0 to 10. How nuts has social distancing and COVID stress made you?


How nuts has social distancing and COVID stress made you?
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Account terminated on request
Ok, so how bonkers has this whole thing made you?

0 is no change.
10 is loonier than a goldfish chewing bubblegum riding a bicycle up a tree.

EDIT: Clarification. Totally ok to read this as "How stressed out and frustrated are you because of this virus situation?"
When women have a poet, they want a cowboy.
When they have a cowboy, they want a poet.
They'll say "I don't care if he's a poet or cowboy, so long as he's a nice guy. But oh, I'm so attracted to that bad guy over there."
Understand this last part, and you'll get them all.

I voted 2. Maybe could've gone higher, depending on how I interpreted it.

The disruption to events and life in general is more like a 7, because it's pushing back baseball and softball and lots of things I was really, really looking forward to. But in the way I took the question, which is more "how do you feel about not getting to go out in general for weeks or months on end?" it's not nearly as bad. The first few weeks felt fine, I was losing weight, doing what exercise I could, it was mostly warm outside, and it felt nice to be holed up and mostly prepared and use the time to catch up on various things (books, shows, games, various work projects).

I'm at the point where that's starting to be place fun, probably because I have some high-stress things coming up and because it's suddenly super cold here, too. But mostly, I haven't minded the "stay inside" aspect much, day-to-day.

I give it a 4.

I'm an "essential" worker so I still have a job and am still working 40 hours. The biggest thing that's changed is that I can't do much in terms of recreation. I can't go out to dinner or a movie. I can't go to a friend's house. I can't go bowling.

Mostly I'm stressed about my safety with gloves and masks in such short supply. Also my boss isn't taking the pandemic as seriously as he should. The other day we got into an argument about whether people who are asymptomatic or not showing any visible symptoms can be contagious. He thinks asymptomatic people can't spread Covid. I think he's an idiot. It's been great.

0 - I'm at home pretty much 24/7 anyway so the restrictions don't really make a lot of difference to me other than I can't just nip to the shops when I feel like it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Normally I would answer about a 2, but today it was 10 (at times) I had to go to the grocery store and it was crowded. I did my part to keep my distances from people, but damn in so people have to stand right behind you, waiting for you to grab whatever your looking at. There's two types of people those who use their brains and idiots!

A 3 for now, but I'll be working from home with my 2-year-old daughter next week for the first time (new daycare restrictions) so this may escalate quickly

Account terminated on request
I voted 2. Maybe could've gone higher, depending on how I interpreted it.
I clarified the top post by broadening it. I think that'll make more sense.

I voted 5 even though my basic routine hasn't changed besides not touching things and washing my hands more. I think about it constantly and the toll is upsetting. Shopping is more challenging. I really miss watching my Celtics. There are ways in which my life has improved as well; my wife is working from home, there's zero traffic, and I'm making more money at my regular job. However I have 4 sources of income and the other 3 are down. Oh yea, the dog park is closed and it can be more of a struggle finding food or a bathroom when I'm on the road.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Ok, so how bonkers has this whole thing made you?

0 is no change.
10 is loonier than a goldfish chewing bubblegum riding a bicycle up a tree.

EDIT: Clarification. Totally ok to read this as "How stressed out and frustrated are you because of this virus situation?"

I love the way you described a vote for a "10".

As for my answer, I didn't vote in the poll because my answer changes day-to-day.

I work from home, so I'm used to being home most of the time, so when I'm home, I would probably vote maybe a 1 or 2 because it doesn't affect me much.

However, Hubby and I have been doing all the shopping for for ourselves, and also for his elderly parents, so we've been out more than I'd like to be around people right now. Plus, too many people don't understand how important it is to social distance, (or maybe they just don't care), so it's been very tense because I've seen a lot of angry people yelling at people who get too close. Tempers are high, and if it weren't for people staying as far away from these idiots as possible, there probably would have been a lot of fights in the stores. That brings my stress level to at least an 8 or a 9, maybe even a 10 at times.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I voted for a 3 but it could have been lower. I get to work from home as I'm a Web Developer, so that's good in many ways and has saved me a fortune on petrol and lunch money. I've got two housemates who I get on with and a nice, spacious house so it's nice and relaxing. A couple of shops that are only five-minute walks, and a lovely seafront view and areas to walk.

With work it can get a little boring and I do miss the office environment sometimes, but we're in regular contact and have Skype and Zoom calls occasionally. It was also my birthday last weekend and I didn't see my parents or my brother in person. The thing I miss most is playing pool, as I was doing that 3/4 evenings a week before the coronavirus, and just being able to go out to see mates. Of course, we all keep in touch and it's not that bad, hence the low score, but some days it can be more frustrating than others.

Account terminated on request
I love the way you described a vote for a "10".

I smiled as I wrote that particular loony statement. There was a songwriter I know who was looking for lyrics for a kids' song he was writing, and I just turned my brain and mouth on but dialed the logic to zero and a few similar statements came out for him. He was writing them down. That was the first one. {chuckle}

As for my answer, I didn't vote in the poll because my answer changes day-to-day.
Well, from the looks of the numbers and your words (1,2,8,9,10), I'm guessing a "6" on this would maybe be a sensible overview, no?

By the way, are the elderly parents living with you and in their 80's or higher? If so, my usual M.O. is to swap out the towels in the bathroom with paper towels. It's just too easy for them to get sick and they can't always see well enough to know when their hands are dirty or not. A damp towel waiting for the next person to show up is a horror show script written by 12 year olds. And don't get me started on how grossed out I am by what might be lurking underneath old-lady fingernails all day......{shudder}

You ready? You look ready.
Goose egg.

Still working. I have always spent 90% of my free time at home.

The only thing that has changed that has remotely affected me is I can’t dine out, and I think it’s only because I can’t do it now is why I want to do it now: I’m one of those lone dinners who gets their social/emotional fix from food service workers.

The only thing I would give a 10 is for people in public that don't take it serious. As hard as I am on myself, really makes feel like I'm an intellectual nowadays.

Then you can throw in the guy at work, who knowingly came in after the wife had it. Didn't announce it, didn't warn anyone, just kept working. From the editor, "I realize what a dilemma that would be. Needing money, not being able to get money without work. Then again, our employer has said they will pay anyone with a medical stay at home order."

Still kinda makes you wanna _____ ___ __ ___ ____ . Full on shun treatment and I'm not anything close to that type of person. I won't even get into the story floated about how he got cleared to come back to work, no one will ever know the truth because of the privacy laws.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
0 as far as stress goes. It's even better than it used to be! I can sit at home and watch movies, and then when I work, I work from home, too, which is comfy and handy!

5 as far as changes go. I never went anywhere anyway, but I still went to work and to buy something. Now I don't leave at all. Hikikomori RISE!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

0 as far as stress goes. It's even better than it used to be! I can sit at home and watch movies, and then when I work, I work from home, too, which is comfy and handy!

5 as far as changes go. I never went anywhere anyway, but I still went to work and to buy something. Now I don't leave at all. Hikikomori RISE!
Welcome to M.H.K.
Mofo hikikomori kyoukai

There's no misaki to safe you..