JayDee's Movie Musings

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"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Wow. Are these the movies scripts, or reviews .
Optimus Reviews
LATEST REVIEW Zack Snyder’s Justice League // Godzilla vs Kong
My Top 50 Favourites

"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

This review thread is terrific. Such well-written reviews - must take an age to prepare and write them all. My reviews pale into insignificance when compared to yours.

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three and Dirty Harry are two of my favourite films as well, so great taste with those!

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Hey everyone

sorry for not being about for quite along while. As I've mentioned quite a few times on here I've been feeling very poorly for much of the year. I've had stomach pains, a constant feeling of nausea, really bad heartburn and indigestion, some headaches and just a complete lack of energy. The last few weeks it's been especially bad with those symptoms just constantly about pretty much, particularly the extreme lethargy. In addition to that it's also started to have a real impact upon my mood. My mood can be fragile at the best of times and I'm just so run down and fed up of feeling this way that my mood has rather plummeted, resulting in me feeling very low. And that's the main reason why I've not really been online much of late, and why I've not been on here. I've just not felt up to posting and communicating really (no offence to any of you.)

I've had a number of blood tests and a number of medications to try without any luck. A couple of weeks back I then had an ultrasound just to check my gallbladder, liver,intestines etc. Was at the doctors today for results and unfortunately still got no answer. So the next thing that is being arranged is an endoscopy; a camera down my nose or throat into my stomach? Really not looking forward to that! Hopefully it can help to get an answer though.

Hopefully I can try and be about a bit more in the near future (and get back to posting reviews!) but no promises unfortunately.

I hope you'll get better soon, JayDee! Keep eating healthy and listen to some good, relaxing music that you like. Maybe that will at least take a tiny bit of the pain away, temporarily... Glad to hear from you!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Well, that's it for The Days of JayDee around here.

I will have to be your favorite movie reviewer now.

I was hoping that would stir JayDee into coming back.

I have this hunch that his health issues are really nothing serious. I could be wrong, but it strikes me that JayDee is just out of it emotionally and needs to center himself. Or at least take a break from here.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I was hoping that would stir JayDee into coming back.

I have this hunch that his health issues are really nothing serious. I could be wrong, but it strikes me that JayDee is just out of it emotionally and needs to center himself. Or at least take a break from here.
I think Jaydee knows how to take you by now. Otherwise we would form a MoFo mob and come and get you.

JayDee doesn't have the energy to take me right now. Don't burden him.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Thanks for keeping us updated. I was just asking about you the other day.

Have your doctors mentioned anything about Crohn's disease? If you remember me telling you about it, those are the exact symptoms my dad had.

Feel better and we miss you.

Try staying away from them dirty girls for a while.
Now, see, that's the wrong thing to say. That sounds like you're saying JayDee's been sleeping with the wrong people and is coming down with AIDS. You're turning this thread into JayDee's Buyers Club.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Typical Movie Forums response. Why did I expect anything else? I come on and open my heart about how miserable I've been feeling and what do I get? Potential diagnoses including pregnancy, AIDS and an STD from hanging around "dirty girls". Hell Sexy even seemed to be predicting my death and how he'd have to take my place!!!

Bloody typical!

Unsurprisingly it's left to Mark to be the last bastion of class around here!

Anyone thanks for all the well wishes people. I'll try and pop by over the weekend a bit more.

Oh and when I was talking about symptoms I've been suffering from I forgot about diarrhea; oh the diarrhea!!! If you want an idea of what it's been like, remember that scene from Trainspotting? You know with the drugs in the toilet?.........I'll say no more.