Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Gangs of New York

I had not watched this movie since its initial release back in 2002 and at the time thought it was a mish mash of garbage. Upon watching it again I think it is a solid movie but certainly not Scorsese best but is still a decent film. I think the film could have done with a little bit more violence to make it more of a shock factor of the time. Cast is all pretty good except for Cameron Diaz which baffles me why she was picked for the role. Also you could tell Leo was still wet behind the ears in terms of accents. I especially liked the last scene in the movie where they show the grave stones and the background transforms in modern day New York. Day-Lewis as usual is his strong method acting self and I think really made the movie better than what it was.

2.5/5 Stars
Consumers will eat everything except the sequel

The Legend of Korra: Season 2
(Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan Konietzko, 2013)


First half -

I wasn't crazy about the start of season 2. It seemed unfocused, meandering through stuff that didn't seem to matter much. I did like the spirits, which reminded me of Princess Mononoke. When it delved into the mythology, is when I liked it most, which is probably why...

Second half -

...the second half of season 2 manages to best the first season, in my opinion, due to the sheer magnitude of scope and mythos present here. Starting from the double-episode about Wan, I felt far more invested, and progressively moreso as they entered the spirit world, and the mythology just seemed to deepen and deepen. And not only that, but the mythology doesn't feel simply a thing of the past like it does in a lot of mythos-heavy stories. It continues the mythology. Big things happen at the end of season 2, things that change the entire backdrop of this story's universe. I love that. It's fearless, and keeps things fresh. I hope season 3 plays off that well, and continues to keep this story interesting.

This might just do nobody any good.

I thought this was pretty good. Lovely character driven blockbuster. Right there from the beginning (best opening credits in the MCU) I knew this was my kind of thing.

Admittedly it drags in the second half and the climax is unfocused but all the necessary notes are hit. The final 15 minutes (not counting the after credits) are a great example of what keeps me coming back to this (for me) often frustrating franchise: real care for its characters. A constant state of change.

Fun stuff.

And if Dave Bautista can succeed in Blade Runner 2 the way he couldn't quite in Spectre, he'll be giving Dwayne Johnson a run for his money.


Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

Get Out

Wow, this thriller/mystery with horror elements came together so beautifully... add this to a social commentary on race that for once is relevant, kudos to Jordan Peele, I loved this movie. First class.

Body and Soul (1947)


I wanted to watch a 40's movie from the noirs list, so I just went alphabetically and picked the first I hadn't seen. What a great blind watch this was. I'm far from an expert, but I wouldn't even describe it as a noir. There's no murder and subsequent investigation, no guns, or even any police. It's about an amateur boxer who fights his way to the top of a crooked business, the ups and downs, and his relationships. John Garfield, who I liked so much in the noir, He Ran All the Away, is perfect as the boxer. He looks and acts the part. There's very strong performances from the supporting cast as well. This movie often reminded me of other great movies that would come much later like Raging Bull, Rocky, and even Pulp Fiction. Maybe it's just me because I don't remember it being mentioned on the forum before. I loved it.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Secret Life of Pets

(Chris Renaud)

What happens when you leave to go to work and your pet stays at home? Those who have or have owned pets might have thought about this and SLOP wants to dive into those questions. A heartfelt and funny kids flick that will have their parents nodding their heads with acknowledgement on "My dog does that too!!! That's funny".

Max lives at home with Katie, he was abandoned as a pup and she took him in. They have been inseparable ever since. One day she brings another dog home, Duke. He's large, dirty and instantly creates conflict with Max. Enraged by Max's holier than thou attitude and his multiple attempts to get him kicked out, Duke manages to abandon Max in an alley, surrounded by feral cats. The cats steal their collars and before the dogs know it, animal control is on their tails. Now Max and Duke must put their differences aside and make their way back home through the dangerous city of New York.

With an all-star cast (don't they all), SLOP goes for talent versus name recognition. One of the things I've noticed in animation lately is the the filmmakers will grab someone famous simply for their name and not their talent. Some voices from celebrities are so generic that you might not even notice if they decided to re-cast the role in a sequel. I'm looking at your Hoodwinked. So here we have people with talent; Kevin Hart as a maniacal bunny hellbent on human suffering, Dana Carvey as the wise old dog who needs wheel assistance to move and Steve Coogan as the hairless Sphynx cat just on this side of crazy. Louie C.K. does an excellent job for Max giving off that 'better than you' vibe with a hint of innocence. Eric Stonestreet is Duke, big and lovable.

A white Pomeranian named Gidget is in love with Max and you'd think they would cast a famous female for that part, but we get Jenny Slate. While some will recognize her, she's not really a house hold name, but she does very well for herself and you'll notice she does a lot of voice work. The rest of the cast is rounded out by Albert Brooks, Hannibal Buress, Bobby Moynihan Lake Bell and Ellie Kemper.

SLOP knows its limitations and doesn't really try to overstep them. Animals loose in New York, it's simple and can be expanded upon greatly. The film's climax does go a bit overboard with an animal control van plunging into the water, but it's not as bad as Finding Dory's octopus driver. There are a few laughs to be had here and a few more "awwws". Animal lovers and pet owners will get a little something extra out of it. Look for the sequel soon because this one was a hit with the audience.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Do I need to watch any other movies than Galaxy vol. 1 before watching vol. 2?
Not 100%, but you will lose a lot of character motivations and payoffs. But it can still be watched as a stand alone, fill your mouth with popcorn movie.

Another beautiful Samurai masterpiece by Hideo Gosha!
One of the best anti-samurai films and one of the best Hideo Gosha works.
Beautifully directed and very well acted by Tatsuya Nakadai as always!

Great crime/drama with a socio-political commentary.
A great humanization of the 'bad guys'.
"America isn't a country. It's a business."

the sequences and samurai duel in goyokin was pretty kewl , i remember the opening scenes when the girl gettin' home was quiet scary -
also if i'm not mistaken the main premises about gold shippin also get homage in one of samurai champloo episode
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

the sequences and samurai duel in goyokin was pretty kewl , i remember the opening scenes when the girl gettin' home was quiet scary -
also if i'm not mistaken the main premises about gold shippin also get homage in one of samurai champloo episode
Very well remembered
By the way, Samurai Champloo is a masterpiece in every aspect.

Ramrod (1947)

The title cracks me up because there was a crazy gay club right near Fenway Park named Ramrod, and that's the only time I've ever heard that word before. This movie is on the top 100 Westerns list, but for the most part I thought it was very average. It's good points are a little more violence than the typical movie of this age, and Veronica Lake whose character is hot and nasty, just the way I like em.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
*** *** - 4/10

Typical, silly low-brow stuff... And it made 200 million.. I feel embarrassed to be a member of the human race.
At least we don't get to know what ***** you're talking about.
The title cracks me up because there was a crazy gay club right near Fenway Park named Ramrod, and that's the only time I've ever heard that word before.
I know I'm ancient, but I learned what that really meant from watching Davy Crockett on the Walt Disney show.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
highlights of the last 3 weeks. . .

Just how depressingly low of a funk do you need to be in, before it takes a psychotic metal head to violently drag you out of it?? This movie does a rather splendid, twisted job of answering that question.

The Accountant
++ quite impressed with the very well balance of drama and meticulous violence. Will be watching this again.

Bullet Ballet (Japan)
+++ a mixture of art house, student director exposition that did pretty well between the visceral and the cerebral.

- what is described as a the usual 2 kids from opposite lives romance has a whole lot more going on. Not extraordinary, but a really good watch.

The Martian
with the usual human will vs nature (or rather outer space/Mars) setup this is still extremely well done. I was very easily caught up and stayed involved to the very end.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
had to do this one separately,

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in 3D
++ Once upon a time I'd visit the movie theater several times a week. Now, it can be damn near a year before I get out to see something. And with this one, I got to see, for the very first time, 3-D. Which, in itself was pretty damn impressive with what they do with 3D now a days. AND the glasses are pretty cool looking on their own. (I kept mine instead of tossing them into the garbage can for recycling them).
Now, I'm a big fan of the first movie and with the second they advanced the story, the characters and hit every single aspect of what made the first work without making it look like rehashing.
This had EVERYTHING that makes going to the movies truly worthwhile and I f@ckin LOVED it!!

American Sniper (2015)

First time watching, I bailed out. Sienna Miller super-annoying. Bought a reduced-price DVD & gave it a 2nd go. Really good movie. Bradley Cooper perfect.