Forced diversity in Hollywood


( I am assuming that the ones giving positive reps are white ) are approving of a post that says that it is good that white people are a dying breed and says that whites are an awful people
Why are you assuming that and how are you defining "white"?

Why are you assuming that and how are you defining "white"?
I think I am right in that assumption.

I think I am right in that assumption.
Culture does not equal "race". And saying we need to breed to save the color of ones skin is laughable and completely meaningless biologically. Melanin prominence and absence have been fluctuating countlessly for the past half million years or so depending on the environment and the whims of human interaction. Why are we treating white Europeans as if they are a separate species endangered by this brown and black species? We are all the same. Race, biologically, is an illusion.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Everything being said about race right now is certainly true, but I'm a little curious why "white people are awful" didn't trigger it, but "white people probably repped that post" did.

And that means what, exactly? Also why are you avoiding the question about defining "white"?
I mean Caucasian.

I mean Caucasian.
And you assume it's only "Caucasian" people who repped ash's post, why? Please stop avoiding questions.

I repped her post. I'm not white. Well, not totally white. Like a lot of people, I'm not totally anything in regards to race. Which is why I asked you to define "white."

And you assume it's only "Caucasian" people who repped ash's post, why? Please stop avoiding questions.

I repped her post. I'm not white. Well, not totally white. Like a lot of people, I'm not totally anything in regards to race. Which is why I asked you to define "white."
My guess is that only white people would dare to approve of a post that calls whites awful . Others positive reppng it would be racism.

My guess is that only white people would dare to approve of a post that calls whites awful . Others positive reppng it would be racism.
Or maybe others positive repping it are also tired of people telling them they ought to have children. Which would be why I repped it.

Or maybe others positive repping it are also tired of people telling them they ought to have children. Which would be why I repped it.
Or they found humour in the comment.

Ashdoc, instead of worrying about pigment, worry about character.
I am not worried. Why should I be ? I am Asian, not white . It is bunker wise who is worried really . I was advising him to maintain population of whites instead of complaining about forced diversity of other ethnicities. In democracy numbers matter and his concerns would become less if whites are in some numbers . If they dwindle in numbers then the ethnic diversity in Hollywood will increase not decrease.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
anybody for a black pope ? only theists allowed to discuss

and you're not white and you're not a woman, so stop dictating to me and others like me what i should do/shouldn't do with my body, stop assuming why i'm not and i won't discuss



i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
I don't think ash was ever talking about anyone in particular, and I don't understand why people are taking such offence at something which is factually true.
it might have been the 'white women not having kids just wanna party and lay on the beach all day' bit

addendum: i say white women, not white people, because women always get way more flack for being childless than men do.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
good, cause i aint wasting breath explaining, for the MILLIONTH TIME, to some random a-hole why i don't have kids yet. and i really couldn't care less if white people are a dying breed. good. we're awful anyway.
I like Ashdoc, but I think his idea that whites need to start out breeding other races is bonkers

"we're awful anyway"
...Speak for yourself, I'm white and I'm one hecka of a nice guy


and you're not white and you're not a woman, so stop dictating to me and others like me what i should do/shouldn't do with my body, stop assuming why i'm not and i won't discuss


I am not dictating . I am just opining.

I like Ashdoc, but I think his idea that whites need to start out breeding other races is bonkers

"we're awful anyway"
...Speak for yourself, I'm white and I'm one hecka of a nice guy
Outbreeding is out of question buddy. I am not asking for it . I am just asking worried people to match the birth rate of others instead of complaining here , not outmatching their birth rate .

Trouble with a capital "T"
Outbreeding is out of question buddy. I am not asking for it . I am just asking worried people to match the birth rate of others instead of complaining here , not outmatching their birth rate .
Sorry Ashdoc, as much as I like you, I'm not having a baby for you