The Matrix: Resurrections


Neo's powers reduced to deflecting projectiles with "jazz hands" while riding on the back of a motorcycle.

Who will stop the burgle?
Things being...sequels to sci-fi flicks? if so, I can think of several more that worked pretty well...
Sorry I didn’t list all the sequels that worked. I’ll link my Excel the next time 🙃

Point being, sequels to an all-time movie have about as much a chance as landing as a 747 on a country road.

A system of cells interlinked
Sorry I didn’t list all the sequels that worked. I’ll link my Excel the next time 🙃

Point being, sequels to an all-time movie have about as much a chance as landing as a 747 on a country road.
After I posted that, I thought maybe you meant sequels to films that had been dormant for a while, and weren't a planned trilogy, in which case you were pretty spot on, with only Blade Runner 2049 coming to mind as one that worked after a long hiatus.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

How many past film references can you make in one movie!!!
We've all seen the matrix (1999) you dont have to tell us how it goes!

Also did this devolve into a simulation inside a simulation movie like the Thirteenth Floor? I didnt stick around to watch.

How many prequel references can you make in one film!!!
We've all seen the matrix (1999) you dont have to tell us how it goes!

Also did this devolve into a simulation inside a simulation movie like the Thirteenth Floor? I didnt stick around to watch.
13th floor is that one from 1999? i just saw the trailer the music intro reminds me of the thriller horror movie from the 90s also cant remember the name ugh😣

I have to say, what i only enjoyed in this film , are the nostalgia flashbacks, it just doesn t have the same feel of the first film, the atmosphere of the first film is just not here, the movie is a convulted mess and a flimsy remake of the first film, sorry but it has to be said.
The matrix should be kept as a standalone film, the 1999 one that is, period

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
"Reimagining" is just a nicer word for remake. This is the stupidest idea I've heard since the announcement of Scarface getting remade again.
On the subject of remakes a lot of people criticize Hollywood filmmakers for wanting to remake movies, but no one criticizes the original filmmakers for signing off on their movies being remade.

For example, a lot of people love John Carpenter, but hate the remakes of his movies, even though Carpenter himself gave permission. No one criticizes him for doing that though and no thinks he sold out along with the new filmmakers who in the remakes.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I had mixed feelings about Resurrections. I didn't think it was necessary to make another Matrix sequel, but then the trailer was quite intriguing. In the end it was... OK. I didn't love it, it's a very flawed movie. But I didn't hate it either. It lacks both the simplicity and the depth of the original movie. The meta jokes went too far and were just cringy. There were too many characters and not enough character motivation or stakes. Don't ask the question ''why...?" about anything anyone does in this movie and it is just about OK. There were some cool bits in it (the name of the coffee shop raised a smile) but a lot of the time it felt like the first draft of a script that needed a lot more work. Jessica Henwick is good and it was kind of nice that they kept the Neo/Trinity love story at the core of it. I hope they don't try and resurrect it again for any more sequels.

I had mixed feelings about Resurrections. I didn't think it was necessary to make another Matrix sequel, but then the trailer was quite intriguing. In the end it was... OK. I didn't love it, it's a very flawed movie. But I didn't hate it either. It lacks both the simplicity and the depth of the original movie. The meta jokes went too far and were just cringy. There were too many characters and not enough character motivation or stakes. Don't ask the question ''why...?" about anything anyone does in this movie and it is just about OK. There were some cool bits in it (the name of the coffee shop raised a smile) but a lot of the time it felt like the first draft of a script that needed a lot more work. Jessica Henwick is good and it was kind of nice that they kept the Neo/Trinity love story at the core of it. I hope they don't try and resurrect it again for any more sequels.
It lacks the intrigue of the first film, it lacks that atmosphere whenever thomas anderson is trapped in the building and he has to escape or they will kill him, cameras of 20 years ago add to the feel and mood of the film it has to be said

Can anyone explain, without watching more than once/looking it up, what the rules are for getting in and out of the Matrix in this film?

That sounds like the kind of thing I'll notice on the first watch. I focus on world-building instinctively. When I saw Inception, I couldn't believe people found it hard to follow. Of course, most of that went to my short-term memory, and I haven't seen it in years.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Don't ask the question ''why...?" about anything anyone does in this movie and it is just about OK.
Can anyone explain, without watching more than once/looking it up, what the rules are for getting in and out of the Matrix in this film?

OK, don't ask the question "how...?" either...

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Can anyone explain, without watching more than once/looking it up, what the rules are for getting in and out of the Matrix in this film?
No, I remember a throwaway line or 2 about not needing hard line locations anymore, and moving exits like the train.

On a side note another actor I can't believe I didn't recognise, Jonathan Groff from Mindhunter (Holden), I knew he was familiar, I guess cause the characters are so unlike each other.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Can anyone explain, without watching more than once/looking it up, what the rules are for getting in and out of the Matrix in this film?

I don't think it was explained. They used a mirror at least once to get out with the comment that they no longer need hardwired phones. Nothing was explained on getting in, but that wasn't covered in the original as characters all just appeared when phones rang.

It appeared that Bugs and Morpheus exited during their jump from the building in the opening sequence, but that wasn't explained or confirmed really. I think they probably just survived the fall and found a proper exit, after, given how well Bugs navigated her fall while sliding down the vertical sign against the side of another building she jumped from.

Awkward shot though, their transition from their fall to the Matrix code dive, I would agree; but maybe writers/director figured they had shown enough exits in previous movies that they didn't need to rehash what is probably understood already. Maybe run time was a favor if it was cut? Maybe it was just for the shot.

I can't remember any other entrance or exit shown. Just that characters were already in or out.

Perhaps a bigger question, if you want to pick, would be how did Neo survive destroying the Construct he and Morpheus were in after pulling him from the Matrix. One, he was already barely surviving in the real world. Two, the displays in the ship exploded which I would assume meant the computer hosting the Construct should have gone out too. Instead of showing it, they just cut to a wake-up shot and glossed on by what happened.