Foreign countdown's done: what's next?


What should our next countdown be?
35 votes
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7 votes
Something else (specify in thread)
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I've seen Shame, and yes it's 100% a war film. But my point is, there's no problems, only solutions to be found I'm sure any of the genre countdowns can be done with an enthused host and a little brain power.
Definitely. I'd go for War, but I also like the idea of 'unseen gems'. Films that have been rated on IMDB fewer than 1,000 times etc. Don't think we've done that before.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Films that have been rated on IMDB fewer than 1,000 times etc. Don't think we've done that before.
That's a good idea too. I like it as it exposes people to seldom seen movies 'hidden gems'.

Someone had the idea to have a countdown of movies that weren't on previous countdowns, seems like that idea might have been @Siddon ?
It's an interesting idea too.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
My two cents is if you get too specific too few people join for it to be a good countdown. Even with certain genres it gets too watered down.

I'll second what sean said: there's lots of stuff I'd personally enjoy a lot, except that very few people would be involved and I'd enjoy it less. Participation level needs to be, if not the first consideration, probably a close second.

Trouble with a capital "T"
My two cents is if you get too specific too few people join for it to be a good countdown. Even with certain genres it gets too watered down.
That's true. Though we did pull of both Directed By Women and Silent Era countdowns and there were people who said we couldn't do it. Pre 1900s? I'm sure Raul was joking but that's one that wouldn't work IMO (though I like the idea.)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I liked the idea of a Comedy countdown with the idea that there's no limit on the type of movies people can include on their voting list, they can call anything a comedy if they want. That would make for some fun results! And be easier on the host as any movie goes if it gets enough points to make the countdown. That was @gbgoodies idea actually.

For war films, I'm generally pretty loose when it comes to defining what meets the definition. Saving Private Ryan is a war film, Casablanca is a non-combat war film, and Shoah is a documentary about war. They all count in my books, but I'll see what the rest of you decide.

A musical list might be a bit hard for me to assemble, but I'm sure I could do it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...A musical list might be a bit hard for me to assemble, but I'm sure I could do it.
You could do it! Join a Musical HoF or two, I've hosted one before and it was a blast and I'd be up to host another. Also challenge yourself to watch a bunch of musicals and you'd be set.

So, would a film with a couple of songs (Mel Brooks for example) be classified as a musical?
Asking for a friend...
Is your friend named Mel

seconding this. also something like All That Jazz wouldn't count right?
Seems like it sure should. But up to the host and what criteria they use

Maybe we should try to do a Top 100 List Suggestions list next?
We could then just work our way down it in order to decide what lists we were doing

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