probably would've placed it around #7.

I can't believe How I Met Your Mother is not on the list it's really a shame.

Other than that, I am young and do not come from the USA so I've never heard of 90% of this list haha
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Well done Godoggo for all your hard work, you're. a star xxx

Just read through the IMDb list, really interesting. I can't believe I'm the only person who voted for Nurse Jackie - has anyone else watched it? It's really good.

Just read through the IMDb list, really interesting. I can't believe I'm the only person who voted for Nurse Jackie - has anyone else watched it? It's really good.
I've seen the first few seasons and really enjoyed it, but didn't keep up with it after that. I did consider it for my list but ultimately left it off.

Bones is another I considered but ended up cutting.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I've seen a few episodes and thought it was really good. I don't get Showtime and haven't gotten around to finding it to watch all of it yet, but I intend to. I just haven't seen enough of it to vote for it.

I've been inspired by this list to take some of my Christmas money and get a few seasons of some shows. Nurse Jackie is on that list.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I've seen the first few seasons and really enjoyed it, but didn't keep up with it after that. I did consider it for my list but ultimately left it off.

Bones is another I considered but ended up cutting.
I considered Bones as well. Ultimately, I think I like Emily Deschanel more than I do the actual show, so I cut it. I do watch it every Sunday though.

I feel about it the same way I do Sleepy Hollow. It's a nice show to have on and it's better that a lot of shows not on cable, but I'm not overly crazy about it.

I considered Bones as well. Ultimately, I think I like Emily Deschanel more than I do the actual show, so I cut it. I do watch it every Sunday though.
I like the show a lot, but I was really upset by what they did with Zack's character. Then they added insult to injury by replacing him with Daisy - who is absolutely unbearably annoying. I don't much care for Sweets either and ultimately those two characters are what made me leave it off my ballot.

I'm behind quite a ways on it though. The last episode I remember ended with Bones on the run with Christine.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I missed the whole Zack thing. I never knew what happened to him, but I don't like Daisy either.

Since I watch it in syndication most of the time I'm watching it out of order so a few characters have come and gone without me knowing why.

I missed the whole Zack thing. I never knew what happened to him, but I don't like Daisy either.

Since I watch it in syndication most of the time I'm watching it out of order so a few characters have come and gone without me knowing why.
WARNING: "Bones Spoilers" spoilers below
In season 3, it was revealed that Zack was the Gormogon killer's apprentice. The team discovers this when Zack tries to kill them with an explosive but ends up injuring himself instead. His character is then committed to a mental institution.

It was ridiculous. It didn't fit with his character at all and I didn't understand the reason for writing him out of the show. The actor that played him had no intention of leaving the show and had no idea that he'd basically been fired until he got the script for that last episode. Then in a later season, they had a really stupid episode where he escaped from the mental institution to help them solve a case.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
What? That sounds ridiculous and it doesn't fit his character.

They did a similar thing on Law & Order SVU. It felt really out of left field.

What? That sounds ridiculous and it doesn't fit his character.

They did a similar thing on Law & Order SVU. It felt really out of left field.
Yeah, it was really stupid. I liked Zack a lot, too.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
It would be nice if next time we do a list that results could be released at a more UK friendly time. Most results for this countdown have been around 3 am ish it seems so you have to wake up and scroll back through and miss most of the discussion.

This isn't a big issue and maybe it isn't possible for the person doing the list, not sure what time zone they are in but a 5-6 pm Eastern time would be 10-11 pm UK time.

Well done Godoggo on a well run list!