Western Hall of Fame II


The trick is not minding
I wish I could have written more. I watched it late last night since it’s short and wrote. During my break at work.
I may make the deadline after all, with only 3 to go.
However, I wonder if Zotis is still in this? I haven’t seen anything from him lately anywhere. And the deadline is quickly approaching. So I’ll save his film for last.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I wish I could have written more. I watched it late last night since it’s short and wrote. During my break at work...
I read your review of The Oxbow Incident, it was nicely penned and I'm glad you liked the movie. I have to say I hadn't seen The Oxbow Incident for decades and was impressed myself by the intelligence of the script.

The trick is not minding
I wish I could have written more. I watched it late last night since it’s short and wrote. During my break at work...
I read your review of The Oxbow Incident, it was nicely penned and I'm glad you liked the movie. I have to say I hadn't seen The Oxbow Incident for decades and was impressed myself by the intelligence of the script.
Thank you! I saw it about 10 years ago and really enjoyed it. I had wondered how it would hold up a decade later, but it still resonates after all this time. If I was doing the Western countdown, it would definitely be in my top ten.

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

For the second time I've seen it, I consider it a slight improvement. John Ford's direction is exceptionally focused, but the movie is truly driven by the wonderful cast. I loved side characters like the Marshall and Peabody, who overcame their cartoonish presence with wonderful acting. It's hard to say that the show was stolen by either John Wayne, James Stewart or Lee Marvin, because they all had their moments of glory and none of them ever disappointed. But I think the theme of law vs. law came apart in the end and didn't have enough examination. I get that theme and philosophy aren't the bare essentials for the average western, but a movie featuring a Hitchcockian actor at the center deserves more of that. Still, it had a great story and it was fun to watch.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is a fitting title for this film because my thoughts on the film are good, bad and ugly. The good is the performances and the film is generally good, the bad is it drags on but yet to me fails to feel like an epic, and the ugly is it's just not as pretty and good looking as other Westerns from this era. The film is definately a mixed bad for me, I love the introduction scenes and most of Eli Wallach's work in this film. However the second hour of this film drags on and the Civil War stuff felt almost tacked on instead of the major plot point for the film.

Also I'm a little confused as to what happened with that stage coach and all the dead confederates. It felt like I missed something and I also thought I was ripped off from a great scene. At the end of the day the film was good enough.

This one's currently second best on my list, even though I might vote for that one before I vote for my own nom because Rio Bravo, despite having John Wayne, may not be as essential as The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. I guess it depends on what I feel like. I repeat, this was going to be my nom but it was taken.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I haven't been very dedicated to this. I'm not sure I'll have enough time to watch all of them.
It's odd that you said you didn't have enough time for this and now you're knocking them out ever couple days.

The trick is not minding
I haven't been very dedicated to this. I'm not sure I'll have enough time to watch all of them.
It's odd that you said you didn't have enough time for this and now you're knocking them out ever couple days.
It could be he just found a few hours of free time, like I have been able to to this past week.
For me, it helped that both that I reviewed were short, so it was easier to squeeze then in.

I haven't been very dedicated to this. I'm not sure I'll have enough time to watch all of them.
It's odd that you said you didn't have enough time for this and now you're knocking them out ever couple days.
I'm squeezing in as much time as possible.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I knew that would happen the very moment he joined.

We need to put our heads together and find the best pro-active solution for dealing with drop outs in future HoFs. There will always be drop outs but maybe we can find a way to lessen the problems they cause.

Which are:
  • Members end up spending their free time watching someone's movie, that ends up not being serious and dropping out. In some cases people have to pay to stream these noms.
  • Members have to wait until the very end of an HoF to find out that someone has dropped out which means they can't finish the HoF early and get their list in.
  • The host has the unpleasant job of having to decide when to disqualify a movie, which can be hard as most drop outs never bother to say they're dropping out until the very end.
So what kind of rule can we use to help the drop out situation for future HoFs? It be great if the rule wasn't over bearing and didn't cause hardships on rock solid members who always finish.

The trick is not minding
I knew that would happen the very moment he joined.

We need to put our heads together and find the best pro-active solution for dealing with drop outs in future HoFs. There will always be drop outs but maybe we can find a way to lessen the problems they cause.

Which are:
  • Members end up spending their free time watching someone's movie, that ends up not being serious and dropping out. In some cases people have to pay to stream these noms.
  • Members have to wait until the very end of an HoF to find out that someone has dropped out which means they can't finish the HoF early and get their list in.
  • The host has the unpleasant job of having to decide when to disqualify a movie, which can be hard as most drop outs never bother to say they're dropping out until the very end.
So what kind of rule can we use to help the drop out situation for future HoFs? It be great if the rule wasn't over bearing and didn't cause hardships on rock solid members who always finish.
Drops out face a 1 HOF ban? Multiple drop outs increase the amount of bans until no longer allowed to participate? I’d hate to think of this becoming exclusive or anything like that.
In Zotis case, I don’t think he ever had any intention to finish this.
you and I both figured he wouldn’t be finishing, so it isn’t a big deal to me.
Even though he dropped out, it’s still a film I would have been glad to have watched. Even if I would have needed to pay for it. I just wish he would have been more forthcoming about whether he intended to finish or not.
He may protest, but his post in Japanese film HOF suggested as much when he said “this would have been a HOF he’s have no trouble completing.”
The moment he wrote that, I was fully convinced he wouldn’t finish the Western.
Oh well, at least it leaves me with only 2 films to go now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Drops out face a 1 HOF ban? Multiple drop outs increase the amount of bans until no longer allowed to participate? I’d hate to think of this becoming exclusive or anything like that.
Thanks for the suggestion, but that wouldn't work and seems to harsh. It wouldn't work because the next HoF is usually run by a different host and it's always up to the host ultimately to decide the ground rules.

I was thinking more along the lines of Siddon's ground rules or Miss Vicky's or even the rules I used in previous HoFs...but maybe they could be tweaked?

Drops out face a 1 HOF ban? Multiple drop outs increase the amount of bans until no longer allowed to participate? I’d hate to think of this becoming exclusive or anything like that.
Thanks for the suggestion, but that wouldn't work and seems to harsh. It wouldn't work because the next HoF is usually run by a different host and it's always up to the host ultimately to decide the ground rules.

I was thinking more along the lines of Siddon's ground rules or Miss Vicky's or even the rules I used in previous HoFs...but maybe they could be tweaked?
Sorry about this guys! I really should have enforced a rule like this at the beginning. I honestly think Siddon’s rule in the 18th worked best, we had no drop outs!

Again, my bad, and just to clarify:
The Great Silence is OUT, no need to watch it.

And, I'm sure wyldesyde19 already knows this, but @KeyserCorleone @edarsenal you have one less movie to watch now! Only 1 left for KC and 3 for ed.
Lists and Projects

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sorry about this guys! I really should have enforced a rule like this at the beginning. I honestly think Siddon’s rule in the 18th worked best, we had no drop outs!
Not your fault at all, and you've been a good host! I didn't have any kind of 'participation rule' in the Pre 30s HoF. And that's because I kind of hate telling people that 'you to write a review once every 2 weeks or you're out'...And I trust the core group of HoF members to finish. But yeah dropouts are a problem, especially when they wait until the end of the HoF to quit.

I think this is a good compromise (but it's up to each host of course):
New HoF members and those with a history of dropping out will need to post their movie write-ups on a regular basis. 1 write up in the first 2 weeks, and 3 in the first month and so on. That way we know your keeping up. If you're going to be absent from watching movies for a period PM me and let me know, otherwise I might think you've dropped out.