help disney buy warner


if you believe like me that disney owning warner bros would be a fantastic achievement spread the hashtag #letdisneybuywarner on as many social media platforms as possible (especially twitter)

Can't we just hang them all?

Trouble with a capital "T"
if you believe like me that disney owning warner bros would be a fantastic achievement spread the hashtag #letdisneybuywarner on as many social media platforms as possible (especially twitter)

*FYI, I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the idea that a #tag campaign on social media will have any effect on Disney's potential purchase of Warner (which I'm opposed to by the way. So is Roosevelt, Teddy that is)

Can't we just hang them all?

Today we are in perfect agreement.

"How tall is King Kong ?"
Can microsoft buy macdonald once macdonald will have bought apple after apple bought disney once disney bought warner ? Because aterwards nike could buy microsoft and be bought by nestle before its acquisition by monsanto and the world would be such a happier place.

Hashtags don't make things like this happen.

Is this poster a real and known entity or a drive by spammer?

I don't see any indication it's a bot or anything, just someone passing along the equivalent of a chain letter really or else trying to make some far-out fan fiction a reality, I guess.

I think, like the other thread about DC and Looney Tunes (!), this is just "hey wouldn't it be neat if some characters I like mixed with some other characters I like."

A system of cells interlinked
Yes, sell all the film studios to Disney and make all the actors wear Mickey Mouse ears in every film!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I've done my bit and sent a quarter I found down the side of the sofa. Let's make this happen peeps!

Why do people think that Disney HAS TO own Warner? Disney isn't literally a magic house that makes everything better with mouse ears. All this is good for is a Bugs Mickey crossover. Next it's gonna be Paramount because of Nickelodeon, and then it's gonna be Sony because of Spider-Man.

Disney makes great movies, but they can't fix Looney Tunes. There is no rule that says anything great has to be owned by a franchise that is single-handedly responsible for milking the Star Wars franchise to the point where the prequel trilogy is considered superior. Disney will only make Looney Tunes worse.

Did you know that Disney was forbidden to buy some divisions of Fox because it would make them too powerful? You have enough to watch from Disney and you still want more? You want to increase their greed which gets people sued for putting Mickey Mouse ears in non-profit webcomics? Don't feed into their greed. This "Disney needs to own everything because it sucks if they don't" attitude is childish and fanatical.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
**** no. Disney needs to keep their paws off properties! I'm so sick of their greedy hands infesting every single film and TV company there is.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I've done my bit and sent a quarter I found down the side of the sofa. Let's make this happen peeps!

Well I've done my quarter and sent a bit. TWO of em even!!

Would that help?