What Was Your First Job Ever?


But why would emperors drink from lead cups? I'm sure all their dishes and cutlery were probably solid gold or silver.
Which begs the question, WHAT DID THE EMPERORS EAT?

Well, one nutter, the Emperor Heliogabalus, once served 600 ostrich heads at a banquet. (Guess he didn't like buffalo wings.) while Cleopatra liked camels' heels and dor-mice sprinkled with honey and poppy seed. (Yeah, MICE, like in vermin with tails.)
Pigsnie, Vicar of Fries!

My first job was at a pastry shoppe when I was 15. The owners were German, unfortunatly I took Spanish in school. Didn't understand what they were saying to me half the time,but it was a good job and I got paid $6.00 and hour. That was the first time I ever met a mortician too. He came in to order a casket cake, he was a strange little fellow...he went to shake my hand after placing the order, but I just couldn't bring myself to shake his hand back, even after he told me his hands were cleaner than a surgeon's. Atleast he had a good enough sense of humor not to be offended.

Pigsnie, I would have loved to have had your first job though...all the things I could have read and seen.

My first job was as being a bus boy in a restaurant. Because this position involved receiving tips, I think I was paid something like $1.35 an hour. :rolleyes

My first job after college was being a manager at a Burger King. Believe it or not, that job paid more money than most of my classmates' entry level position.

Since then, I have worked as (not necessarily in this order): :cool:
1. Financial Advisor (with all the licenses, etc.)
2. Customer Service Call Center Rep, then manager.
3. Drug Abuse Counselor.
4. Executive Assistant (i.e. high-level secretary)
5. Human Resources Specialist
6. Human Resources Generalist
7. Marketing Associate in the International Division of one
of the largest publishers in the world.
9. Bartender :D
10. Waiter
11. Telemarketer
12. Corporate Trainer
13. Pharmacist Assistant
14. Personal Trainer (certified)

Right now, I am still with the publishing company. They hired me because of the diversity of my background ... little do they realize my background is "diverse" because I don't know what I want to do when I grow up. After all, I am only 40 -- what's the rush?

Registered User
What was your major in college--- you got into every kind of job!!!! Wow!
Blonde Klingons: Because it was a good day to dye!

Holding the dogs leash while Pigsnie went into a drugstore to buy dirty magazines. He gave me 25 cents because I was only 7. I think he didnt pay me enough and he wouldnt even let me see any pictures.
God save Freddie Mercury!

MovieForums Extra
But why would emperors drink from lead cups? I'm sure all their dishes and cutlery were probably solid gold or silver. Which begs the question, WHAT DID THE EMPERORS EAT?
Even gold and silver would dissolve, especially from all the wine they drank! Whatever they ate, it was probably all the best quality food, all taste-tested as well! Wouldn't mind having a go at peeled grapes

Black Holes Suck!

Mother! Oh, God! Mother! Blood!
I'll rekindle this thread:




NEW (as of 1/24/05): Quick Reviews #10


Mark...I didn't know you were capable of being so dirty.

My worst job was cleaning stalls in a porno shop. *shudder*
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

The worst job I ever had involved cleaning grease traps on stoves in a restaurant... NASTY! To this day I still can't smell grease without throwing up.

As for my first job, I was a racker in my dad's factor. Basically I stood there all day and picked up mirror mounts (the part of your rearview mirror that mounts on the glass) and placed them on racks to be painted... Was not very stimulating.
Toefuzz.com - Movie reviews and quotes for those of us fortunate enough to not have our heads shoved up overly critical rectums!

My Top 100 favorite movies.

My life isn't written very well.
This is a great thread, why did it die?

My first job ever was cleaning up behind you folks that thought leaving your empty candy wrappers and popcorn tubs on the floor of the theater was OK. They called me an usher, but I was really a janitor that used a hand-held carpet cleaner to clean the floors of the theater. I LOVED IT! That was about 20 years ago!
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

I worked at UPS had to quit because of school. it was a nice job

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
My first job where I got a paycheck was at my parents' restaurant. I was a cashier during the slow times (I was 12) and I had to stand on an overturned milk crate to see the cash register keys.

My first non-family job was waitressing at a chicken dinner restaraunt. I grew up in Barberton, Ohio.... (Chicken Dinner Capitol of the World!) and that's what most girls my age did as a first job.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

The People's Republic of Clogher
My first 'proper' (ie after I'd left school) job was as a care worker for adults with learning difficulties which I did for 18 months.

Great job/crap money - such is life....
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
This is a great thread, why did it die?

My first job ever was cleaning up behind you folks that thought leaving your empty candy wrappers and popcorn tubs on the floor of the theater was OK. They called me an usher, but I was really a janitor that used a hand-held carpet cleaner to clean the floors of the theater. I LOVED IT! That was about 20 years ago!

I used a leaf blower more then a hand held...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Originally Posted by Yoda
Seriously, though, it's a very profitable profession. I could recommend a few tutorials to get you started and such. A certified Java programmer makes $80,000 a year on average these days.
please do, i need a better proffesion to fund all the expensive hobbies

My first job was..........shop assistant at a Beach Kiosk
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Lets put a smile on that block
Fish and Chip shop. I got a bit fat though...

"One for me, one for you, one for me, one for you..."
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!