If there is a MULTIVERSE...


You do remember, when the same people of "experts" claimed our world is flat?

Now this is exactly not the case since multiverse theories state the exact opposite, having absolutely nothing to do with religion. I am afraid you are seeing the multiverse in a complete wrong light
Just to clarify (not that this was directed at me), he wasn't saying it had a connection to religion, he was saying it shared a similarity in that both are ultimately faith-based rather than empirical.

You ready? You look ready.

HERE is a great article that hits the high points.

Modern neuroscience has caught up to what Eastern philosophy has been saying for awhile. We suffer because we have this all encompassing idea that our self is immutable when the person we are today is largely unrecognizable to who we think we were yesterday; and even more so who we thought we were years ago.

Rational thought is still in its infancy when compared to how long things have existed. And only of late have we mapped out the processes of the brain to a degree that we can actually mostly confirm that Eastern philosophy is mostly right about what we think of as our self.

Of course, I was an idiot and primarily studied Western philosophy in college, which I see now was largely a waste of my time and a great source of pain for me. So if I could do it all over again I would have studied Eastern philosophy.

So anecdotally, my self wants to go back and kick my self’s ass.

And physics?! Man, I can barely count my toes.

If there are lots of multiverses where you exist........ There are presumably also lots of multiverses where you have died / don't exist. Or never became a human. Just a word of caution - I'd be wary about swapping into one of them. It could be like the reverse of how Quantum Leap ended.

A system of cells interlinked
Re: the Hitler stuff.

There was a piece of fiction years ago in which a time traveler went back in time to kill Hitler when he was a baby. This traveler wrestled with the morality of the evil act of killing an infant, but ultimately did the deed. The baby's nanny, when discovering the baby was missing, went out in the night and kidnapped a nearby family's infant, replacing the missing baby under her care. This child grew up the be Adolf Hitler.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Re: the Hitler stuff.

There was a piece of fiction years ago in which a time traveler went back in time to kill Hitler when he was a baby. This traveler wrestled with the morality of the evil act of killing an infant, but ultimately did the deed. The baby's nanny, when discovering the baby was missing, went out in the night and kidnapped a nearby family's infant, replacing the missing baby under her care. This child grew up the be Adolf Hitler.
Gotta keep in mind to kill all babies in town next time I want to do this. This way Hitler won't come to power! Hurray!

EDIT: Dammit. In this scenario, the nanny would become a she-Hitler!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Now this is exactly not the case since multiverse theories state the exact opposite, having absolutely nothing to do with religion. I am afraid you are seeing the multiverse in a complete wrong light and this may be because...
You misunderstood me. I was not endorsing or espousing religious views or ideas. I was comparing the means by which one believes in religion or the multiverse.

One can not prove or disprove religious belief through empirical means...leaving one to believe a religious idea solely on faith. Same with the multiverse, one's belief in it can not be proven by any empirical means so one's belief in a multiverse is a case of *faith.
*Faith doesn't mean religious faith in this case.

Gotta keep in mind to kill all babies in town next time I want to do this. This way Hitler won't come to power! Hurray!

EDIT: Dammit. In this scenario, the nanny would become a she-Hitler!
Herod the Great tried that tactic: having all male children under the age of 2 killed in and within the vicinity of Bethlehem... still didn't work.

Herod the Great tried that tactic: having all male children under the age of 2 killed in and within the vicinity of Bethlehem... still didn't work.
Hell, we have to invade Egypt now.

Herod the Great tried that tactic: having all male children under the age of 2 killed in and within the vicinity of Bethlehem.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume he named himself that.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
It's called a joke. Don't mistake that for me having the slightest concern what you do today.
Thanks for clearing that up, now i know you do have at least some slight concern, otherwise you wouldn´t even bother to explain.

Re: the Hitler stuff.

There was a piece of fiction years ago in which a time traveler went back in time to kill Hitler when he was a baby. This traveler wrestled with the morality of the evil act of killing an infant, but ultimately did the deed. The baby's nanny, when discovering the baby was missing, went out in the night and kidnapped a nearby family's infant, replacing the missing baby under her care. This child grew up the be Adolf Hitler.
So could this even be possible, if it was real? I don´t think so and that is because of the butterfly effect.

That also makes me think of THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL where Nazis try to bring back the original Adolf Hitler. So they cloned him several times and put him into families all over the world, where they make sure to raise him the same way as the original Hitler has been raised.

So in this story, chances are high that this Hitler-Clone probably doesn´t evolve into a similar (let alone identical) person as the original Adolf Hitler, and the characters in that story are aware of this.

A system of cells interlinked
Thanks for clearing that up, now i know you do have at least some slight concern, otherwise you wouldn´t even bother to explain.

So could this even be possible, if it was real? I don´t think so and that is because of the butterfly effect.

That also makes me think of THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL where Nazis try to bring back the original Adolf Hitler. So they cloned him several times and put him into families all over the world, where they make sure to raise him the same way as the original Hitler has been raised.

So in this story, chances are high that this Hitler-Clone probably doesn´t evolve into a similar (let alone identical) person as the original Adolf Hitler, and the characters in that story are aware of this.
The point was that the original baby wouldn't have turned into the dictator, and would have been an entirely different person, while the kidnapped baby was destined to become the dictator. In other words, the dictator's history always included a time traveler showing up, kidnapping him as a baby, and placing him in the care of the Hitler family. As for wondering if it would really happen - it's science fiction.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
The point was that the original baby wouldn't have turned into the dictator, and would have been an entirely different person, while the kidnapped baby was destined to become the dictator.
No. Wrong. Terribly wrong.

The original baby actually was the original real Adolf Hitler, also turning into the real original one.

Those time-traveler dorks just thought they switch the original baby with the kidnapped one, when in fact a (evil) earlier time-traveler switched the original one with the soon-to-be-kidnapped one, because he knew the (good) time-traveler will come to switch them.

Are we even talking one and the same timeline or did the time-travelers opened up multiple paths of timelines?

Ok, i shut up already!

As for wondering if it would really happen - it's science fiction.
As far as i remember, physicists and philosophers tend to discuss exactly things like this and it´s not having to do with science fiction stories. So one of the most discussed theories are, what an effect it would have, if someone eliminates Hitler or what would have happened, if there wouldn´t have been WWII.

A system of cells interlinked
What I mean was... this particular story was a piece of science fiction...a new Twilight Zone or perhaps an Outer Limits when they tried to reboot that - I forget exactly which series it was. In that story, it played out as I laid out above.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
What I mean was... this particular story was a piece of science fiction...a new Twilight Zone or perhaps an Outer Limits when they tried to reboot that - I forget exactly which series it was. In that story, it played out as I laid out above.
I love sci-fi stories and i just remember there was a "Baby Hitler" Story in this series!

There are 2 seasons of METAL HURLANT CHRONICLES and i think the episode was in the 2nd season, i just don´t remember how it ended and if it was that story you told here.

I loved this series and it´s a tragic shame, it only got 2 seasons.

I'm pleased to see people are here to cover for me when I'm not around.

As for multiverse? I don't know, like, stuff and things, I guess?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
I don't believe in the multiverse
I know why you do and what you´re afraid of!