17th MoFo Hall of Fame



As much as I loved this, I was actually hoping I loved it more. That's how enormously high my expectations were. The brilliant part of the movie for me was the story, and to avoid spoilers I don't really want to comment on the specifics. It certainly was dark and powerful, and fit my taste well. It's the kind of movie that makes you feel ill with how much of the world is such a terrible place. It's filmed beautifully and is methodically paced. The reason it misses masterpiece status for me is because I thought the characters and performances were merely good. No complaints there, just nothing that especially stood out. Also, it could be momentarily hard to follow at times with the back and forth in time and events. Sometimes it took my wife and I a minute to figure out where we were. And plus those words that would show in bold on the screen, notifying the viewer of a person or place, were pretty indistinct to my pea brain. Those are not big problems as I was able to soon follow. A special shout out to whoever was responsible for the subtitles because they were very easy to read. My wife thought it was slow, but she enjoyed it and pretty much echoed my thoughts on everything. It'll do well on my list I'm sure.

Weird is relative.
Does anyone have a decent link for Pixote? It's on YouTube, but in low quality.

Does anyone have a decent link for Pixote? It's on YouTube, but in low quality.
That's the version I watched and I thought it was good quality, more evidence of my low standards.

That's the version I watched and I thought it was good quality, more evidence of my low standards.
That's what I watched, too. It looked fine to me - given its age and, I assume, low budget.

I will prob watch that one next. Just want to me more certain on Suspect finishing
Watch The Libertine. You'll probably hate it, but no chance of me not finishing.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
3/14 Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (Amélie)

Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet

This one is definitely one of the most peculiar and interestingly constructed films in recent memory. Amélie is an instantly likable character and I loved how she and the other characters were introduced through very poetic and dynamic voice-over narration and I appreciated how the filmmakers did the effort of shooting some extra mini-montages for these introductions, it was very well done. I love how lighthearted the film feels, the overly-bright yellows and subdued oranges give this very dreamy quality to the picture, and Amélie's curious and pure personality really made this film a vivacious one.

The film is constructed of many side-plots that all correlate to our protagonist, the storytelling in here is not very linear and normally I would fault a film for it. But this remains grounded and it keeps all of those side stories relative to Amélie's character development. The film feels controlled by Amélie herself just the same way she controls her surroundings and the lives of other people around her. This is one of those flicks that you wouldn't really call a "movie" your mind just goes straight to sophistication and "film" would be the right word. It also feels very seamless, the way the scenes are shot and edited together, it flows so smoothly and naturally. Overall, this was an engaging film and I loved how different this character study feels, it's definitely one I will remember.

SCORE - 83/100

Trouble with a capital "T"
3/14 Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (Amélie)
Overall, this was an engaging film and I loved how different this character study feels, it's definitely one I will remember.

SCORE - 83/100
I'll remember it too, and often I forget about films within days. Amelie is so rich in detail that if someone likes it on the first watch, it would only get better on future watches. Glad you liked it

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
I'll remember it too, and often I forget about films within days. Amelie is so rich in detail that if someone likes it on the first watch, it would only get better on future watches. Glad you liked it
Yeah! The attention to detail is immaculate! You can definitely tell this one a passion project! Glad you liked it too!

Let The Right One In

Pretty good. Quite liked the atmosphere of the cold, winter town. The main relationship of the film is pretty unique: It's quite sweet but also very f*cked up (Oskar probably has some form of psychopathy). There's an abundance of great shots (Hanging from the tree, in the pool etc.) Probably will re-watch this one in the future and see if I like it better. I'll probably also check out the director's 'Tinker Tailor Solider Spy' (Even though it looks like the ultimate dad movie!).

Cool film Pahak

Oskar is not a particularly likeable character at the start, since he's just one step away from murdering his classmates. I don't think that being bullied is a justifiable excuse for his violent fantasies
If would've been really cool if they focused on that aspect more.

@Miss Vicky

Watched another one. This was a film I most likely wouldn't have watched otherwise.

The Dressmaker (2015)

A woman returns to her old home town, Dungatar (love the name, by the way). As a child she was forced to leave after she was accused of killing a boy. She sets up her dressmaker's shop at her mother's house and starts to meddle with people from her past trying to find out the truth, forgiveness, maybe little love and eventually even revenge.

The Dressmaker is little uneven mess of romance, drama and comedy that could have benefited from focusing more on either its lighter or darker side. It's mix of Lynch-like townsfolk, family friendly comedy, syrupy romance and amnesia based mystery solving is too much over the place for me to get a firm grip of its intent. Also its indetermination makes people's motives quite hard to figure (especially those who were kids when Tilly was sent away).

Visually the film is feast for the eyes; scenery is gorgeous and it's yellow-brown barrenness is nicely contrasted by Tilly's colorful creations. I also liked how the opening title sequence is used to show us Tilly's past (initially I hoped it would be a cleverly made intro but it kinda failed in the end). Acting is top-notch but I'm not sure if Kate Winslet was a good choice for Tilly (she looks too old when compared to other people who are supposed to be about her age, especially Hemsworth who's 15 years younger than her).

So my main issue is the film bouncing from style to style and sort of breaking its narrative in the process. There are good scenes or parts in all the styles but in my opinion they don't work that well together. Some of the drama is really forced as well and amnesia is pretty high on my hate list when it comes to plot devices. Maybe it's just not my film because it's technically solid, well acted and has enough personality to stand out. I didn't hate it but it's just barely decent for me.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Will post some of my thoughts on a few tomorrow night. At least 3!!!! ooooohhhhhhh
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I think I'm all caught up on linking write-ups now.

@Siddon has not posted in 9 days. I'll send a PM in about 24 hours if he hasn't checked in before then.