Rate The Last Movie You Saw


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Paris Belongs to Us - 7/10
First off, I went into this not knowing anything more than the title and the year it was released... I went on my Watchlist and wanted something French from around 1960.. Not knowing this was a mystery, I wasn't paying extra attention, and my mind tended to drift along with the themes. I haven't seen a good mystery in about 20 years, when I saw "The Usual Suspects"... This was filmed in 1958, and it was funny hearing a background conversation in English, where a guy says, "I don't think Nixon is experienced enough. He's not independent. He's not likable" (with inaudible stuff in between), which is ironic, considering it was the knock on JFK (and his youth, also ironic considering that Nixon was only four years older).

Welcome to the human race...
Old School -

not quite as obnoxiously terrible as I remember, but still
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Weird is relative.
Sleep Tight (2011)

This was an awesome under the radar Spanish flick recommended by The Samoan Lawyer. It's eligible for the horror countdown but I won't vote for it because I consider it a thriller and I'm a bitch with genres. I wouldn't want to say anything about it except that it should be seen by many more.
Agreed! I saw that when it was first released.

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Sorry To Bother You (2018)

Wouldn't decribe it as hilarious but certainly had its moments. I could watch both Stanfield (best caracter in Atlanta) and Tessa Thompson all day long and Hammer as well was great in his role. I'd heard there was some madness towards the end but still wasnt prepared for that! After doing a bit more reading up on it last night, I'm rating it higher.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

“I was cured, all right!”
After Cape Fear I thought: wow, now I need to watch another good movie:


Dumb choice!

- Had the marketing team done a better job and not given away the entire film in the trailer and had this not been falsely made into an IMAX film this might have been a 4 star movie. You've got 5 or 6 really good scenes in this film but it fails to come together as a cohesive piece of film-making.
  1. The Sixth Sense
  2. Split
  3. Unbreakable
  4. Signs
  5. Glass
  6. The Visit

Free Solo

This is about guys that climb mountains without ropes, and rather than just go general the focus is one one climber (Alex) and one climb. Alex is clearly on the "spectrum" but the film encapsulates his life so well and the people around him that it's not just about the climb, the human story works as well.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
The Straight Story - 9/10
I bought this on VHS almost 20 years ago, and thought it would be something easy to watch after seeing a movie earlier I had never seen.
My fav Lynch's movieOr rather the only one I like from this director




“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

The Saw series was done to death and the revival is dead on arrival. Not a single sympathetic character, surprise reveal or gruesomely awesome death in the flick (save for maybe the final one). Jigsaw needs to be put to rest for good.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Earth vs The Spider [aka The Spider] (Bert I. Gordon, 1958)

It's certainly no tangled web of intrigue but I spied a little entertainment in it

Welcome to the human race...
Mr. Smith Goes To Washington -

guys I don't know about you but I'm starting to think that the continued confluence of politics and private interests is a problem

Fist of Fury (1972, Lo Wei)

Overrated. Awesome fight scenes, but the rest of the movie, frankly, sucked. Poorly written and directed, some awfully cheesy/boring scenes and stilted, over the top acting (ugh, that romantic scene...). Don't get me wrong, I think Bruce Lee is a great icon and amazing athlete but none of his movies have struck me as outstanding pieces of filmmaking. Having recently revisited a bunch of Jackie Chan movies, as well as the Fist of Legend with Jet Li, I can safely say I enjoy them a lot more.

Old School -

not quite as obnoxiously terrible as I remember, but still

You've burned your number #1 fan. I'm team Suspect now.