The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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I'm surprised a faildiction hasn't actually worked. This countdown is all over the place
Yeah, might have to wait until Mamma Mia! shows up as our #11 though

I know I've seen Collateral, but the only thing I remember about it is being distracted by Tom Cruise's hair. Similarly, I watched In Bruges at least twice, but the majority of the film has completely escaped my mind. My friend and I had different opinions about the ending, but I don't even recall what those opinions were lol.

Seen: 25*/46
*-if films you don't remember much of count as being seen haha

My List:
08. Mother (2009) - #96
10. Iron Man (2008) - #83
11. Paprika (2006) - #64
16. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) - #76
25. Bon Cop, Bad Cop (2006) - 1-pointer

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Haven’t seen Collateral since the theater. Thought it was pretty good but nothing more.

In Bruges is hilarious. Quite enjoyed it, 4/5. Didn’t make my list though.

Already had my coffee. But if I keep feeling how I'm feeling*, I will be drinking something else

*in the midst of a COVID scare now
Oh boo. Hope you and the wife and kids are doing okay.

I have incredibly torn feelings on In Bruges. I think it is 65% a brilliant film and 35% a garbage one. I find most of the humor kind of painful. But the parts that really center on the two lead characters (and MY GOD that sequence in the playground toward the beginning) are amazing. The whole subplot with the film crew and all that was not my cup of tea. Generally speaking, I prefer the works of the other McDonagh brother. That said, I don't mind it showing up here.

Collateral is such a solid, fun action film. It made my list at #16 (I'd forgotten it was on my list, but it is!). It's the kind of movie that can be watched over and over. I'm not a big fan of Cruise, so seeing him as the shark-like baddie is just fine with me. I think that the action scenes are really well done. It does have a slightly "episodic" feel to it (the part in the nightclub, the part at the hospital, etc), but with each new sequence we feel the inevitable doom of Fox's character creeping closer.

Voted for neither. Like both.

Only seen In Bruges once but thought it was quite the fun time… I love the dark dialogue-driven humor and this one is really an odd little animal. One of the great examples of the sub genre I guess you could say. McDonaugh and Ritchie are two filmmakers who have both thrown their own flair into the alley of absurdity.

As for Collateral, I might not have voted for it but I probably could have. I recently rewatched it and it still worked really well. I think it’s one of the better examples of a suburban crime thriller, spiced up with some neo noir goodness.

Fleshed out characters paired with filthy cinematography packed inside a neat little contained story that gives a lot of time to what’s important. Jamie Foxx is very good and I love seeing Cruise as the baddie. He’s great in it. Actually he’s always pretty darn great when he takes on a riskier or different role.

I love it, great film in my opinion and I think it definitely deserves to be on here.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Collateral landed on my #16 spot too. I remember seeing the trailer and being distracted by his hair, but decided to try it out anyway. Once his character started to speak he won me over with confidence and the hair just made sense from then on. I've always seen Cruise as a pop star, but I thought he stepped it up a bit for this one. This is a flick I'll rewatch maybe once a year just for the fun of it. It has a few issues, but it's just fun and checks all the boxes for me. Using Chris Cornell's (Audioslave) "Shadow On the Sun" was a fair trade off, even if the edit was glaring. His voice at that scene was ...right.

In Bruges just didn't make my final cut. Top 50 perhaps.

I liked In Bruges the first time I saw if but never had any interest in seeing it again. McDonagh's next two films being absolute trash didn't help. The extent of my knowledge about Collateral is that there is a movie called Collateral.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
In Bruges is a wonderful dark comedy involving mourning hitmen, dangerous dwarfs and crazy mob bosses that becomes something more when set in one of Europe's quietest, most-picturesque cities. It's very impressive in almost every single regard. I laughed a lot and was very happy to find extreme depth to all the characters as well as a kind of internal logic which made me feel I could let a few "implausiblities" slide. I highly recommend this one.

Collateral has one of Cruise's best performances and an even better one by Jamie Foxx. Ii's also way up near the top of my Mann list. It's can be quite implausible too, bur that's part of its charm.

Early consideration for my list but ultimately no votes.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Oh boo. Hope you and the wife and kids are doing okay.

Wife kicked me out of the room last night (j/k! I got out willingly ) and kids are having fun with their toys. Painful that they were asking why they couldn't hug me, but they understand. Thanks!

BTW, currently in line for a quick test at a nearby lab.

Welcome to the human race...
No votes. I saw In Bruges in theatres and liked it quite a lot, but I revisited it last year and my estimation of it had dropped quite severely (maybe I'm just a little burned out on black comedies about hitmen, especially after being underwhelmed by McDonagh's subsequent films). I liked Collateral a lot when I first saw it but I haven't seen it in ages so who knows if it'd still hold up - guess I'll add Mann to the list of directors where I want to do a full filmography rewatch.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Wife kicked me out of the room last night (j/k! I got out willingly ) and kids are having fun with their toys. Painful that they were asking why they couldn't hug me, but they understand. Thanks!

BTW, currently in line for a quick test at a nearby lab.
Hey, be glad they want the hugs!

I got up early yesterday morning to get to a testing site before it opened, but like 150 other people had the same idea. It was a 3.5 hour experience altogether (25 minutes to the hospital, 2.75 hours in line, 25 minutes to drive home). But they did process my test quickly and I got the results this morning. The line of cars was SO LONG. Over a mile.

I’m in the minority in that I don’t really like In Bruges. There’s a smugness to it that I don’t appreciate.

Collateral is excellent, however. Just barely missed my list.

In Bruges is excellent...except for the body shaming part, i.e. the scene with the American tourists. I get that Ray is a bad and angry dude and he pays for his prejudices later, but it seems overly mean and it made the movie age poorly.

I’m in the minority in that I don’t really like In Bruges. There’s a smugness to it that I don’t appreciate.
Well come on up to the treehouse with me, because not liking it (or at least finding it to be an overall just "okay" movie when I average together the parts I love with the parts I hate) I have always felt like a minority.

Calvary and The Guard by the other McDonagh to me do a far better job of melding comedy and drama and are anchored by excellent performances. (In the case of the latter film, it's Gleeson again!).

Two I haven't seen and don't plan on watching.
I would think that you would enjoy Collateral.