favorite theatrical releases of 07


07' for me, was a DAMN good year for movies...there was so much variety, so many different movies that I really enjoyed..in this list, I will post my favorites of 07. youre more than welcome to do the same
I used this website http://www.wildaboutmovies.com/movie...2008Oscars.php to refresh my memory of some of the movies that came out in 07
Smokin' Aces- January (3rd favorite movie of 07..i still watch it on dvd)
300- March (How can one NOT like this movie? visually awesome and lots of action)
Black Snake Moan- March (Very original movie, great performance by Jackson)
Wild Hogs- March (probably my "suprise of the year" award to this movie)
Shooter- March (had a lil bit of a left wing fallout, but very entertaining!)
Reign over me- march (movie also was better than I thought..real sad, too)
Grindhouse- Aprile (The machete trailer was the most ingenious idea ever!)
Slow Burn-April (confused the **** outta me so bad to where I enjoyed it)
Hot Fuzz- April (I love this duo and their movies..aboslutely hilarious)
Fracture- April (Very good Thriller of a movie..)
Ratatouille- June (an extremely original and inventive movie for both kids and adults)
Knocked Up- June (one of the funniest movies of the year)
1408- June (great performance by cusac, reminds me of a bad dream)
Transformers- July (this is how CG should be used..extremely visually stimulating)
rescue dawn- July (another great performance by Bale and Zahn, very sad movie)
Sunshine- July (one of the greatest movies in 07 that nobody knows about tied for #2)
The Bourne Ultimatum- August (This movie cannot be denied, its badass)
Superbad- August (wins my award as funniest movie in 07)
3:10 to Yuma-September (One of the greater Westerns and acting performances of 07)
Shoot Em up- September- (just plain fun and unrealistic. Everything I loved in this movie!)
Eastern Promises- September-(Made you almost wanna be Russian for a day)
The Kingdom- September (Tied with #1 movie of the year)
Gone Baby Gone- October (triple way tie with #1 movie of the year)
American Gangster- November (tied for#2 on favorite movies of 07)
No Country For Old Men-November (Tied for #1 movie of the year)
The Mist- November (#4 movie of the year...ending was INSANE)
I Am Legend- December (easily a favorite for me..incredible acting by Smith)
Dewey Cox: walk hard- December (Tim Meadows made the movie funny)
yet to see....
the Golden Compass
Atonement (heard it was incredible....well see)
National Treasure 2
Sweeney Todd
AVP2 (probably will be a train wreck...but we all love to see train wrecks for curiosity, yes?)
The Great Debators
The Bucket List (Jack and Freeman together? thats badass!)
Charlie Wilsons War (any political junkie should see this)
There Will Be Blood (I heard nothing but great things about this weird movie)

Here's everything I saw this year with rough ratings. I'm still thinking about an actual ranking and none of this is set in stone yet.

American Gangster

Away From Her

Beowulf 3-D

The Bourne Ultimatum


Fay Grim

Hot Fuzz

Into the Wild

Knocked Up

Lust, Caution

Meet the Robinsons in 3-D


No Country for Old Men

Ocean's 13

Pirates of the Carribean 3


Rush Hour 3


Spider Man 3



Surf's Up




Like the Mist up to the ending...read the novella if you want to see how the movie was suppose to end...theatrical ending ruined movie for me.

Welcome to the human race...
I don't really watch too many new releases, and I still have to see No Country for Old Men, but my ratings this year would be...

Hot Fuzz


Knocked Up




Pirates 3


This is off the top of my head, I may have seen more but it's not likely.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Aye boy don't spit in my drink!
I picked the perfect year to start hitting up the theaters on a more than regular basis because 2007 was a fantastic year to be a cinephile!

1. Michael Clayton
2. Zodiac
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
4. Juno
5. No Country for Old Men
6. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
7. Eastern Promises
8. Into the Wild
9. There Will Be Blood

10. Gone Baby Gone

This list is bound to change every day because I enjoyed all of them so much.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I saw hardly any films at the cinema this year - instead doing some much needed catching up with old films. So this is a very incomplete list, but this is what I saw:

Sunshine 4.5/5 Easily the best film of the year. Tense sci fi thriller.

The Counterfeiters 4/5 Another tense thriller. Good film.

Stardust 4/5 I really liked this film, which surprised me. Cute.

Hot Fuzz 3/5 Fun, in a camp sort of way, but a bit disappointing.

This is England 2.5/5 The most overrated film of the year. Patchy and uneven.

The Simpsons 2.5/5 Like a stretched out episode. But not as good.

The Good German 2/5 A limp pastiche of 40s war films. Stylish, but difficult to take seriously.

I am not sure whether to include Lust, Caution which I saw last night. It only came out here on Friday, but it seems that it was released last year from others lists. If it qualifies for last year, it gets 4/5 and edges The Counterfeiters into third place.

tomatosquash's Avatar
the world's entertainment source
Hot Fuzz
I am Legend

They're the ones for me this year!

Wow , it's funny to see which users enjoyed Transformers more than Hot Fuzz.

anyway - 2007 has been the best year for film ever

Black Snake Moan



The Hoax

Aqua Teen Movie

Hot Fuzz

Spiderman 3

Knocked Up

Evan Almighty

Ratatouille (going to be viewed again soon)


The Simpsons Movie

Rush Hour 3


King of Kong : Fistfull of Quarters

Darjeeling Limited

American Gangster

No Country for Old Men

Southland Tales

Sweeney Todd


haven't seen it yet but i can only predict

There Will Be Blood

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
oh yeah and the marvelous visuall update

Blade Runner : The Final Cut
I didn't realise this had been released theatrically...that would be cool to see on the big screen.

I really enjoyed superbad,jonah hill is a god when it comes to comedy. eastern promises was the best film of 2007

A system of cells interlinked
Blade Runner : Final Cut
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Aye boy don't spit in my drink!
Here are all the movies I saw that were released theatrically in '07. I think I did pretty good.

3:10 to Yuma
28 Weeks Later
Across the Universe
American Gangster
Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The
Black Snake Moan
Blade Runner: The Final Cut
Blades of Glory
Bourne Ultimatum, The
Brave One, The
Charlie Wilson’s War
Darjeeling Limited, The
Day Watch
Eastern Promises
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Gone Baby Gone
Great Debaters, The
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Host, The
Hot Fuzz
I Am Legend
In the Valley of Elah
Into the Wild
Kingdom, The
King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
Knocked Up
Lars and the Real Girl
Live Free or Die Hard
Lookout, The
Meet the Robinsons
Michael Clayton
My Kid Could Paint That
No Country for Old Men
Paris Je T’aime
Rocket Science
Savages, The
Seraphim Falls
Shoot ‘Em Up
Simpsons Movie, The
Smokin’ Aces
Spider-Man 3
Surf’s Up
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Tekkon Kinkreet
There Will Be Blood
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
We Own the Night
Wristcutters: A Love Story