Next countdown vote (May '24)


What should our next countdown be?
28 votes
24 votes
Decade Refresh (likely 90s)
9 votes
15 votes
13 votes
Other (write-in/specify in thread)
55 votes. You may not vote on this poll

I didn’t vote for either musicals or 90s because I’m not enthusiastic about either of them, but if I could put my vote behind one it would be 90s. I will definitely vote in a 90s countdown, but whether I vote in a musicals one depends on the voting parameters.

Also, I’d rather wait until next year to do a musicals countdown, on the off chance that I really like Joker 2 and want to vote for it.

Yoda, just overrule the voting process and add 20 votes to Sports and then immediately end the vote. Let's do sports!

"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

I wish you would consider voting for Musicals if you personally prefer that over the 90s Redux. The poor fans of a Musical countdown have had to endure alot of negativity and have been coming in second place or very close to it for over a year and sure could use some help right about now.
Okay. The underdog nature of all that appealed to me. Voted.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Joker 2 is a musical. Who would have thought.
I know, I keep forgetting. Makes my reluctance full blown pessimism. That trailer is really bad too. I will still see it of course.

I know, I keep forgetting. Makes my reluctance full blown pessimism. That trailer is really bad too. I will still see it of course.
I have never forgotten that it's a musical. Weird that you think the trailer is bad. I think it's quite good. I was very pessimistic about the movie, but the trailer gave me a tiny bit of hope that I might actually like it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I have never forgotten that it's a musical. Weird that you think the trailer is bad. I think it's quite good. I was very pessimistic about the movie, but the trailer gave me a tiny bit of hope that I might actually like it.
It just felt like so many call backs to the first one. I am kind of nostalgia burnt out. Plus I am over Harley Quinn, but that’s probably just a result of despising Suicide Squad. Everything except Phoenix just screams miss, but Phoenix is usually enough to put my butt in the seat.

It just felt like so many call backs to the first one. I am kind of nostalgia burnt out. Plus I am over Harley Quinn, but that’s probably just a result of despising Suicide Squad. Everything except Phoenix just screams miss, but Phoenix is usually enough to put my butt in the seat.
I never saw Suicide Squad. I generally avoid anything superhero related that isn't Pixar and doesn't star Joaquin Phoenix so I never had any interest in it. I'm sure Gaga's Harley will be a different take on the character than Robbie's anyway.

Part of my thought process right now is that Musicals fans have been waiting for this, so I imagine even taking second and being all-but-promised the right to go next would probably leave them pretty happy, regardless.

I already have a solid top 10, so I'd definitely need your helps with filling it up throughout the group watch thread, assuming musicals win.

Are film operas considered musicals?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

If musicals win, 90's refresh should be the next countdown after it, imo. I don't mind if Musicals win this one, might as well have it the next countdown so we can get one of my least favorite movie genres out of the way.
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This Summer is European Football Championship and Olympics as well as Annual Big Brother US season. Watching these will have significant amount of my attention. So you can have your Musicals Countdown meanwhile.