The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh

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Women will be your undoing, Pépé

I could easily throw one together, but I'll make a more thorough look-see and compile a list that (hopefully) is a bit more rounded across the board of films
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm taking my time to make my list, and make it right! I don't want to just whip one together and send it I know I'll end up regretting forgetting some movie or two or three

Definitely plan on submitting a list. I still have to go back and make comments in the Top western thread about my favs there.

I do not think my personal top 10 will change much since I last thought about it, but there might be a chance for one to squeak in.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

I'm really excited for this. However, I've got a quick question: is this a list of our favourite films or what we think are the best films? My list will be completely different depending on which it is.

I'm really excited for this. However, I've got a quick question: is this a list of our favourite films or what we think are the best films? My list will be completely different depending on which it is.
Mine are (pretty much) one and the same, but I'd personally steer towards "favorite".
Lists and Projects

I'm really excited for this. However, I've got a quick question: is this a list of our favourite films or what we think are the best films? My list will be completely different depending on which it is.
That's sort of up to you, the result will be a mix of different approaches.

That said, the result is one list, and it's ostensibly meant to be a reflection of what the community as a whole thinks of film in general. And there's an obvious and deliberate similarity to AFI lists and the like, which I think are usually more on the "best" side of that question. I usually weight a little in that direction, but give a little extra nudge here and there to films I have a strong personal affinity for, if it's the right type of affinity.

I'm not sure if this answers the question or not, but hopefully it helps. Short version: whichever you decide is fine, but I lean towards best, while still incorporate a bit of both.

That's sort of up to you, the result will be a mix of different approaches.

That said, the result is one list, and it's ostensibly meant to be a reflection of what the community as a whole thinks of film in general. And there's an obvious and deliberate similarity to AFI lists and the like, which I think are usually more on the "best" side of that question. I usually weight a little in that direction, but give a little extra nudge here and there to films I have a strong personal affinity for, if it's the right type of affinity.

I'm not sure if this answers the question or not, but hopefully it helps. Short version: whichever you decide is fine, but I lean towards best, while still incorporate a bit of both.

OK thanks. In that case I'll construct my list around what I think are the best films ever made while including maybe 5 of my high quality personal favourites. It's going to be tough to narrow it down to just 25 films from a time span of about 90 years but I'll give it a shot.

Question: I assume a person has to have seen a movie before they can place it on their voting list?
Why would anyone vote for a film they haven't seen? An extreme form of self-loathing or something ("I'm not worthy of these great films but better people have said they're good")?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
That's sort of up to you, the result will be a mix of different approaches.

That said, the result is one list, and it's ostensibly meant to be a reflection of what the community as a whole thinks of film in general. And there's an obvious and deliberate similarity to AFI lists and the like, which I think are usually more on the "best" side of that question. I usually weight a little in that direction, but give a little extra nudge here and there to films I have a strong personal affinity for, if it's the right type of affinity.

I'm not sure if this answers the question or not, but hopefully it helps. Short version: whichever you decide is fine, but I lean towards best, while still incorporate a bit of both.

I might suggest editing the OP to add a brief version of this as rule #4. Even it's ambiguous, the topic would be addressed up front and open to discuss in the following pages. Though subtle, I think my list would be different comparing best to personal favorite. That opens up different standards of measurement for me (most of which you already noted), so it would be nice to guide that some up front in case others are nearly as obsessive with such things as I know I can get.


Trouble with a capital "T"
Why would anyone vote for a film they haven't seen? An extreme form of self-loathing or something ("I'm not worthy of these great films but better people have said they're good")?
A new person maybe? Or someone who's not done a MoFo countdown before.

In the Sci Fi countdown Captain Steel sent in his list and arranged the movies chronological, not realizing that his favorite films should've been at top to receive maximum points (sorry Captain for using you as an example)...But I could see someone not knowing the rule and listing films they've heard were great, but not actually seen.

I'm really excited for this. However, I've got a quick question: is this a list of our favourite films or what we think are the best films? My list will be completely different depending on which it is.
Fortunately, I don't have to ponder about this as I have enough confidence in my taste. My favorites are, in my opinion, also the best movies.