The 13TH Hall of Fame


Which films exactly aren't in contention anymore haha?

I'm leaving on a bike trip in a couple days so I have to watch the remaining films in the next 2 days.

(I already watched Nightmare Alley and haven't reviewed it yet so I'd have Dances with Wolves and The Great dictator to rewatch and Fresh + Blood to watch)
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Trouble with a capital "T"
I remember when this was almost going to be the first perfect HOF as in no drop outs.
There was no drop outs in the 10th Hof You're hosting next, so see what solutions you can come up with for the drop out conundrum.

Which films exactly aren't in contention anymore haha?

I'm leaving on a bike trip in a couple days so I have to watch the remaining films in the next 2 days.

(I already watched Nightmare Alley and haven't reviewed it yet so I'd have Dances with Wolves and The Great dictator to rewatch and Fresh + Blood to watch)
Flesh + Blood is Blix's movie, he hasn't been online in 6 weeks.

Which films exactly aren't in contention anymore haha?
I'm not making any decisions just yet, but Flesh + Blood and The Hunt are in danger of being disqualified. Both Blix and Neiba have been M.I.A. for several weeks. I'm hoping they show up in time and have the movies watched.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Perfect then you'll have my list tuesday.

And I forgot Wings of Desire also that I have to rewatch (just to clarify that I haven't forgotten the film haha)
WARNING: "Wings of Desire" spoilers below
Peter Falk is an angel and Colombo

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
WARNING: "Wings of Desire" spoilers below
Peter Falk is an angel and Colombo
WARNING: "WHAT?!?" spoilers below

What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Dead Poets Society

Trying to quantify the level of excellence in a poem by creating a graft. What's his next trick? Trying to objectivley judge the quality of music by writing an equation? (mind you, there's a difference between quality and popularity)

While being most famous for his comedic roles, my favourites of Robin Williams have always been the more dramatic ones. My top spot has been filled by Good Will Hunting for a while, but it has gotten competition of late in the form of both Garp and now Dead Poets. Mr Keating is a compelling character, inspiering a class of young men by his passion for poetry, something not appreciated by the stiff focus on theory over practice that the school in general strives toward. Above all else, Williams brings his seemingly never ending energy to the roll, in colaboration with his flawless comedic timing, and creates a man that quickly becomes a figure of respect and humanity to the core group of young men with which we follow the proceedings of the movie. His quick wit and good humour brings a levity to the classroom and life to a subject most of the boys took to be nothing more than an arduous task to be gotten through rather than something to experience.

As for the "boys", there were some good actors among them too, some of which would go on to have some big careers in front of them. Leonard, for one, was my favourite. A high-performing student with a love of acting, he takes to his new teacher and brings back a long forgotten club to life. Problems with his father and his inability to face up to him leads on to a confrontation with dire consequences. The simple and overwhelming joy he showed at being able to act was infectious, and we feel for him as he tries to explain what acting means to him, but either he's so sure what his father's reaction will be, or he loses his nerve yet again. Whatever the reason, he finds a way of dealing with the outcome.

I thought Eathan Hawke's performance to be a bit underwhelming at places, but he grew on me toward the end. We never get to know much about him, other than the fact that his parents are lousy gift-givers. This, as with most of the other students we follow throughout the movie, keeps us from really getting to know them. But, as I thought they spent little enough time on Williams as it was, I guess it's a necessary sacrifice.

As for the rest of the cast, they're pretty much stock characters, there to provide hinderance for our protagonists, and nothing more. The pricipal is the stodgy diciplinarian, the parents "just don't get their sons" and overall, were pretty underwhelming.

All in all, a good movie with some great characters, brought down a bit by the lack of the fleshing out of the rest of the cast (a lot of "of's" in that sentence). Still, I liked it and Williams always delivers.

Good pick, Sarge!
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
That's me done then, will send my list shortly.

This has been a fun HoF, but in light of it being my third or fourth one in a row, I think I'll bow out of the coming HoFs for a while. I kinda feel a bit burnt out at the moment, so a couple of months away from this will hopefully mean I can come back with some new energy to participate more.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's me done then, will send my list shortly.

This has been a fun HoF, but in light of it being my third or fourth one in a row, I think I'll bow out of the coming HoFs for a while. I kinda feel a bit burnt out at the moment, so a couple of months away from this will hopefully mean I can come back with some new energy to participate more.
You're the man Clazor! I admire your stick-to-it-ness

I know you joined a lot of Hofs all around the same time, and so had a ton of movies to watch. Others might have given up and dropped out, but you showed real dedication and finished them all! good for you!

I do hope you'll join future Hofs, I like having you in them...But I understand when a person does too many Hofs at the same time, they change from a fun endeavor, to hard work...and Hofs should be fun.

When you have time and feel like it, I hope to see you join again

Think i'm going to sit out the next few Hall of Fames too. I've been in like nine in a row ever since the 10th whenever that was. Would like to use my time to pick my own movies for a while.

Legend in my own mind
I'm done too. Will do my final reviews and send my list over asap
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)