Michael Jackson Is Dead!!


Yeah it is..the expresion when something someone says or does is "gay"... it usually means stupid, idiotic or assinine. And that is a perfect example. lol

You would be the one to know....
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Well, actually, he explained that he wasn't serious about buying the elephant man's remains, and the story about the nose "missing" was proven to be bunk. Just thought I'd mention that.

And well, I'm out of my league here, since I don't get your "humor." Carry on!

Well, I just have a hard time believing anything Michael Jackson says/said.

I'm still not even 100% certain that MJ dying is completely true... but I think it is.

But, going back to the bizarre, I just really wish there could be some new strange Michael Jackson tabloid stories, now that he's dead. I'm sure there will be. Maybe I've already missed something like....

"Michael Jackson's spirit possesses Diana Ross' body!"


"Michael Jackson's bones will be auctioned off as chew toys for dogs! PETA's in an outrage!"

That second story would be funnier than all get out. Are Michael bones White or Black bones? Just wondering.

I hear that the LA prosecutor maybe going after Michael's doctor for Manslaughter charges...

That just seems like an even bigger joke to cap off this whole story.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Originally Posted by Powdered Water
Are Michael bones White or Black bones?
It don't matter if they're black or white!

I don't think you can have black bones, though.

Do we have any African American members here? I remember once, Yoda had said a black member was upset at the word MoFo....
this thread has derailed SO far from MJ, its almost kind of cool - he was weird, and so the fact that this thread is weird is so....apropos!

"colored" annoys me and most american blacks i know. offends? probably not so much, because the same elderly people who used to pat me on the head and call me a "colored" girl also unabashedly called my other friends "orientals" and in some particular references the hated term "japs." these dinosaurs also had terms they used for jews and catholics - in casual conversation with MIXED groups that had these people in it - so it was hard to take personal offense.

"negro" is hardly a problem - less so than "colored" even. as indicated, it actually means "black" in spanish, although you seem to believe that most blacks miss this point. (I seriously hope that was joke, and I am going to imagine that suggestion was tongue-in-cheek) many blacks often call each other "negro" in a term of historic endearment or humor.

"black" is probably the safest generic term one can use for american black people. it cuts a wide swath, and encompasses every shade and ethnic origin. It even encompasses blacks who are not american, and even africans, who are ...yknow....FROM AFRICA. very VERY few people are offended by it, and if they are, you should take note that you have indeed met your very first Militant Black Person. If girlfriend doesnt want to be called black, well then Power to the People, You Go Girl and Rah Rah Sisterhood - just dont call her "black" anymore. But it isnt something I'd stay awake nights and lose sleep over - those kind of issues are knock-down drag-out debate subjects even in black circles. youre dealing with a generally Pissed Off Person (POP) and you are not going to win that battle, so dont even try.

"african-american" is the accepted term of the day, and even I think it's tiresome, unwieldy and frankly, UNTRUE. Its like the new and hated "HISPANIC" label - unfortunately encompassing separate and distinct ethnic groups under one umbrella. where in the world do Africans from Africa fit in? to say the least of the fact that there are actually white Africans - what happens when they immigrate to America? Did they call themselves British-African? This whole paragraph could continue for days so I'll stop here.

BOTTOM LINE: I'm confident the term "Black" came from the black power movement by ancestral american blacks (i.e. former slaves and their descendants), and I think African-American did as well - though Im iffy on that at the mo. However, I think the real difference between these two labels versus the Negro/Colored labels from prior slavery/Jim Crow days is more of a culture thing. It has a lot less to do with Negro/Colored being problematic terms in and of themselves, and more to do with the fact that american blacks, freed from slavery and entering the infancy (or adolescence?) of their national ethnic consciousness, shrugged off the labels placed on them by others, and adopted one for themselves.

However wrong, unwieldy or inappropriate that new label was - it is less about the label itself, and more about a cultural identity. after 100s of years of slavery the slave was released in a land - his/her land that he/she and his/her immediate ancestors had been working for generations, and told to be or to become. Become what? Become ourselves? Who is ourselves? This is the question that plagued free slaves, because generations later, they were no longer African - they were American, with a clearly understood and distinct disinheritance/disenfranchisement from the American dream.

I honestly think this is the reason why we dislike the terms Colored/Negro - because at the time, they were seen as labels given to us by oppressors, and blacks wanted to choose their own label.

[/melodramatic romanticization]

Im confident blacks chose "black," but I do wonder who chose African-American. Im going to have to look that one up. However, you cant go wrong with black, and definitely not with A-A. And if you meet a black person who cares about black vs. african-american, it shouldnt bother you too much because you'll know youre dealing with a person that is going through an identity crisis.

...which, y'know...happens all the time to some people.

on a side note - I've always felt that I was the only black person on this forum, though of late, I have wondered about a few people. If you're black and you read this - totally PM me so I wont feel so alone!! I promise I wont out you. cmon. do it. do it do it do it DO IT!!!

My life isn't written very well.
Thank you mack tor setting me straight. I guess my motivation on the sudden change of topic here was in part due to the media's constant, and sometimes distasteful way of using any term to classify people. For instance, ever notice on the news--local stations especially--that if there's a crime and the persons white, often times they never say he's a white suspect ( I know the police use "Caucasian"), but when the suspect is a person of color, they almost always describe him by his ethnicity. This may seem trite to some, but to me there is no need to emphasize an alleged criminal by the color of his skin. And if the suspects black, well isn't that apparent already from the police sketch? If the police sketch is of a white person they almost never describe him as white because, guess what? it's apparent! I know, I know, such small things to worry about, but in the bigger picture, the media should be aware that they influence many people and they can be a part of contributing to the majority fearing the minority.
And yes, I guess I could be guilty of finding a problem where there isn't one, but as a gay man and a former journalist I'm sensitive to the influence the media has over the people.
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

I am burdened with glorious purpose

"african-american" is the accepted term of the day, and even I think it's tiresome, unwieldy and frankly, UNTRUE. Its like the new and hated "HISPANIC" label - unfortunately encompassing separate and distinct ethnic groups under one umbrella. where in the world do Africans from Africa fit in? to say the least of the fact that there are actually white Africans - what happens when they immigrate to America? Did they call themselves British-African? This whole paragraph could continue for days so I'll stop here.
Mack, I really, really appreciated this entire post, especially this paragraph. I teach a lot of black students, and I've never been comfortable calling them "african-american" because I didn't think it was an appropriate label for everyone. I felt it was a tad bit too "politically correct" for my taste.

In other news, I learned a bit about two posters here: one is female and black; the other is gay. Cool.

And yes, I guess I could be guilty of finding a problem where there isn't one, but as a gay man and a former journalist I'm sensitive to the influence the media has over the people.
oh hey, reporter, I wouldnt suggest that you're guilty of finding a problem where there isnt one at all. in fact, its refreshing that other people admit the media bias. i started reading newspapers when I was 9yrs old (i guess they looked interesting when I was rolling them up to pass them), and even then was struck by the fact that black murderers or menaces to society were splashed across the front pages of every major city newspaper (Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times), WITH A PICTURE - yet when there was a story of a white person who was of a similar menace (or even greater, i.e. serial killer, child rapist, etc.), their heinous crime story would appear about 8-15 pages into the paper - middle to back pages where studies prove that most readers won't even turn. Oh, and with the white criminals in those days, there was NEVER a picture, so one could never put a face to evil of white criminality.

Beyond that, what would really turn my ire, was the consistent posting of black minors names and pictures on the front pages of the paper. It got to a point where I started to believe there was a different standard when it came to the privacy rights of black minors vis a vis white minors. Indeed, with white minors, there was always the byline that due to the age of the perp, the name could not be shared - one didnt even expect to see a picture of all things! Such racism was par for the course, however - what alarmed me more so, was the fact that it got to a point that all black minors even mentioned were being prosecuted as adults (even 6-8 year olds) because ...yknow....those black kids have adult mentalities - lock 'em up!

I digress. You get my point. You and tramp may find this funny, but I actually went into print Journalism in undergrad with the view of being an investigative journalist, but after a series of unpleasant experiences (I defined them as "racist" at that time) with the head of the print program - I switched to broadcast journalism in radio. the head of that program, at least, actually worked on the air in the tight Chicago market. Its the first time I fully appreciated the adage: Those that can't, teach. Those that can, do. Suffice to say, I went on to be mentored by a guy who was on-air every day in Chicago, and graduated highly successful black broadcast journalists, and the head of the print program ended up stepping down in later years to do massage therapy. My sister went for a year or so to the school and focused in TV journalism and ran into the same problem with the guy who headed that program, who was also the Dean of the entire journalism school. To this day, I'm not sure that school has graduated a black print or TV journalist.

I would like to suggest that I'm being bitter and over-sensationalizing. Unfortunately, I'm not - the head of our program even alluded to the fact that the politics of our journalism dept were inappropriate, and I found that he finally left the school a few years after I graduated. I know of no other wildly successful journalism alumni other than those I graduated with - in the broadcast program. Nor were the only people who graduated and were successful black or minority.

I guess I said all that to say that the tv and print journalism culture of 10-15 years ago, at least in my area, was very very racist and hard to break into. The field itself is hard to break into as a whole regardless of any other issues. Could I have pressed the issue and fought it? Probably. But I was 15, and in those days often took the path of least resistance. If I was going to fight anything, I wouldve fought to do what I had really wanted to do, which was to be a commercial pilot - however, I had gone to one of the schools offering Aviation as degree program, and in the informational session, the Dean of the Aviation program systematically talked to each and every parent and prospective student in attendance, EXCEPT me and my father. My dad eventually made him talk to us, but by that time I was so outraged and humiliated that I was done with Aviation. In retrospect, I realized that I gave them exactly what they wanted, which was for me to just go away - but I didnt have that fight in me. (I guess my little sister did, because she then went to a mostly boys school in MA, and is now highly coveted and one the only black female marine engineers I know. But she did go through the ringer to get it.) So yeah. In a school where almost every black student, to the man or woman, was being steered into Social Work or those what I call "easy" degrees, I was satisfied enough to do something I was good at - and I was very good at being a jockey.

It's not something that makes me bitter - a person's life takes many turns, and many opportunities appear and disappear, but Im pretty happy where I ended up.

All told - and beyond racism - I didnt buy that false claim to journalistic objectivity then, and I still dont buy it. Journalism was never objective, and it never will be. Anyone who truly understands persuasive writing should get that - real persuasion is to be able to persuade someone and all the while they have no idea that they are being steered. Beside the fact that the newspaper itself (if it truly is the "pinnacle" of real news as you suggest) has been dumbed down to a 8th Grade level across the board, most newspapers have a slant. The Tribune has Republican. The Sun-Times is Democratic. And apparently, the Wall Street Journal (or Washington Post - I cant remember which one had the article I read) is Republican as well.

However, having seen the blatant racism of a decade or two ago - comparatively speaking, I would say journalism of today has made leaps and bounds in sensitivity, but, as indicated, has seriously dumbed down as well.

Are we there yet? Absolutely not. Getting there? Hopefully. And you're right, we have a long way to go.

EDIT: Apparently I'm all alone, thought that cant be the case, because I'm not the one who cared about "MoFo"

My life isn't written very well.
I wish more people thought as you do mack. You know, I think of Dave Chapelle and what he did with his show. I remember him doing a "Real World" skit where there was one white guy in a house full of black people instead of the other way around. To truly understand the influence of the media on the American people, one needs only to "get" that sketch.

And as for MJ's death--The media portrayed him as a crazy white person wannabe. While Elvis remains a saint. It seems hard to convince people Elvis was just as "crazy" as Michael Jackson was.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Mack, I missed that last post of yours when you posted it. Once again, I really appreciate your views on journalism and racism.

Anyway, with regard to the story that never wants to die, it seems Dr. Murray will probably have charges filed against him and this story won't die for a while. In a way, I feel even more frustrated because it seems Michael just can't rest in peace.


Michael Jackson’s personal physician left the performer alone and under the influence of a powerful anesthetic to make telephone calls the morning the pop singer died, according to three people familiar with the investigation.
By the time he returned, Jackson had stopped breathing, the sources said.
Dr. Conrad Murray, identified in court records as a suspect in a police manslaughter investigation, legally acquired the operating room drug, propofol, from a Las Vegas pharmacy and gave it to Jackson as treatment for insomnia, said the sources, who spoke on the condition that they not be named because the investigation is ongoing.
If he really left Michael to make some phone calls, I'm pretty speechless as to how stupid that was.

Originally Posted by mack
on a side note - I've always felt that I was the only black person on this forum, though of late, I have wondered about a few people. If you're black and you read this - totally PM me so I wont feel so alone!! I promise I wont out you. cmon. do it. do it do it do it DO IT!!!
Ooooooohhhhhh!!!!! *hits chair arms excitedly* This makes me wanna be black! I've never seen such an enthusiastic call for a PM. Girlfriend, I wish I could send you an "I'm black" PM, but I can't! I can send you an "I'm gay" PM, though. NOT saying it's the same thing!

By the way, the term "hispanic" is bad? What is a good thing to say? I don't know which particular country they came from. What about "latino" and "latina"?

Ooooooohhhhhh!!!!! *hits chair arms excitedly* This makes me wanna be black! I've never seen such an enthusiastic call for a PM. Girlfriend, I wish I could send you an "I'm black" PM, but I can't! I can send you an "I'm gay" PM, though. NOT saying it's the same thing!

By the way, the term "hispanic" is bad? What is a good thing to say? I don't know which particular country they came from. What about "latino" and "latina"?
That's a great post, SC. Firstly, some kind of "What PM Could You Send?" thread should be started.

Secondly, I'm not sure what term is right or correct, but guessing "Oi! Pedro!" won't go down well.

@ Sexy. good god. that was THE most hilarious post i've read tonite. and i totally walked into that - consider it my fledging attempt at levity after traversing so serious a subject.

*looks over rim of glasses at Sexy*

but lets talk about YOU. somebody ate their Wheaties - dude, you are in rare form!

What's happened to this thread??? It's as dead as Michael Jackson.

So, Michael Jackson apparently is gonna be buried at the end of this month. HELLO?! He died two months ago! That is one lazy corpse! Dead Michael Jackson, YOU BETTA WORK (YOUR WAY INTO THE GROUND).

I am so sick of the rumors about who fathered his children. Just today I heard about some new guy who said he may be the father of Michael Jackson's children.

UM... EXCUSE ME?! Is this F'ed up or what? Shouldn't MICHAEL JACKSON be the father of those kids?!

This is all annoying me. I am so sick of Michael Jackson right now. If he wasn't already dead, I'd kill him!

I also heard that a movie featuring footage from the concert rehearsals is due out in theatres around Halloween.

I read somewhere.. I cant find the article now.. that The Jacksons don't have the money for the burial. They have been smooching over Michael for money when he was alive, now that he is gone they are in dire straits. Which I find to be B.S.

Instead of parading over the public about his death and going on talk shows, just bury the guy peacefully, quietly and privately away from the public eye. Do it when noone is watching and get it over with.

He's freakin dead.. bury him already