Kevin Spacey sexual advance accusations


Welcome to the human race...
Smh, motivation behind such accusations is so transparent...
To hold abusers accountable for their actions and prevent them from committing further transgressions? I agree.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Nah kidding dani i dont get your point
How are they wrong to come forward when Harvey got dismissed by hiw own brother for fiddling with people which paved the way for almost 60 so far to, at this point, to come forward about the kulture? Too many dismissive folke in here.

Keep in mind one of the most powerful film production companies in Hollywood. Do you really think his brother would have highligted the shame on their company over a lover's tiff?

You imply that the cone of silence is fine nd dandy. That's really sad, reso.
for pete sake why did it should have corelation with harvey's? It was drunken gay, he did mistake on minor rifht when he was still literally, nobody in the industry!
And no ppl shouldnt silence about that what im not implied, just be wise, looking on perspectives rather than jump into some social media trial when every allegation came out

Your agreement with me is fundamentally flawed because that's not what I was alluding to.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
If someone were to accuse me of being a pedophile or trying to molest a 14 year old response is "No, that did not happen" Because I know I am not a pedophile or prey on young children. The fact that he apologized, blamed possibly being drunk and came out as gay, tells me this is a very likely possibility.

I do hope this was a one time thing, but I have a feeling it's not.

Also, what is a 14 year old kid doing at an adult Hollywood party? Where were his parents?
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Welcome to the human race...
Your agreement with me is fundamentally flawed because that's not what I was alluding to.
Your ability to read sarcasm is fundamentally flawed because I strongly disagree with what you were really alluding to.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide
If it's true, why did it take 30 years for the guy to speak up?
Also I see no reason in cancelling HoC. If an actor/director did something bad in real life it should in no way affect their work.
But it may prospectively affect profit and reputation, and that is fundamentally what most studios and production companies care about.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide
In today's climate, it'd be a prodigious risk for a studio to continue to support the production of a work whose main star has allegedly been involved in such an egregious act.

I personally do not agree with the decision since there is much more to any television series than one actor, but most people do not interpret it that way and he is the lead.

I think Rosie O'Donnell's tweet is pretty damning
Very disappointed, The Usual Suspects is in my top 10. I don't think it'll be long before there are more people coming forward

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
**** Kevin Spacey.
The only reason he decided to come out now is to make his crime looks less innocent and that he's just "embracing his sexuality".

Coming out is a very serious thing for many people, and should never be exploited to get away scot free in a sex crime.

Will see what this turns into. But I also think that Spacey is human and was it worth ruining a man (who may have been himself sexually abused as a child) because he made a non violent advance towards you 30 years ago

I am just thinking aloud but I shall reserve judgement probably now and forever for things I don't understand fully

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Spacey won't be ruined, not even close. It's Hollywood. There are people who have done even worse, a lot worse in some cases, and still did not have their careers damaged. He'll be back at it again any moment, while the young man he made advances to was probably so scarred by the event he had to build up a lot of courage to speak out against him.

It's the victim's choice whether he/she decides to speak out or not. That doesn't mean that what happened is okay.

We seemed to have passed a watershed though. You can bet there are thousands of celebrities and business executives and politicians etc. out there that are just quaking in their boots right now because of something that happened 25 or 30 years ago. You can be sure there will be a lot more than this to drop before its all over.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I think Rosie O'Donnell's tweet is pretty damning
Very disappointed, The Usual Suspects is in my top 10. I don't think it'll be long before there are more people coming forward
Does O'Donnell not realize that she is complicit in these acts by "always knowing" and keeping quiet???

Trouble with a capital "T"
Does O'Donnell not realize that she is complicit in these acts by "always knowing" and keeping quiet???
Yup...she realized it, that's why she did a follow up tweet to cover her ass. Not an easy thing to do either.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
No no no. You all are missing the bigger picture here. You see, Frank Underwood is so conceited and manipulative that he has set this entire scandal into motion. He has worked so hard to develop and maintain his presidency, do you think for just one moment that he's just going to hand it off to his wife? NOW?


The entire second half of last season was simply a distraction from his larger game. He (Francis) is so obsessed with power that he has turned on his own actor, putting into play such drama that could potentially ruin his (Spacey's) career, with the sole intent of having the Netflix execs pull the plug on House of Cards. All to keep his "Claire Underwood" from taking over. Do you really think it's just coincidence that *SPOILER* this is all happening now that she can look past the the fourth wall??

No. Frank would rather destroy the house with him inside, rather than see anyone else take over; his own career be damned. Frank Underwood: The man that destroyed a fictional world by affecting another reality.

*looks at you through your monitor* THAT, my friends, is true power.

Wonderful writers, that show has!
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"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I think Rosie O'Donnell's tweet is pretty damning
Very disappointed, The Usual Suspects is in my top 10. I don't think it'll be long before there are more people coming forward
Does O'Donnell not realize that she is complicit in these acts by "always knowing" and keeping quiet???
That's what I was thinking. Sure is mouthy every other time, though.