The MoFo Top Video Games List: The Countdown!


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Here's my awesome list! It's a shame that only 4 made it.

1. Tecmo Super Bowl (NES)
2. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64)
3. Super Mario 3 (NES)
4. Castlevania Symphony of the Night (PS1)
5. Megaman 2 (NES)
6. Legend of Zelda Links Awakening (Gameboy)
7. Pokemon Red (Gameboy)
8. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Genesis)
9. Mario Kart (N64)
10. Warcraft 2: The Dark Saga (PC or PS1)
11. Mario Party 2 (N64)
12. Crash Bandicoot 2 (PS1)
13. Mega Man 3 (NES)
14. Super Mario Sunshine (GameCube)
15. Monster in my Pocket (NES)
16. Grind Stormer (Sega Genesis)
17. Battletoads (NES)
18. Heavy Rain (PS3)
19. Vigilante 8 (PS1 and N64)
20. Banjo Kazooie (N64)
21. Halo (XBOX)
22. Q-Bert (Atari)
23. Star Fox 64 (N64)
24. Jet Moto (PS1)
25. Marvel Vs. Capcom (Arcade/PS1)

The biggest misses are definitely Mario Kart 64, Castlevania SOTN, Sonic, and, yes Tecmo Super Bowl.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
My list! A lot of them are from around the late 00s/early 10s since that's when I gamed pretty much all the time

1. Dark Souls
2. Kingdom Hearts
3. The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
4. Mirror's Edge
5. Final Fantasy 7
6. The Walking Dead: A Telltale Series
7. Amnesia: The Dark Descent
8. GTA: Vice City
9. Left 4 Dead
10. Outlast
11. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
12. Super Mario 64
13. Pokemon
14. Halo: Combat Evolved
15. Batman: Arkham City
16. The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
17. Tales of Vesperia
18. Halo 2
19. GTA 4
20. Silent Hill
21. GTA: San Andreas
22. Kingdom Hearts 2
23. Dead Island
24. Five Nights at Freddy's
25. Luminous Arc

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Oh my god, I loved Heavy Rain, Rauld.
That's really my only non retro entry. I loved that game.

Of course, like Guns there was a period in my life where I quit gaming. I game now, but it's all retro

I think I underestimated the benefit of being cross-platform for this list.

Here's my list:

1 The Beginner's Guide PC
3 Dark Souls PC
4 Cave Story PC
5 Super Meat Boy PC
6 Civilization 4 PC
7 Final Fantasy 7 PS1
8 Herzog Zwei Genesis
9 Megaman X SNES
10 SpyParty PC
11 Half Life 2 PC
12 SSB: Melee Gamecube
13 Halo Xbox
14 Shadow Of The Colossus PS2
15 Metal Gear Solid 3 PS2
16The World Ends With You DS
17 DayZ PC
18 Portal PC
19 Minecraft PC
20 Braid PC
21 Hotline Miami PC
22 Super Mario RPG SNES
23 Resident Evil 4 GC
24 Thirty Flights Of Loving PC
25 Splatoon 2 Switch

I waffled on BotW. There was one underwhelming part that took it down to more of a top 50 than a top 25 for me. Still enjoy it though.

A system of cells interlinked
Stunned Super Metroid didn't make the list.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Stunned Super Metroid didn't make the list.
Never played, but it's insanely popular. It is a bit of an injustice Metroid and Castlevania weren't represented.

Never played Skyrim. Ocarina of Time is really good but i don't think i've played it that much for it to be a favourite, only completed it once plus i think i like A Link To The Past a little more. Fallout 3 was my #2. It was actually a blind buy for me. Got it shortly after christmas 08 when i was 15, somehow i had never heard of it or any other Fallout; i just thought the guy on the case looked badass and it had Game of the Year sticker so whatever i'll take this haha. Wasn't til later that i found out it was from the same company as Oblivion, a game some of my friends were really into that i had barely played. Not sure what to say about it exactly, just an amazing world, great missions and so much to do. I had more fun with Plasma Mines or messing around with Alistair Tenpenny in Tenpenny Tower than i have altogether in other games. Anyway yeah love it and glad to see it so high.

My misses:

03. Super Mario Galaxy

Yeah believe it or not this is my favourite Mario. The only one i've played after it is New Super Mario Bros, sad it didn't make it.

04. Shadow of the Collosus

Was surprised this didn't make the first ten or so.

05. Street Fighter Alpha 3

This is a weird choice i admit but Street Fighter is very important to me and this is the one i played most by far. My friend had the Alpha Collection and this one was the fastest so we played it constantly, both of us mastered it to the point none of our other friends could play us haha. Definitely some of my best gaming memories is playing my friend at this.

09. Metroid Prime

No Metroids, what is wrong with you guys?!?! Nah love this game, i've actually barely played any of the other ones.

10. Final Fantasy VI

I hated this at first. Bought the PS1 version immediately after finishing 7, think i had some stupid loyalty to 7 or something and i didn't quite let myself enjoy it. Well i didn't have the chance really since i got stuck at the first Sabin Blitz part, i had no idea how to do it and just gave up haha. Played it again on the GBA when i was 15 or something and really loved it.

13. Guitar Hero 3

Yeah this was so good, it's like a snapshot in my life when i was 16 and really into this. Never played one before or since or Rock Band or anything, my brother got it for his Wii and i got obsessed with it and bought it for my Xbox. All i was unable to do was Through The Fire and The Flames on Expert Well i bought a Dragonforce song pack and i couldn't do any of those either Probably my most hated band because of this haha.

14. Resident Evil 4

No Resident Evils, dang. I could have voted for any of the first four, it may have been more accurate having 3 since i adored that as a kid, Nemesis in the police station is still the most effective jumpscare on me in any media . I went for this because i think it's the better game and i loved it too.

17. God of War 2

Could have went for any of the first three, loved this series.

18. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

I had to have either this or World At War for online as i was really obsessed with them when i was 13-14. Think that's the right age for that, not really interested in them right now but playing Hardcore Search and Destroy or Zombies with friends was so addictive. Went for this because i preferred the Campaign.

19. Left 4 Dead

Another game entirely here for Online. The levels were alright but there was only four of them so it got really boring after a while. So much fun with friends though, think this is the game i've laughed during the most; everytime the Tank came booming out there was so much nervous/terrified laughter

20. Street Fighter II

This game was so dang hard to me as a kid, it always took me ages and ages to complete it. As an adult it's easy but so much fun like all of the Street Fighters, could have had another two or three of them.

22. Arkham Asylum

All of the Batmans were really good but this was the only one i owned and played alot.

24. GTA 3

Maybe this is actually my favourite GTA i dunno, i think Vice City and San Andreas improved on it alot but this was the first thing i had ever played like this; it really blew my mind at that age.

25. Sonic The Hedgehog 3

As i said earlier my one pointer. I wasn't actually trying for a one pointer, i thought it may have made the list. This was my favourite one, i had to have one of them on my list even though i don't think they hold up that well now.

01.Final Fantasy 7
02.Fallout 3
03.Super Mario Galaxy
04.Shadow of the Collosus
05.Street Fighter Alpha 3
06.Gta: San Andreas
07.Super Mario Bros 3
08.Chrono Trigger
09.Metroid Prime
10.Final Fantasy 6
11.Final Fantasy 10
12.Metal Gear Solid 3
13.Guitar Hero 3
14.Resident Evil 4
15.Diablo 2
16.Super Mario World
17.God of War 2
18.Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
19.Left 4 Dead
20.Street Figher 2
21.Mega Man 2
22.Arkham Asylum
23.Silent Hill 2
24.GTA 3
25.Sonic The Hedgehog 3

Thanks alot for doing this Tacitus, you did a great job

Stunned Super Metroid didn't make the list.
Like i just posted i had Metroid Prime in my top ten. I've barely played Super Metroid or it may have made mine, as i really liked what little i did.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I would say the early Sonics hold up very well.

I've never played Metroid prime. Actually, I've only played the NES one and haven't beaten it yet.

I would say the early Sonics hold up very well.

I've never played Metroid prime. Actually, I've only played the NES one and haven't beaten it yet.
Crash Bandicoot 2 I really wanted a Crash on my list but i haven't played any of them in years. Would have probably went for Warped or Racing though.

@CosmicRunaway I've never actually played a Dragons Quest. Don't think they're very well know here because i've never heard about anyone playing them, not even my more RPG inclined friends. Guess the third one is the best then? May try it at some point as i've always been curious on the differences between that and Final Fantasy.

Isn't it more popular than FF in Japan or am i imagining that i read that?

A system of cells interlinked
1 Dark Souls
2 The Witcher 3
3 Chrono Trigger
4 Super Metroid
5 Red Dead Redemption
6 The Legend of Zelda : A link to the Past
7 System Shock II
8 Super Mario 3
9 Deus Ex
10 Skyrim
11 GTA 5
12 Fallout 3
13 Baldur’s Gate II
14 Civ 4
15 Resident Evil
16 Final Fantasy VII
17 Final Fantasy X
18 Zork!
19 Diablo 2
20 World of Warcraft
21 Shin Megami Tensei – Persona 3
22 Silent Hill 2
23 Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic
24 Wipeout XL
25 Life is Strange

Not sure what I was thinking, but Deus Ex should have switched places with Super Mario 3... I actually thought I had done that before I sent the list in, but I guess not!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Crash Bandicoot 2 I really wanted a Crash on my list but i haven't played any of them in years. Would have probably went for Warped or Racing though.
Warped is great as well, I agree!

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I haven't played any of the top 3. I'd probably like them if I did. With games you really have to be on the right console at the right time.

My somewhat eclectic, mostly nostalgia fuelled list:

1.Final Fantasy VII (7)
2.The Sims 2
3.Civilization (II)
5.Goldeneye (N64)
6.The Sims
7.Final Fantasy VIII (8)
8.Civilization (IV)
9.Candy Crush
13.Sim City 2000
14.Final Fantasy X (10)
15.Super Smash Bros
16.X-Men v. Street Fighter
17.Sonic the Hedgehog 2
19.Final Fantasy IX (9)
22.Dead or Alive
24.Granny’s Garden
25.Donald Duck’s Playground

Kind of surprised 10 of mine made the main list.

Slightly disappointed not to see Granny's Garden. At one time this was the only game on the single school computer in just about every primary school in the country

Donald Duck's Playground was my #25 1-pointer. Long before the N64 there was the Commodore 64! And that was the only game we had that worked properly for about a year, so in gaming hours it's up there with the rest. A lot of those hours were waiting for it to load, but whatever.

@CosmicRunaway I've never actually played a Dragons Quest. Don't think they're very well know here because i've never heard about anyone playing them, not even my more RPG inclined friends. Guess the third one is the best then? May try it at some point as i've always been curious on the differences between that and Final Fantasy.
They recently ported/remade a number of the games on the DS/3DS, so I'm surprised your RPG friends haven't played any.

Most of the NES era RPGs were practically identical. But I liked Dragon Quest III because you could create your own party. You could name each character, choose their gender and class, as well as have then assigned particular personalities (that mildly affected stats). To choose the personality of the Hero, you take this test at the start (a number of questions followed by an area where you choose what to do) that gives out eerily accurate results haha.

What I disliked about certain DQ games (looking at you, VIII), and RPGs in general was that the story could dictate who was in your party. I don't like the game deciding that for me. In III, you always have control over your party.

Isn't it more popular than FF in Japan or am i imagining that i read that?
Dragon Quest is huuuge in Japan. Like, to an obsessive degree.

They recently ported/remade a number of the games on the DS/3DS, so I'm surprised your RPG friends haven't played any.
They may have, i've just not heard about it if they have.

What I disliked about certain DQ games (looking at you, VIII), and RPGs in general was that the story could dictate who was in your party. I don't like the game deciding that for me. In III, you always have control over your party.
I agree with this with one exception: Final Fantasy VI. I dunno i just think they did it pretty well. Probably because there's 15 characters or something and they all have distinct things, plus it's a fairly easy game to use every character unlike say VII. Also it was just really fun blindly roaming about trying to regain your characters after the Kefka/Emperor thing. I agree in general though.

Dragon Quest and Dragon Warrior are the same game by the way, in case anyone is confused. They were always called Dragon Quest in Japan, but when they first came out here they were renamed Dragon Warrior, I guess because that's edgier. Eventually they stopped doing that and they're all called Dragon Quest now, regardless of area.

But I knew them as Dragon Warrior for the longest time, so I sometimes interchange the names.

My list:

  1. Fallout 3
  2. Portal 2
  3. Super Mario 64
  4. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  5. Fallout 4
  6. The Banner Saga
  7. Myst
  8. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  9. Portal
  10. Dishonored
  11. Machinarium
  12. SpyParty
  13. Braid
  14. Intelligent Qube
  15. Fallout: New Vegas
  16. The Secret of Monkey Island
  17. XCOM (the new one)
  18. Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr.
  19. Her Story
  20. Super Mario Bros. 3
  21. Eternal Darkness
  22. The Witness
  23. Red Alert 2
  24. Mario Golf
  25. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare