Game of Thrones: Season 8, The Final Season (spoilers)


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Speaking of fast travel, was that the village (or whatever) that was just south of the wall last season? The kid that was just asking for horses and wagons to help his people escape to Winterfell? That kid moves FAST!
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Thoughts on the episode:

Lots of monumental moments from over the seasons shown as the countdown begins, ending, interestingly enough, with Bran looking through the castle window at the off-screen Jaime and Cersei doing their thing. Then the recap, "Previously on Game of Thrones," which closes with Bran's eyes going white, cutting to Viserion's eyes going blue (hmm), then Viserion bringing the Wall down. I also thought it interesting that among the previous scenes, they chose to show Arya and her "practice duel" (don't know what else to call it) with Brienne of Tarth. Wonder if we'll get some kind of repeat of that?

I also love the new opening model shots, especially Winterfell's, with the shot going from the ground to under the castle, where the crypts are, where we know by preview that women, children, and Lord Varys will be waiting out the battle.

The first real shot showing the local kid at Winterfell's main road, clambering up a tree to see the approaching army, in much the same way that a young Bran used to climb things.

Bran staring at everyone: Daenerys and Ser Jorah, Tyrion, Sam Tarley, Jaime. Always at the right place at the right time. Helps when you're prescient!

Lady Mormont telling things like they are, no b.s.

The reunion of Arya and Jon. hard not to get a little misty-eyed at that. @Austruck you're right, Maisie Williams has wonderful expressions.

Qyburn saying about one of Bronn's consorts: "Poor girl. The pox will take her within the year." Yikes. Dude is just downright creepy!

Euron touching Cersei's stomach and saying, "I am going to put a prince in your belly." Cersei gives a wry smile. Is she really pregnant already? Or did she just lie to Tyrion to get him to believe she'd send her armies to fight, if only to save her unborn child. Hmm.

Yara headbutting Theon after he rescues her. Well, he did have it coming.

Daenerys and her scary look and saying about Sansa, "If she can't respect me..."

As to the question of why Daenarys didn't wonder why Jon could ride a dragon---last season she saw him touching Drogon on the snout and Drogon closed his eyes like a contented pet would do. And last night when they walked up to the dragons, Rhaegar (Jon's father, Rhaegar's namesake) bent his neck toward Jon and blinked his eyes like he liked Jon. Maybe they can sense he's really a Targaryen?

Daenarys and Jon kissing and Jon getting nervous at Drogon's grumbling. Dany reassuring him that it was all good, then Jon looking over Dany's shoulder at Drogon glaring at him. Hilarious!

The reunion of Arya and the Hound, with Arya shooting death daggers at him. Gendry and Arya flirting in their own way. Very nice.

Daenerys at first thanking Sam for saving Jorah, then coldly telling him she killed his father and brother. I thought the acting honors of the night went to John Bradley for showing Sam with conflicted feelings and trying to fight back tears, then showing anger. Great stuff. Then Bran getting Sam to tell Jon about his true heritage.

The scene posted by @7thson with the Umber lad screeching at Tormund, Beric Dondarrion, Eddison Tollett, and crew. Must admit it gave me a bit of a jolt and I said, "Damn!" out loud.

Jaime showing up at Winterfell. At first I thought it was Melisandre till I saw the person's body carriage. Nice ending.

Very good first episode.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

We've gone on holiday by mistake
None of the re unions come close to Sansa and Jon, 6 years in the making, in fact they've become a little tiresome so I'm quite glad they're over.

More interesting re unions next week, Jamie and Bran, Daenerys and Jamie.

Edit, actually Dany Jamie is a meeting not reunion.

You ready? You look ready.
I hear winter is still coming, so that's cool.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Qyburn saying about one of Bronn's consorts: "Poor girl. The pox will take her within the year." Yikes. Dude is just downright creepy!
He is an underrated villain. I think he is so brilliant, and the actor has done a good job with that character.

A system of cells interlinked
I'm a day late, but I was able to watch the episode last night. Excellent stuff, and I agree with Aus that it was the obligatory realignment episode. Excellent writing and acting across the board.

@ynwtf Why are you waving at Chyp's ghost? Did he leave MoFo or something?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I'm a day late, but I was able to watch the episode last night. Excellent stuff, and I agree with Aus that it was the obligatory realignment episode. Excellent writing and acting across the board.

@ynwtf Why are you waving at Chyp's ghost? Did he leave MoFo or something?
Oh no. He is still quite well and with us, whether at the keyboard typing obscure musical suggestions, deconstructing shouts, or in spirit while he slumbers. Chypmunk is (dare I say?) never truly gone. *cough*

I just felt like I was channeling him as I typed Bonnie Tyler.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Some thoughts about this final season.

Where will season 8 sit when the dust settles? Seasons 4 and 6 were fairly epic and it wouldn't surprise me if we've already seen the best this show has to offer us. Season 5 and 7 were quite poor with the occasional brilliant moment or 2.

Will we enjoy the ending? thinking Sopranos here and that initial wtf, only later do you realise the genius.

How bad will the depression be to say goodbye to this fantastic world and all its characters? A story that has dominated this decade like nothing else. At least there's the books to look forward to, I'm sure they'll drop around 2040 or so.

Ramble over....

Who Knew the Night King was good at making Wall Art . Wonder how many bodies he tacked to the wall first to decide which person to use. Or Night King just didnt like the Umbers

Who Knew the Night King was good at making Wall Art . Wonder how many bodies he tacked to the wall first to decide which person to use. Or Night King just didnt like the Umbers
Or maybe he knew who the head of house Umber was?

I read some articles about Winterfell and how unique it may turn out to be. Compared to all the other houses/castles, it stands alone...literally. There is so much backstory to forget, as if names aren't bad enough. Lines about how Winterfell is heated by the springs, while those outside freeze. How 500 can hold Winterfell vs _____. The fortifications. And we all know something is poppn' off in those crypts.

The Adventure Starts Here!

I was telling her (my wife) " look, his eyes are open." She was looking at something on her phone, then right when she looked up the Umber kid was about to attack and she screamed. Her noise scared me more than the scene did which was somewhat predictable anyway lol.

Aha! See, I watched with two friends (on an 83" TV, which was awesome) and I noticed his eyes right away and was the first to quietly say, "Hey, his eyes are open." So, that one hit *them* more than it hit me.

It would be really bad if the Knight King knew all about the Winterfell crypts and the army facing the one direction is large number but is a distraction and wights start coming through the crypts of winterfell

That was my initial thought with the "Arya in a panic" clip. It's possible, but the more I think about it, it just doesn't feel right.

The Knight King Has an Undead Dragon he would ride it always. Now he could have done the wall art or any white walker may have done it. Think the point is the Symbol is to mock the children who made them and the Dead boy is a hint the white walkers were once Northmen

Listening to a 2hr pod on S8 E1...

Rhaegal seems to have taken to Jon Snow. If a rift occurs between J&D, the Queen may have cut her power in half...