Cricket's Top 100 of the Decade so Far

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Love Ranch (2010)

Based on a true story, Joe Pesci and Helen Mirren play a married couple who operate America's first legal brothel. Gina Gershon and Bai Ling play a couple of the available ladies. Infidelity leads to problems. This is a fairly unknown and poorly rated movie, but it's one that suits my taste well.

Escape Plan (2013)

This action film has a great cast, but of course Arnold and Sly are the main attractions. It's just a fun movie that reminded me of the movies from the 80's that I love.

Yea I think I have a lot of critically panned movies on this list. Even I was misguided and it was actually my wife who picked Escape Plan to watch.

YAAAY!!! We're moving!

I thought it was cool to see Sly and Arnie in a movie together, being bad-asses... but that was it for me. Not seen the other one.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
Keep them coming
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

Machete (2010)

Hot girls, violence, and a fun cast of characters. Unfortunately, I did not like the sequel.

Conviction (2010)

This is another true story, and the kind of movie that looks like an Oscar contender. Sam Rockwell and Hilary Swank (2 actors I'm very fond of) play brother and sister. She puts herself through law school, and dedicates her life to get him out of prison after being wrongly convicted of murder. It's a very well done movie with fine acting.

Excision (2012)

Sex and violence is a winning combination in my book, and this won't be the last movie to show up with those features.

Blue Jasmine (2013)

It wasn't until a couple years ago that I saw my first Woody Allen film, and I've found that he does have a unique talent. I adore Cate Blanchett, and she's fantastic in this movie, and I'm also an Alec Baldwin fan. One thing I thought was very cool about this movie was seeing a good performance from the great Andrew Dice Clay.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Blue Jasmine, now we're talking. Probably would be in top 25 if I made a 100 for the last six years.

Klown (2010)

This is a very funny and raunchy Danish film that was recommended to me by MovieMeditation.

The Baytown Outlaws (2012)

Billy Bob, biker babes, ass kicking, and hell raising.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The ONLY film I've seen on your list and I didn't like it!...Blue Jasmine....But, I've since learned to like Woody Allen movies, so I bet my opinion of Blue Jasmine would go way up on a second watch.

The ONLY film I've seen and I didn't like it...Blue Jasmine....But, I've since learned to like Woody Allen so I bet my opinion of Blue Jasmine would go way up on a second watch.
Out of everything so far, Conviction is the movie you'd be most likely to enjoy.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Out of everything so far, Conviction is the movie you'd be most likely to enjoy.
Hilary Swank has been awesome in everything I've seen her in. Looks interesting. I'll keep following the thread.

Bullet to the Head (2012)

Sly Stallone is back in another throwback to when action flicks ruled the day. He is in top form and this movie has a mean edge to it.

The Woman (2011)

This is a pretty sick movie that also happens to be darkly funny.