The MoFo Personal Pictures Thread


Took a four-night trip to Iceland! Seriously cool (no pun intended).

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The trip to Iceland is super cheap, but the cost while there is ridiculously expensive.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Weird is relative.
Hello MoFo!

Please allow me to introduce...

Lil' Baby Stella!

So is @TheUsualSuspect's son, haha.

Also, amazing Iceland pictures from @Holden Pike. I've always wanted to visit.

All these babies are delightful! Welcome to the world Stella & Congrats to @Sedai - and I' m also enjoying seeing these sweet faced cherubs from @matt72582, and

And let us not forget the cats ( not really any lesser beings, in my book ) @mark f glad to see the felines again- dunno how you got that photo of your cat with a hi-five paw- so cute.

Finally, omg, great photos of your ( envy inducing ) trip to Iceland @Holden Pike - grass covered huts and waterfalls on ice and northern lights . You and the Missus are two lucky ducks- or should I say; two pleasing puffins.

Thanks to all you mofos for sharing!

Screenshot from a video project I made about Frederick the Great.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Screenshot from a video project I made about Frederick the Great.

If that guy doesn't have a thick Australian accent I'm going to be very, very disappointed.

If that guy doesn't have a thick Australian accent I'm going to be very, very disappointed.
More a hint of a southern accent. Disappointed- Psshhaw!

"Banzai Daniel San!"
"Not Bonsai! Banzai!"

Pic taken a couple days ago, about 3 days after it sprouted its leaves...

Pic taken just now... sprouting well

She's 10 years old now. Doing well considering she's actually died 3 times because of the odd weather spells the UK keeps getting.

Can’t believe you have a bonsai outside.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

@The Rodent Is that a Japanese maple?

Can’t believe you have a bonsai outside.

@The Rodent Is that a Japanese maple?

Yep. Specifically Green Japanese Acer Palmatum.
Which is also why it has to stay outside It's an outdoor tree.

This was 6 years ago... the 3 times she's died, were between this pic and the pics above ^^ because of the dodgy weather but every year when I think it's over, she comes back stronger than before and goes on a growth bender.

Trouble with a capital "T"
the 3 times she's died, were between this pic and the pics above ^^ because of the dodgy weather but every year when I think it's over, she comes back stronger than before and goes on a growth bender.
That's why we call you Rodent/Re-animator

Your maple is looking good! I had one of those planted by a gazebo at my old house. It grew to be quite big and was beautiful when leafed out. sad that I have no idea what it looks like now...I hope it's still there and not cut down by some fool.