Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Fish Tank (2009)


I watched this for the female director's countdown after reading positive things here last week. I had never heard of it before. I like bleak British flicks and this was no exception. Excellent performances all around. The girl was terrific and I read somewhere she had no experience. I sure didn't expect to see Michael Fassbender and his character was the key to the movie. My wife liked it too. I pretended I didn't like the mom but of course she was my favorite.

I like bleak British flicks
@cricket, ever seen this movie? Excellent & fits your criteria exactly.

On a lighter note, this movie is really good too.

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

This might just do nobody any good.
That’s some cast in Last Orders. I’ll give it a go.

Originally Posted by the samoan lawyer
anyone agree that Mary Elizabeth Winstead is stunning?
Only every day of my life.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."


Liked this more than I thought I would, even though it couldn't really decide if it was going to be Rocky or The Champ. Jake Gyllenhaal went all in again. It's hard not to rate his **** highly when he does that.

or even a mild
if I'm feeling generous. And I woke up generous.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

I never left the theater with my heart in pieces like last night. At some moments I really thought about leaving, just... leaving. I'm so sad. Star Wars is my favorite fantasy saga since I was 6 and now, now is gone. Sure, the old movies still out there, but this is part of the same universe, and that's... that's so sad...

I've never felt so out of place in my life. While I wanted to cry in frustration, I was surrounded by many who applauded each sequence. Laura Dern, Adam Driver and Mark Hamill, all of them was great in they characters... and BB-8, I love that little droid but this isn't enough, it's not enough... I'm very sorry to say this, but I left the movie theater so disappointed, so frustrated, that I think I'm being a little dramatic here. Well, maybe, but I have to put this out of me. When I watched The Force Awakens, I gave it 3 out of 5. "This is just one new introduction to this rich universe", I used to say, "This is just the beginning" I wanted to believe...
For the first time in my life, It breaks my heart to be honest about a film:

I used to have a passion... now... is gone.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Mother! (2017)

A marmite film if ever I seen one. And I thought it was brilliant. I 100% recommended going in blind to this one as it really is a head trip. I had a rough idea what I was expecting it to be but it played out completely different. Jennifer Lawrence plays the part so well and although Bardem was good, there really wasn't that much for him to 'act'. The cameos were once again totally unexpected but worked brilliantly. Much more psychological than your typical horror, throughout the film I sensed vibes of Bunuel, Polanski and Kubrick, although I'll not mention what films. Its tense from start to finish with a real feel of claustrophobia and despite it not being particularly gory, there are several scenes that are pretty close to the bone, particularly the final scenes.

I loved the allegory behind it all and for me it totally worked. The only Aronofsky I haven't seen yet is Noah but as it stands this is as good as anything else he's made. Cant wait to watch it again.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Dagon (2001)

There is something about these mysterious - survival - unknown place - odd people type of movies that pulls me in. Generally this is nothing more than an average movie, I am fully aware of that, acting is decant, story is taken from someone else ( directly from H.P. Lovecraft this time) and dialog and other things they had to add in is also very... Let's say nothing special, on the surface just another simple horror movie.
But there are some key things that bring it a bit above that, atmosphere is one of those. Firstly, you are in a old looking town, phones are dead, there is only one car, your ship is a wreck and streets are looking all the same, there is barely any space for two people to run next to each other, it can be very claustrophobic at times. Constant rain and wind creates this feeling of being cut off from outside world even further, being helpless in a situation where every person wants to hunt you down.
There are some reveals but I don't wanna spoil, some are predictable, others good, few bad ones.
One of my biggest complaints is that the director lost his imagination when it comes to the structure of the scene, most of them are just "run, hide behind something and wait for the bad guys to pass" there is no tension.
As I said in my review for In the Mouth of Madness, something connected with Lovecraft can have only one ending and it is all about the road character takes until he reaches that breaking point. In this... Well, our main character actually goes from being scared, nervous and "weak", to being strong minded, willing to fight to the death, he thinks and acts, as if all of this made him mentally stronger not weaker. His girlfriend even smiles near the end, looking happily, while that might be good depending on the situation, it is not good for Lovecraftian horror or this movie in specific.

Verdict: 6.8/10
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

A Passport To Hell (Frank Lloyd, 1932)

A tale about a woman fluttering and men gambling

Taxi Tehran

Good film. I read up a bit on Panahi's situation beforehand as i was only aware of the basics. Think this is probably more important than it impressive but it's enjoyable anyway, it's funny and Panahi comes across as the most likeable dude imaginable. He's super smiley and seems like a fun guy, loved when the small guy noticed him at he start and he kind of swayed side to side with a really genuine smile (although not really since this was scripted) both feeling awkward and appreciative that someone had noticed him, he was great with his niece too. My one problem was i thought some of the acting was off which is a bigger problem for a docufiction IMO. Kiarostami's docufictions and A Moment of Innocence feel really natural throughout and this didn't at times. Also think this was probably the worst place to start, i'd have been better starting with a few of his pre ban films then This Is Not a Film and Closed Curtain beforehand. Still i enjoyed and seriously respect it and i'm looking forward to more from him.

The Wrong Guy

This was a really enjoyable and funny movie from one of the Kids in the Hall guys. Watched it because i'd heard it compared to Classic Simpsons, while i don't think it reaches the heights of the best Simpsons i get where people are coming from and had a good time. It's on Youtube and the creator: Dave Foley actually commented on the video saying "This movie is something I'm extremely proud of. I wish more people had seen it. I'm delighted that it has pleased some of you." so i think he's just happy people are watching it as it seems forgotten. I recommend it.


Mother! (2017)

A marmite film if ever I seen one. And I thought it was brilliant. I 100% recommended going in blind to this one as it really is a head trip. I had a rough idea what I was expecting it to be but it played out completely different. Jennifer Lawrence plays the part so well and although Bardem was good, there really wasn't that much for him to 'act'. The cameos were once again totally unexpected but worked brilliantly. Much more psychological than your typical horror, throughout the film I sensed vibes of Bunuel, Polanski and Kubrick, although I'll not mention what films. Its tense from start to finish with a real feel of claustrophobia and despite it not being particularly gory, there are several scenes that are pretty close to the bone, particularly the final scenes.

I loved the allegory behind it all and for me it totally worked. The only Aronofsky I haven't seen yet is Noah but as it stands this is as good as anything else he's made. Cant wait to watch it again.

Great isn't it. It's hard to see what other director still working would have accomplished what Aronofsky does here.

Oh and yes to Winstead. She's mightily awesome in Fargo.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Great isn't it. It's hard to see what other director still working would have accomplished what Aronofsky does here.

Oh and yes to Winstead. She's mightily awesome in Fargo.

Very true. He's a gifted director.

Not seen the 3rd series of Fargo yet but I will soon.


OMG, this is one of those FEEL GOOD movie. I strongly recommend to everyone. Kudos to Julia & Owen as the parents, they were fantastic.

Things I didn't like:
- Message was a little forced near the end of the movie
- Similar to when I watched 'Room', I just think that Jacob Tremblay's performance was good, but not great. Had this movie use a more talented kid, the movie would have elevated to a different level.

You talkin' to me?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
In the Mouth of Madness

This movie was fantastic, Lovecraftian in every way, but let's start from somewhere.
When we are shown at the start that our main character is in a horrible situation, then we get thrown into the past in order to see how this normal, intelligent human being became (what is considered by the doctors) insane and locked up. Those are moments I cherish, so instead of surprising you by hiding where character gets in the end, they surprise you by showing you the end and letting you imagine everything in between, while throwing surprises at your fully working detective brain that is trying to solve the puzzle, small but significant change that fits this psychological sub-genre very well. Especially when Neill pulls this so perfectly, just look at him at the start, through the middle and near the end, (in)sanity shows in his eyes, it can be heard in his voice, just a great performance overall, it was even harder to be this convincing when you look at the budget and the world this movies takes place in.
Others were average at their roles well... Besides Julie Carmen, there are no bad actors expect her, she is seriously lacking here, with only few words that seem like acting, everything else is on a Spanish Soap Opera level.
Story itself is Lovecraftian to its core, beings we cannot even start to comprehend, main character going from a very stable, sane and educated person, to full blown insanity over the course of the story.
Horror is a mixed bag, it uses some classical jump-scares, but not very often, other things they manage to pull off is atmospheric horror, for example those scenes on the road, very disturbing.
One thing where it lacks is time, it would benefit from being longer in order to fully explore some other aspects of the story, it is about one hour and thirty minutes long, addition of twenty to thirty more minutes would be fantastic. Highlighting town folk, town itself, all these objects and who Sutter Cane is, why is he doing this and so on.
It needs you to stay in it, maybe even more than one watch in order to fully understand, it is an intelligent movie that will play tricks on you. Ending itself is really... Well not important, as this is not a movie about endings, if you are familiar with HP Lovecraft you are probably already aware how this one ends. This was a great experience in my book, sadly movies as this one are not big cash cows and are not made that often.

Verdict: 8.5
Was your copy with booming sound followed by whispery voices, Khan? We couldnt watch ours. One minute leaning into the tv the next being blown off the lounge. I thought this was a recent thing...

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Was your copy with booming sound followed by whispery voices, Khan? We couldnt watch ours. One minute leaning into the tv the next being blown off the lounge. I thought this was a recent thing...
No, I had no problems with the sound, so I guess it is not the movie itself, might be the copy you have. But to be fully honest I watched it online.