Movies you are afraid of


Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
You guys have lost the idea of this thread. The idea is...are there any movies that freak you out just thinking about watching them. Think Arachnaphobia if you're scared to death of spiders. saw a second or two of a movie when you were a little kid and it freaked you out so much you've never even attempted to watch it as an adult.
Hmm... can't really think of any movies. Maybe I'm a bit scared to watch The Ring because, maybe, deep down in my subconscious, I'm a bit afraid that if I watch the movie, I might die a week later! Anyway, I haven't seen it so far... mainly, I think, because what I'm really afraid of is wasting the time watching that crap! That's what scares me the most about a number of movies, like, for example, Fear dot com--wasting 2 hours watching trash like that!

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
You guys have lost the idea of this thread. The idea is...are there any movies that freak you out just thinking about watching them. Think Arachnaphobia if you're scared to death of spiders. saw a second or two of a movie when you were a little kid and it freaked you out so much you've never even attempted to watch it as an adult.

This is not a list thread for scary movies or movies that scared you while viewing them.
Alright then. I just joined this thread is all and noticed that most people before me were posting movies that scared them when they watched it and given the name of the thread, I thought I was posting correctly. so my apologies. What my post was meaning was basically that -- I saw night of the living dead. I didn't watch the whole thing because of my fear of death. I have not watched it since then. I refuse to watch any of the night of the living dead movies. I watched it up to the point where they started walking around. -- I don't know guess I just won't post in this thread.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by darkhorse
I'm a bit scared to watch The Ring because, maybe, deep down in my subconscious, I'm a bit afraid that if I watch the movie, I might die a week later!
believe me, i did see it in the hope that it may end this miserable existence in an interesting way... it didn't!
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

Originally Posted by chicagofrog
believe me, i did see it in the hope that it may end this miserable existence in an interesting way... it didn't!
Hey, man, you really need to read The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale! You can find it at your local bookstore!

Originally Posted by StormSiren
I just joined this thread is all and noticed that most people before me... my apologies.

...guess I just won't post in this thread.
There is absolutely no reason to apologize or stop posting. No one was bitching anybody out. I was just trying to get this thread back on track...that's what us 'mods' do...sometimes.

_fearandloathing_'s Avatar
Registered User
Both the Ring and the Excorsist still scare the sh*t outta me even though I've seen them soooo many times, I think they'll always scare me. Scariest scene in the ring: when girl comes out of the tv. Scariest scene in the excorsist: when books and stuff are flying around the room and her head does a 360.

For years I was afraid of Don't Look Now, having watched it underage at the cinema. My mate and I had to phone my mum to come and walk us home, we'd got so freaked out. I resisted visting Venice until a couple of years ago when I was talked into it. It was exactly like in the film and believe me I never went out after dark on me own. Brilliant place though.

Registered User
Night Of the living Dead, don't know why lol

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
For years I was terrified of seeing A Clockwork Orange but then I saw it on video and it wasn't that bad so I watched a lot of films I was scared to watch before, like Hellraiser (which turned out to be rubbish anyway).

With really scary films I have to find out what happens first, no alarms and no surprises

I'm scared of the Film Sexy Beast. I watched it once while under the influence of something decidedly other. I now have ingrained on my memory what it is like to see lovejoy being bummed while off my face.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Originally Posted by squeezyrider
I'm scared of the Film Sexy Beast. I watched it once while under the influence of something decidedly other. I now have ingrained on my memory what it is like to see lovejoy being bummed while off my face.

O-k!! Now I'm scared of it too....

The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by squeezyrider
I now have ingrained on my memory what it is like to see lovejoy being bummed while off my face.
heh, never thought of it quite in those terms...

I was more concerned by Ghandi calling someone a ****ing ****!
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Originally Posted by Tacitus
heh, never thought of it quite in those terms...

I was more concerned by Ghandi calling someone a ****ing ****!
He really is a terrifying character in that movie it's one of those performances that keeps you on edge all the time.

Registered User
Midnight Express....a very chilling film. I still remember the look on my mates older brothers face as he said "you are to never watch this". I now understand what he meant.

Ju-on, The Eye

Movie Forums Member
Hmm, I'd have to say I am afraid of Saw not because it being a horror film, but because the acting was so horrifying that it hurts. Dudley Dooright is probably the worst movie I've ever seen and would rather get my teeth pulled than watch it again.

ok...first post and new to the fourum....but the scariest movie is Black Hawk Down....only because i was there.....
behind the scenes you would know how are gov. let us down.....didnt know who was shooting at you....very uneasy a town that you dont firing weapons at you....etc.

Can we try with real bullets now?
My cousin made me watch Child's Play when I was in kindergarten and I got nightmares for about four years. Of course I'm fine now, but I spent most of my elementary school years with my sheets over my head
Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?

I am afraid of ghosts, so Poltergeist scared me. I will not watch ghost movies. And I especially will not watch any documentaries or TV shows about ghosts.