MoFo Top 100 Horror Movies: The List

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I like The Conjuring a lot - enough to have it at #20 on my list. It crams all the haunted house cliches into one fine package with some possessions thrown into the mix. Movie doesn't have to be super original to be good and The Conjuring proves that. Great characters make it stand out from the mass of modern horrors. Also the only film from current decade on my vote.

Seen: 61/72

My list so far...

3. Ringu (1998) - 31st
7. Ginger Snaps (2000) - 91st
12. The Beyond (1981) - 93rd
14. Deep Red (1975) - 66th
16. The Descent (2005) - 40th
20. The Conjuring (2013) - 29th
21. Dog Soldiers (2002) - 94th
25. Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural (1973) - 1 pointer

Up to now it feels like this list has been wildly unpredictable. That's exciting in some ways but also comes across as unconventional probably, and I think we are what I said in the opening thread post as we are an

intellectually diverse crowd
Seen twenty-three of the movies so far, yet I've seen twenty-four of the remaining twenty-eight to come. The Ring (2002), Saw (2004), The Descent (2005), The Birds (1963), Videodrome (1983), The Haunting (1963), Carrie (1976), Nosferatu The Vampyre (1979), Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992), Gremlins (1984), Hellraiser (1987), Peeping Tom (1960), Freaks (1932), Friday The 13th (1980), Deep Red (1975), The Bride Of Frankenstein (1935), The Invisible Man (1933), Army Of Darkness (1992), Zombieland (2009), Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde (1931), Ginger Snaps (2000), Friday The 13th Part III (1982), and They Live (1988) are the films I've seen. I also happen to be deeply in love with a very particular kind of horror, and I'm on a long drought, since the last movie I picked for my list was #62 Friday The 13th (1980), thirty-three movies ago. That's what I get for not rigging. Waiting patiently like Wilson Pickett, admittedly, to get back in the middle of the GAME.

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Your top 10 would suggest otherwise - for all its reputation as the progenitor of an entire genre of "sadistic" horror, it's not quite as nasty as you'd think (and it's my understanding that the sequels are far worse in that regard) but I guess everyone has different levels of tolerance for this kind of thing.

In any case, these were both middling-to-okay movies (Saw the former, Ringu the latter) and so I didn't vote for them.

How does my top 10 suggest otherwise? Do you mean my top 10 movies in general, or my top 10 horror? I didn't make the latter public yet.

The Conjuring was all the way up at #7 on my list. Indeed, it’s almost like a “greatest hits” horror movie but honestly it’s also just one of the most well crafted ones out there - out of the imitators and the originals. James Wan knows his stuff and proved it with this one, improving on his formula and crafting the best he could with the genre. I love the look of his films, the authenticy of the production, the low budget approach and his lively and organic camera work that “floats” like a ghost around the house. The acting is great, the music is awesome and overall the entertainment level is very high. If you want a fresh and lively take on tired old tropes The Conjuring should do the trick. It’s hard not to appreciate at least some aspects of this film and I find it to be one of the absolute best modern horrors out there.

I'm not really sure what to say about The Conjuring. It was nice to have such a familiar style of horror back in the theatres, and somehow still be refreshing. It had been a few years since I had been interested in the new horror offerings, and The Conjuring came out of nowhere and gave that excitement back to me. It was on my list at #13.

Seen: 57/72
My List: 10

02. Re-Animator (1985) - #88
07. Cabin in the Woods (2011) - #52
11. The Descent (2005) - #40
12. Saw (2004) - #32
13. The Conjuring (2013) - #29
16. Event Horizon (1997) - #49
17. The Wailing (2016) - #69
18. It Follows (2014) - #78
20. The Babadook (2014) - #63
21. Videodrome (1983) - #42
25. The Void (2016) - DNP/1 Pointers List

I already mentioned that I like The Ring, even if it slipped a little after my first watch.

The Conjuring is like so many other movies, yet I thought it was terrific. Still, I expected it to place about where The Conjuring 2 showed up, and the sequel not to show up at all.

The Conjuring and the Ring were both tight. The Conjuring was more exciting, but The Ring had the better story and a more mysterious presence. I actually decided not to watch the original to give the remake a better chance, and I think it payed off since the remake is higher up. I would probably disagree if I saw the original, though.

Anerican remake of Kwaidan, if I may fanboy.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
So I'm a little behind here...

Videodrome Really dig this film, but it never crossed my mind as horror. I guess I always thought of it as more sci/fi, but I'm not protesting it being here. Cronenberg does body horror so damn well that I'm glad it showed up.

The Birds One of many Hitchcock films that I have yet to see. It scared my wife when she was a kid though, so there's that.

The Descent most definitely made my list. I'm a Neil Marshall fan and he solidified himself in the horror community with this claustrophobic gore piece. Love it and was expecting it to win the recent HoF if it wasn't DQ'd. I had this guy at #14.

Get Out was my favourite film of 2017. It is so expertly crafted and Peele really doesn't waste a single second of screen time. Watching it a second time, you pick up on a lot more little details he sprinkles around and it is a rewarding experience. A film that blends horror and comedy very well and speaks volumes in today's times. I had it at #20 and can fully expect it to climb in the years ahead.

The Others I remember thinking this was just a film trying to ride the coattails of The Sixth Sense's success. But I feel like it deserves more than that statement and I'm glad to see it pop up here. It's always interesting to see a big Hollywood star take on a horror film later in their career and Nicole Kidman doesn't phone it in here. A really good film, just didn't make my list.

The Blair Witch Project I remember the mass hysteria surrounding this film. Is it real? Is it fake? Pre-internet craze, this film's strongest asset was the marketing, no doubt. No other film on this list I think is as influential in how to market a horror film. I was too young to see it in theatres, but watched it at home and remember being annoyed that it was all shot like a home video. I didn't "get" it. Was it the first film to do this? No, Cannibal Holocaust did it WAY before. But The Blair Witch Project still feels ahead of it's time. It wasn't until Paranormal Activity did this genre really take off. If I were making a list of Top Influential Horror Films, this would be top 3. But I'm not, so it didn't make my list.

Saw I had the ending to The Sixth Sense ruined for my on the school playground. I had the ending to The Usual Suspects ruined for me at a party. Good ol' IMDB spoiled the ending to numerous films like Split and The Prestige. Saw is the ONE film that I can genuinely remember being shocked and not expecting the ending one bit. Along with Hostel is create the torture gory phase of horror films that overstayed it's welcome. Despite what the series became, the original Saw is a solid horror film that introduced us to James Wan. I had it at #23.

The Ring I saw this one in theatres with a buddy. There were not many people in the theatre, two girls in the back and a couple in front of them. When my buddy and I walked in, the two girls came over to us and chatted us up. Asked if we had six-packs (abs) and if we could see them. I probably could have gotten somewhere with the one girl, but I was a shy teenage boy and couldn't close. So they moved back to their seats. When the girl came out of the TV, these girls screamed BLOODY MURDER. They kept screaming to the point where the guy in front of them told them to SHUT THE F*CK UP. Made my list at #22.

The Conjuring I see I'm a high voter on this one and I placed it one spot above @MovieMeditation. We are so much alike.

The Conjuring is a great horror film that, like Saw, will be blamed for countless additions to the series. I use the term series loosely because it has become a Conjuring Universe. The Conjuring, The Conjuring 2, Annabelle, Annabelle 2, Annabelle 3, The Nun and one more that I'm not sure I want to spoil. Wan takes horror back to the basics and forgoes the generic jump scares and instead instills a sense of fear and dread through atmosphere and clever set pieces. Wan has made a name for himself in the horror community and The Conjuring is his best film.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
6. The Conjuring (29th)
7. The Cabin in the Woods (52nd)
9. Return of the Living Dead (Did Not Place)
14. The Descent (40th)
15. Dog Soldiers (94th)
17. Ginger Snaps (91st)
20. Get Out (39th)
22. The Ring (30th)
23. Saw (32nd)
25. Stir of Echoes (One-Pointer)

6 Grave (Didn't place)
7 A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night (#81)
9 Bram Stoker's Dracula (#50)
10 Nosferatu The Vampyre (#48)
13 Hereditary (#56)
18 The Witch (#58)
21 El espinazo del diablo (#89)
23 Re-Animator (#87)
24 The Babadook (#63)

Seen : 27/72

I'm confident that my #1 to #14 will all place pretty high on the list. #16 and #19 can't not place either, I think.

Since there have been so many good movies on the list though, could it be possible that my awesome #15 and #20 and #22 picks should not make it into the countdown ? I can't wait to bitch about it when it is over.
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone

Welcome to the human race...
How does my top 10 suggest otherwise? Do you mean my top 10 movies in general, or my top 10 horror? I didn't make the latter public yet.
General top 10 - the violence in Saw doesn't strike me as being that excessive compared to the more violent films on that list (especially the 2017 version of It).

Anyway, I haven't seen the first Conjuring. Might have to double-bill the two of them at some point.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

How does my top 10 suggest otherwise? Do you mean my top 10 movies in general, or my top 10 horror? I didn't make the latter public yet.
General top 10 - the violence in Saw doesn't strike me as being that excessive compared to the more violent films on that list (especially the 2017 version of It).

Anyway, I haven't seen the first Conjuring. Might have to double-bill the two of them at some point.

Didn't Saw get an NC-17 rating? And there wasn't that much blood in It (except for the sink scene). The movie cleaned out a lot of the rough dtuff from the book.

Welcome to the human race...
Technically, Saw did not get an NC-17 - its theatrical cut has an R rating (though it does apparently have an unrated version).

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
How does my top 10 suggest otherwise? Do you mean my top 10 movies in general, or my top 10 horror? I didn't make the latter public yet.
General top 10 - the violence in Saw doesn't strike me as being that excessive compared to the more violent films on that list (especially the 2017 version of It).

Anyway, I haven't seen the first Conjuring. Might have to double-bill the two of them at some point.

Didn't Saw get an NC-17 rating? And there wasn't that much blood in It (except for the sink scene). The movie cleaned out a lot of the rough dtuff from the book.

Book?? Explain.

The book It, not Saw. From what people have told me, the book was bloodier, and there was a scene where the kids had sex with each other when lost in the sewers. I didn't believe it at first so I checked it out on the wiki. I was going to read the book, but decided not to since I really don't need to read a book with a scene like that. It's the same reason I won't watch that movie Kids.

If you need a better guide for my standards (not that it matters), for serious violence Alien 3 and 4 are a close maximum. Alien horror is fine, but I don't typically watch mind-effed horror with sadistic killers unless the movie isn't that violent.

Anyway, NC-17 or not, I feel no obligation to watch Saw. Slasher movies aren't really my bag, though I admit A Nightmare On Elm Street is the exception to that rule for its dream-based story. Dream-horror is up my alley.

Saw was my #15 and The Conjuring was my #14

In case you didn't know already I LOVE James Wan. Dude is a genius.

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