The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame II


I'm in then.

If anyone's wondering what to nominate for me, I don't really mind. Don't be afraid to select something weird

I guess my only turn offs would be old westerns and old noirs (not deal-breaker's though), but I do like Neo-noirs and spaghetti westerns.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I'm in. Gonna try to finish the General HoF this week, then this one and then maybe a break from HoFs for some time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I had my movie choices all picked out...then...I started re-thinking and pondering my choices, and so ended up ditching most of the first choices in favor of a different set of films. Damn! this needs to start so I don't keep researching your guys' movie taste and altering my movie list yet again

Trouble with a capital "T"
I actually think that everyone in these personal recommendations HoFs should make a post similar to MV's, or even just a broad likes and dislikes list. The biggest hurdle for someone like me joining is that I don't think I can pick films for everyone, but if I at least knew what genres to go for or to avoid, I'd feel more much confident.
I'd be happy to tell you what I love and what I hate in movies. If that would help you out. I bet most all of us would do that if asked. Cool if you can join

*checks pick for Siddon*


*changes pick for Siddon*

Yeah you picked The Big Combo for were the one person that picked a film I would give more than 3 stars to.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Yeah you picked The Big Combo for were the one person that picked a film I would give more than 3 stars to.
Trust me, you are the one person I need more than 1 minute to pick a film! xD You've watched so much more stuff than I did that to pick a film for you is a true challenge! I think I'm happy with my choice now, but let's see, it's a gamble.

Y'all are welcome to pick animated or western films...but it's a bad idea.
*checks pick for Siddon*


*looks at other options*

*says "F*** it, he isn't going to like anything I pick anyway."

*checks pick for Siddon*


*looks at other options*

*says "F*** it, he isn't going to like anything I pick anyway."

Post the link to your list page so I can make your pick.

Post the link to your list page so I can make your pick.
To get to people's lists, click on the list icon by their name in the thread:

If they've made any custom lists, their actual profile will only show those but the list icon will get you to all of the site wide lists.

But here's the link to mine

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Can I get a link to peoples lists...the um person lists thingy makes it hard to track down certain people.
never made a personal list of films, would like to do a Rewatch to Infinity List of stuff I continually rewatch but I did a write up in this thread about what works and what doesn't for me.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio