why hate?


So it is whenever anyone bumps an ancient thread for no apparent reason. How did rambond find this thread, let alone decide it was worth digging up?
I think a spammer might've posted in here, but their post got reported enough to be removed thus making it look like rambond was the one to dredge it up.

Priceless. Why did I not make that point? 😂👏
Well, I think the point I made still stands, but it was kind of muddled by somewhat misreading his post. Still though, he definitely understood what she meant by hate and what hate means in contrast to dislike. Because if he understands the concept that she may have meant that hate is too strong a word, then the only word left that isn't too strong is dislike. No one has a scale of negative emotion from 1 to 10, 1 being neutral, and 10 being hate, and removes the values 2-9 entirely as if they don't even exist. Anyone can say anything, but with their actions they prove what they really believe.

Apparently we all know Hitler, or else we're all just bigots
I don't hate Hitler. I hate what he did. I don't know the guy, and have no feelings of like or dislike towards him at all whatsoever. Mao and Stalin were worse imo.

We're all bigots is probably true. We're certainly all susceptible to the temptation. I've noticed a particular rise in intolerance by virtue signaling leftists towards homophobia, white supremacy, and toxic masculinity in recent years, for example.

We're all bigots is probably true... I've noticed a particular rise in intolerance... towards homophobia, white supremacy, and toxic masculinity in recent years, for example.
Sometimes bigotry is a good thing.

We're all bigots is probably true. We're certainly all susceptible to the temptation. I've noticed a particular rise in intolerance by virtue signaling leftists towards homophobia, white supremacy, and toxic masculinity in recent years, for example.
You're saying that being intolerant of homophobia/white supremacy is bigotry? Genuinely asking as I'm trying to parse this sentence.

You're saying that being intolerant of homophobia/white supremacy is bigotry? Genuinely asking as I'm trying to parse this sentence.
Technically it is, since the definition of bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. But like I said, sometimes bigotry is a good thing.

Sometimes bigotry is a good thing.
At a certain point, like say genocide, tolerance has it's limits. But when tolerance reaches legitimate limits, that is in no way bigotry. And, I don't think you can give an example substantiating your point, but I'd love to be wrong about that if you know something I don't.

You're saying that being intolerant of homophobia/white supremacy is bigotry? Genuinely asking as I'm trying to parse this sentence.
Okay, well can you please give me a dictionary definition of the word bigotry, and let me know which dictionary you found it in? Because that should clear up any confusion without me having to explain any further, and if it doesn't then after you post I'll have more to work with in explaining what I mean.

This thread got off track, for no real reason. The mention of "Hitler" was a reductio ad absurdum to make a point, not a reason to jump off and start talking about dictators and bigotry in a thread that's about movies, guys.

Okay, well can you please give me a dictionary definition of the word bigotry, and let me know which dictionary you found it in? Because that should clear up any confusion without me having to explain any further, and if it doesn't then after you post I'll have more to work with in explaining what I mean.
Bu-duh--I was conflating "bigotry" and "prejudice". Carry on.

I do think that hate and intolerance are different, though. I am intolerant of homophobic or racist behavior in my classroom, but I definitely do not hate the students who are homophobic/racist.

Technically it is, since the definition of bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. But like I said, sometimes bigotry is a good thing.
Okay, but there's also a whole spectrum of degrees of intolerance. I saw someone get banned from anilist.co for saying "Homophobes need support, change my mind." After saying that they were bombarded by over a dozen people accusing them of the worst hate crime imaginable, and the admin would not even define homophobia much less explain any "rule" the site had against homophobia.

I don't think something like eventually deciding being attacked at Pearl Harbor is enough of a cause to stop tolerating the genocide of the Axis powers is "intolerance." I think America was as tolerant of the Nazi's as humanly possible before finally deciding enough was enough. If that's what you mean by intolerance is sometimes good, than I agree, but I wouldn't call that intolerance. When I use "intolerance" it is always negative. I'm not trying to say you're wrong or anything, but I don't really have enough to go on yet.

This thread got off track, for no real reason. The mention of "Hitler" was a reductio ad absurdum to make a point, not a reason to jump off and start talking about dictators and bigotry in a thread that's about movies, guys.
Oh, c'mon! We're so close to Godwin's Law here and you want to get us back on topic?! BOO!

This thread got off track, for no real reason. The mention of "Hitler" was a reductio ad absurdum to make a point, not a reason to jump off and start talking about dictators and bigotry in a thread that's about movies, guys.
Isn't it a thread about hate though?

I'm really enjoying this conversation, so I want to let it evolve, but I won't keep provoking if the admins insist it's too off topic. We can always make a new thread for this discussion to go specifically in that direction.

Technically it is, since the definition of bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. But like I said, sometimes bigotry is a good thing.
Okay, but there's also a whole spectrum of degrees of intolerance. I saw someone get banned from anilist.co for saying "Homophobes need support, change my mind." After saying that they were bombarded by over a dozen people accusing them of the worst hate crime imaginable, and the admin would not even define homophobia much less explain any "rule" the site had against homophobia.

I don't think something like eventually deciding being attacked at Pearl Harbor is enough of a cause to stop tolerating the genocide of the Axis powers is "intolerance." I think America was as tolerant of the Nazi's as humanly possible before finally deciding enough was enough. If that's what you mean by intolerance is sometimes good, than I agree, but I wouldn't call that intolerance. When I use "intolerance" it is always negative. I'm not trying to say you're wrong or anything, but I don't really have enough to go on yet.
some·times (adverb): occasionally, rather than all of the time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Isn't it a thread about hate though?
It's Yoda's board, so his call.

Back on topic: I hate Tarantino. I hate his films, I hate even to listen to him, I can't stand him. Though I don't hate his person, even though I might say, "I hate Tarantino." What does that prove? Nothing. Who cares how another person uses the word 'hate'.