The MoFo Top 100 Foreign Language Film Countdown

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Only ever seen Cache the once, remember quite liking it but it's been so long since and as such it was never considered for my ballot. Le Trou is an excellent 'break-out' movie and was certainly in contention for a spot for a while.

Seen: 12/20 (Own: 7/20)

Faildictions ((バージョン 1.0):
80. Kung Fu Hustle (2004)
79. Kumonosu-jo [Throne Of Blood] (1957)

Cache and Le Trou are both
for me. Although I didn’t have them on my list, I’m pleased to see that they made the countdown.

Well, after 20 entries, how about some stats?

First, country breakdown

France = 4
Italy = 4

Japan = 3
Russia = 2
Spain = 2
China = 1
Germany = 1
Mexico = 1
Netherlands = 1
Poland = 1

Second, decade breakdown

1920s = 0
1930s = 1
1940s = 1
1950s = 1
1960s = 5
1970s = 3
1980s = 2
1990s = 2
2000s = 3
2010s = 2
2020s = 0

So far, no director has repeated; unless we count Miyazaki, who had the 99 and 101 slot.
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Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Cache is my fave Haneke, along with Amour, because even though it's full of his usual vagueness, it seems to have more real mystery and legitimate ways to interpret it. The use of videos, which he does a lot in his movies, seems to be what makes the mystery more suspenseful and successful here.

Le Trou is exciting and suspenseful, as much so as most any prison break film. The inner motives of the main character are almost as exciting as the prison break plot.

Still, I didn't vote for them.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Two I watched quite a while ago now, but really liked both. Cache could be my favorite Haneke but I need to see it again. I still considered it over the one I voted for which is definitely showing up.

Le Trou is really cool, the use of sound has certainly stuck with me. I will see it again at some point.

Still no hits for me.

Le Trou got two points from me at #24. I watched Cache a couple times when it came out, and I loved it back then, but it didn't make my list. I've seen 13 out of the first 20 movies.

My List:
24. Le Trou (#81)
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

I enjoyed Cache but it ended up leaving me frustrated in the end.

Le Trou would be a contender for my top 50.

Still just 1 I haven't seen and I'm wondering what else might show up that I haven't.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yahoo! (again) I have Le Trou as my #24...

My review of Le Trou

" Le Trou, a fine example of French Realism.
If there's one thing that I've learned from my time at MoFo it's that many movie watchers value realism and gauge a film's ability to be realistic as a yard stick. How many times have we heard people saying, 'Oh, that wasn't very realistic'. Of course realism isn't the only flavor of movie making,'s a style that rings true to most people. So yeah this seemed really real and I dug it." CR

I'm not a big fan of Michael Haneke, mainly because it always feels like he really hates cinema. Or really hates people. Or both.
Completely agree. Cache may be the best, since his apparent air of vaguely disinterested malice is well-suited to the material. I'm sure this won't be his only film on the list, but he's too cold to register with me.

Le Trou and The Return are the two I haven't seen. I'm starting to see the perks of long-time HoF membership.

Cache was on my list - had it at #21. Roma is the second film on the list I haven't seen - I did say I've been slacking. That might change this weekend although at the top of my queue is Beoning...I know! Slacking!

The list continues its quality run. They're all, at the very least, decent films so far.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

The trick is not minding
Le Trou and The Return are the two I haven't seen. I'm starting to see the perks of long-time HoF membership.
Can you clarify what you mean in regards to the HoF membership, please.

I forgot the opening line.
Well blow me down, Caché wasn't on my list but I had to go back and look to be sure. Probably just edged out, but it's a welcome addition to the MoFo Top 100 Foreign Language Countdown as far as I'm concerned. It's probably my second favourite Haneke film behind Amour, which I'm certain will feature at some stage here.


Films I've seen : 6
Films that have been on my radar : 1
Films I've never even heard of : 13
Films I've heard of : 1

Films from my list : 0

I was going to wait until a film from my ballot shows up, but I guess it's time after twenty films revealed. I've only seen five (in theory six, but I'll go with five) this far. Nothing from my ballot has shown up yet.

I just watched Paprika for an HoF, and thought it was pretty decent. I missed some more adult imagery in its visual extravaganza, though. I'm pretty sure Kiki's Delivery Service was also in a recent HoF. I liked the first 2/3 but the final act kinda messed its cozy atmosphere with too much action. The Skin I Live In is yet another HoF nominee. Like the two previous films, I found it OK (maybe less than the animations, but still). The story just relied too much on the twist, and the reveal was made way too early for that.

Suspiria is among my favorites, but I consciously stayed away from all the films where there was any question of whether they should count as a foreign language or not. Had I chose to greenlight it, it would have easily made my ballot. And then we have, believe it or not, one more HoF nominee (though, I had seen it before the HoF), Vampyr. It has some great scenes and visuals and atmosphere, but I hate the lead and the story just doesn't make any sense.

I'm also pretty sure that I've seen Sonatine, but it's been so long that I don't remember much. I was planning to watch it (and some other Kitanos) for this, but it never happened. I don't count it as seen, though.

Seen 5/20

Can you clarify what you mean in regards to the HoF membership, please.
That there appear to be some films from the HoF threads which are under my radar?

The trick is not minding
That there appear to be some films from the HoF threads which are under my radar?
Ok gotcha, I was wondering if you meant “membership” in regards towards those who participate. I wanted to make sure that you were aware that it is free to all to join.
Films like those are precisely why I joined in the first place as well.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I think I had "Le Trou" on my list... It's probably my favorite prison movie, including another foreign French movie (I'm not allowed to mention a movie that hasn't been mentioned yet, right?)

I think I gave it an 8.5/10. or a 9/10 - highest rated movie so far..