The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Films: Countdown

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28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Inception is so much fun to watch and revisit. People complain about the excessive amount of exposition, but the rules and the way Nolan tells it visually are too interesting for me to be bored. Meticulously crafted, each level brings new dangers and visuals to the team and the audience. A strong story with relatable dream like symptoms. I first watched it in IMAX, was floored and knew that this film would be remembered years from now.

People love to debate the ending, or analyze the intricate timing of the levels. Nolan got people talking about Inception and people still talk about it!!!! Ambitious is the first word that comes to my mind when I think about this film and how Nolan was able to pitch it is a miracle to me.

Really well done and one of my favourite films from this last decade.

It was my #5.

#1: Dark City
#2: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
#5: Inception
#7: Minority Report
#9: District 9
#15: The 5th Element
#16: Ghostbusters
#17: Avatar
#18: Moon
#19: Serenity
#20: Interstellar
#21: Donnie Darko
#25: Edge of Tomorrow
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I was just about to post a Solaris review, but I don't want to seem like I'm piggybacking.

Need to re-watch Inception I guess. I didn't care for it in the theater.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Go ahead, re93.
I didn't vote for either but it's obvious they'd be coming.
Inception (Christopher Nolan, 2010)
- I still like this film and give it the same rating I did at the theatre, but watching it after Strange Days made it seem slightly less significant than the first time. While being thoroughly entertaining and thought-provoking, I've decided that Nolan needs to lighten up a bit to allow his best attributes to breathe.
OK, break out the tar and feathers.

Solaris (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972)

This long, sometimes hypnotic film is more of a meditation on humankind's yearning to be connected to something than a sci-fi film. True, it involves aliens on a space station, but based on this movie (not the novel), I still don't even know what or where Solaris is, and I watched it three times. The film involves lonely astronaut Kris (Donatas Banionis) who goes to the space station to determine if the Solaris project is worth continuing. Almost all of the people who have been on the station have died or seemed to have suffered some major delusions. Shortly after Kris arrives, he finds his wife Hari (Natalya Bondarchuk). The problem is that she died on Earth much earlier.

Tarkovsky is certainly a cult director, and I've seen many of his films praised here and elsewhere. He just doesn't strike me as a director who is very inviting. Even though his films present the human condition, the talkiness and extreme length tend to make me feel icy toward him. It's funny because many people feel that Kubrick is a cold director, and he occasionally may be, but he seems warmer to my sensibility. My fave Tarkovsky films are among his earliest (The Steamroller and the Violin, My Name is Ivan), but since they are less-experimental, they are undoubtedly less-personal

Although I do find Solaris exhausting, I also find several unique scenes. The opening in the water-filled countryside is evocative, and then the scenes showing what happened to an earlier Solaris astronaut add some mystery. The scene involving fast driving on a freeway is very trippy, and many of the scenes on the station, especially between Kris and "Hari", even I would consider moving. Then there's the ending, which can be interpreted more than one way, and which I might even consider to make the film cyclical and all a flashback. So, yes, I recommend it, especially to many people here, but somehow the entire 168 minutes just doesn't need to be there. It probably just went over my head or maybe it is a case of overkill in the totality of my acceptance of pregnant pauses. I mean, I did invest about eight-and-one-half hours in viewing it during the last month.
My List
3. The Incredibles (#98)
12. The Iron Giant (#50)
13. Altered States (#95)
14. Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (#79)
16. Return of the Jedi (#47)
18. Gravity (#41)
20. RoboCop (#28)
23. Mad Max: Fury Road (#37)

Seen: 78/78
OFCS's Top 100 Sci-Fi Films (2010 edition): 32/78
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Solaris was my #18. I've only seen it once but I didn't think the movie's pace was too slow at all. It's interesting, mysterious, and the type of movie where you can let your mind play with the ideas as you watch it. I like Inception a lot more than Interstellar, but never considered if for my list.

My List:

3. Metropolis (#36)
5. Brazil (#32)
6. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) (#46)
9. World on a Wire (#73)
11. Forbidden Planet (#38)
17. Moon (#29)
18. Solaris (#23)
22. Logan’s Run (#71)
25. Ghost in the Shell (#64)
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Just wondering - with the original Solaris coming in now, does that mean the re-make will come in higher OR (more likely) that it didn't make the list at all?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Just wondering - with the original Solaris coming in now, does that mean the re-make will come in higher OR (more likely) that it didn't make the list at all?
Not coming is my guess. Though who knows some of the movies on this list have surprised me. I liked the Solaris remake, but didn't vote for it.

I completely forgot about Inception as a possibility.

Didn't care for it the first time, liked it a lot more after a rewatch, haven't rewatched it in awhile.

I watched Solaris once back for the 70's countdown. I struggled with it, but I was impressed and felt that I had seen something great. Hopefully next time that translates to me.

Inception is just ok for me but it's another I need to see again.

Well, I bought Inception awhile ago after seeing it in theaters once, and somehow I've never gotten around to rewatching. Guess this is a good excuse to finally do it.

Voted for neither but enjoyed Inception very much. Haven't seen Solaris but it seems overall to be held in high esteem by the MoFo communtiy. I saw a bit of the George Clooney version and was underwhelmed, so maybe that had something to do with my reticence to watch the original, longer movie.

My list so far:
List so far:
#3 The Day the Earth Stood Still .39
#4 Forbidden Planet .38
#8 Invasion of the Body Snatchers .46
#15 The Road Warrior .31
#17 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan .35
#18 The War of the Worlds .90
#20 The Time Machine .69
#23 Logan's Run .71
#24 RoboCop .28
#25 The Fifth Element .34
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Been awhile, so some stuff has come up from my list. 6 movie, in fact.

My List:

1. The Iron Giant (#50)
3. Her (#25)
6. The Martian (#60)
7. Wreck-it Ralph (#89)
8. Serenity (#59)
13. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (#46)
17. Inception (#24)
18. Ghost in the Shell (#64)
19. The Fifth Element (#34)
20. Silent Running (#86)
21. Mad Max: Fury Road (#37)
22. Guardians of the Galaxy (#77)
24. Gattaca (#51)
25. They Live (#45)

Saw Her in the 11th HoF and realized it would rank high both in the HoF and here. The wierd premiss of fallling in love with an OS is put in contrast with the fact that the OS is an AI, so is it then a non-corporeal person you're in love with...or a program? Wherever you stand on that point, it's a really well told story and heartbreaking. Awesome movie.

Btw, is Pacific Rim totally screwed out of any chance of getting on the list, you think? Because if it is, I'd boot Avatar off the list and letting Pacific take its place.

Just my thought, though.

Seen 59/78
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Btw, is Pacific Rim totally screwed out of any chance of getting on the list, you think? Because if it is, I'd boot Avatar off the list and letting Pacific take its place.

Just my thought, though.

Seen 59/78
Good question. A lot of people here liked Pacific Rim - if not as a sci-fi, then for its fun as an effects-laden "popcorn" action movie.

On a similar note, I wonder if Godzilla (in any form) will show up. As with superhero movies, a lot of people don't put giant monster movies within the genre of sci-fi. But the original Godzilla is a sci-fi movie complete with warning about nuclear weapons & power.

P.S. Didn't have any giant monster movies on my list.

Eleven films from my list have made it so far! I'm surprised that my #7 hasn't shown up yet, and wouldn't have expected to miss the top 100 entirely.

My list so far, with predictions:
1. Top 5
2. Top 10
3. Contact (#49)
4. Top 22
5. Interstellar (#43)
6. Inception (#24)
7. Probably won't make it, which I would not have expected
8. Top 22
9. Ex Machina (#30)
10. May or may not make it
11. Avatar (#80)
12. Top 5
13. Top 10
14. Won't make it
15. Dune (#99)
16. Will probably make it, but may not
17. Won't make it
18. Won't make it
19. Metropolis (#36)
20. Won't make it
21. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (#35)
22. Gattaca (#51)
23. Serenity (#59)
24. Strange Days (#81)
25. Earthbound (one-pointer)

On a similar note, I wonder if Godzilla (in any form) will show up. As with superhero movies, a lot of people don't put giant monster movies within the genre of sci-fi. But the original Godzilla is a sci-fi movie complete with warning about nuclear weapons & power.
Yes, the very creation of Godzilla is caused by atomic radiation. I think it's kinda ridiculous how Godzilla was snubbed on this countdown. But clearly that's just me.

Tarkovsky's adaptation of Stanslaw Lem's Solaris was all the way up at number two on my ballot! I know many prefer Tarkovsy's other Sci-Fi entry, which is why it is placing higher here on the collective countdown, but like most of the titles in my top ten I connected very deeply with the emotional component in Solaris, from my initial viewing onward, and I saw it long before Stalker. Even though I consider this a masterpiece, I do like Soderbrgh's 21st Century remake a whole lot, but that one didn't make my list. "You mean more to me than any scientific truth." Indeed.

2. Solaris (#23)
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (#27)
8. Moon (#29)
9. Her (#25)
11. Brazil (#32)
13. Invasion of the Body Snatchers [1956] (#46)
16. Invasion of the Body Snatchers [1978] (#58)
18. The Hidden (#82)
20. Ghostbusters (#57)
23. Guardians of the Galaxy (#77)
25. Safety Not Guaranteed (DNP)

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Solaris would have been my #1. I watched it very recently but it was love at first viewing. Need to see it again sooner than later.

Welcome to the human race...
Inception is probably tied with Memento for my favourite Nolan (though it's not like they have all that much in the way of competition). I didn't think it was worth voting for in the end, but I can't say I'm disappointed to see it here.

I haven't seen Solaris - obviously, I will try to rectify that as soon as possible.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I like Inception, but not enough for it to make my list. However it's one of those movies that I seem to like more each time I rewatch it, so maybe someday it will break into my list.

I'm one of the few people who prefer the remake of Solaris over the original version, so it didn't make my list either.

Seen: 63-1/2 out of 78
My list: 6 so far

4) The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
6) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
13) The Avengers (2012)
16) Source Code (2011)
21) Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
23) Galaxy Quest (1999)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.