The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh

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I wonder how many film lists were compiled from not favourites but, films that will just earn points as they are guaranteed entries? I’ll be lucky if any of mine feature at all but we’ll see.

I know this is a ways off and probably a lot more work but once the final list of 100 is all said and done I’d love to see a list of all the movies submitted and how many points each got, even the ones that didn’t even come close to top 100. Like every single movie submitted. But if it’s too much no worries.
I second this. I'd also be curious to see that.

Question... are HBO movies eligible?
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I did send in a list last evening, but I'm wondering if it got bumped due to the full mailbox circumstance.

Should I send it to you again?

That's a good question, I don't see your name on the list yet. @Yoda would messages still get through if someone's message in-box was full and then they cleared space?

Really looking forward to this even though I'm not joining in with a list this time.
Why aren't you sending a list?

Damn, I started looking at my logged films on Letterboxd to try to come up with a list and, like I said, this is daunting. Lots of great, worthy films, lots of films I'm wondering why I ranked that high, others I now feel I should've ranked higher, lots of films I don't even remember that much... and when you hit that 4/3.5 range, things get blurrier and blurrier... not to mention the ones I love that for some reason, I don't have ranked there *sigh* I might just end up throwing random films on a list and that's it.

That's a good question, I don't see your name on the list yet. @Yoda would messages still get through if someone's message in-box was full and then they cleared space?
No. In all likelihood he got the error, but perhaps did not notice/closed the tab assuming it was done. Not sure. Please resend, @GulfportDoc! Not a problem to accidentally send twice, anyway.

Question... are HBO movies eligible?
If they're actual movies and not mini-series, yes. That's basically my only restriction, is that it be in the form of a single story told in one go. Source doesn't matter, though. I'm not going the Marty route of implying theaters are the only legitimate source of films.

It has been done.

Without a doubt the most difficult list I have ever done. And then also the easiest. I used too much time on overthinking how I should compile it that I just decided to not think too much and just send the damn ting.

That's it, it's done, it's out of my hands now. Looking forward to the reveal.

Yeah, the paradox is that a list like this is easiest to start (because you don't need to look anything up or be reminded of what fits into a genre or time period), but maybe the hardest to finish, because the differences between slots is so marginal sometimes, and literally comes down to insane philosophical/artistic questions like "do I like crying more than laughing?"

Why aren't you sending a list?
Doesn't matter why - I can't envisage the result being impacted in any meaningful way by my non-participation. I shall still thoroughly enjoy and participate in the countdown as per usual

Doesn't matter why - I can't envisage the result being impacted in any meaningful way by my non-participation. I shall still thoroughly enjoy and participate in the countdown as per usual
That's a bummer XD

For me it was definitely the objective/subjective thing that screwed me up most...

It's my list of course, so obviously it has to be my opinion, but while the line between subjective and objective masterpiece can often be difficult enough on its own, it was definitely the question of whether I should weigh something I think is cinematically great over something I think is great on different levels too.

I hope my list didn't become too much of a "joker list", but I did end up being a bit more personal on this one than I usually do these lists. So there are some real big masterpieces that I left off my list and instead included some lesser appreciated ones.

The final list, however - looking at it - does seem to contain a pretty fine mix of both.

For me it was definitely the objective/subjective thing that screwed me up most...

It's my list of course, so obviously it has to be my opinion, but while the line between subjective and objective masterpiece can often be difficult enough on its own, it was definitely the question of whether I should weigh something I think is cinematically great over something I think is great on different levels too.

I hope my list didn't become too much of a "joker list", but I did end up being a bit more personal on this one than I usually do these lists. So there are some real big masterpieces that I left off my list and instead included some lesser appreciated ones.

The final list, however - looking at it - does seem to contain a pretty fine mix of both.
Instead of "subjective and objective" can we say "personal and professional?" The only thing objective about the masterpieces is that they're highly acclaimed.

Instead of "subjective and objective" can we say "personal and professional?" The only thing objective about the masterpieces is that they're highly acclaimed.
I'm pretty sure most people get what it is I'm saying in terms of objective/subjective. What we call it doesn't really matter. That's up to the individual I guess...

"Personal and professional" doesn't make much sense to me. I'm no professional and I don't put a movie on my list just because a "professional" likes it either.

I get what you're saying, and I think he does, too, though it can be instructive to talk about terminology and figure out which things have the best (or, more likely, least bad!) connotation for the context. Tough question, though.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Sent an updated list to @Yoda

It's gonna be a long night.....

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Sent mine in but it's not showing up under sent items. Let me know if it goes through.

EDIT: Okay, I hadn't clicked on that "Save under sent messages" option. So I sent two. My bad.