Politically Correct IDIOTS (Steve Martin/Carrie Fisher tweet)



Steve Martin posted this tweet about Carrie Fisher...

New York Magazine criticized him, and US Weekly. Oh the great outcry against this huge injustice done against womens rights, what she wanted to be remembered for, blah blah blah...... Steve Martin deleted the Tweet.

See the difference between Steve Martin and the rest of us.......he actually knew her!

People today do not have the life experience they think they do to be preaching the rights and wrong of an old mans tweet about a friend who died.

This has gotten way worse as social media exploded into the mainstream. People seek approval, and acknowledgement in life, and the internet is a quick-fix which was never available before. Be it here, Facebook, Twitter, or wherever the goal mostly is to get that "Like", Thumbs-up, Retweet, etc.... so if anyone says or does something that could be taken the wrong way, it usually is for the sake of some false sense of heroics.

Europeans dont act this way, Aussies dont either. This is an American culture thing which is fueling the "fake news" movement, catering to intellects which dont know the difference between reality tv and reality.

You know whats sad, today a show like "All In The Family" couldnt stay on the air. The dumb would be outraged about Archie Bunker saying he promotes racism, and sexism, blah blah blah

It was a show about us. People. How we all bitch, do stupid things, have stupid beliefs, and get along with each other regardless.

Because we were mature enough then to "get it". Now we arent. Weve gone backwards.

I do not like this SJW Idiocracy, and miss the good ol' days. More specifically I miss how people were back then. Just because weve become more judgemental on each other doesnt mean weve evolved in any way.

Yeah, this is definitely based on some twisted thinking. Not only did he not just call her pretty (which is a perfectly fine thing to say and in no way implies that beauty is everything, or that she did not have other qualities), he specifically contrasted his initial, superficial impressions with the more meaningful things he discovered about her later.

This isn't surprising, however. There are more reasonable forms of political correctness, but the strain based primarily in shaming and purging the less "pure" will inevitably, like an increasingly splintered religious sect, end up attacking even its allies.

Carrie Fisher would have been touched in a good way from Martins tweet, and certainly would have gotten the humor in it. She believed strongly in womens rights, but was able to have a sense of humor too.

Ive a feeling she wasnt "politically correct"

It was a show about us. People. How we all bitch, do stupid things, have stupid beliefs, and get along with each other regardless.
Yeah that. Brilliant point.

It has become a pastime to parse sentences in search of ways to be offended. For some it's a career. Monkey chatter. Mostly meaningless and serves only to belittle those making an issue of it.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Cinnabon deleted a tweet as well.

“RIP Carrie Fisher, you’ll always have the best buns in the galaxy.”
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Cinnabon deleted a tweet as well.

“RIP Carrie Fisher, you’ll always have the best buns in the galaxy.”
Well that one is both cute, and a shameless hocking of their product (cinnamon buns).

Steve Martin's tweet was kind and respectful. People can be such idiots if they had a problem with what Steve Martin said.

They even attacked Paul Simon (who was married to her) because he called her a "girl" in his tweet and not a "woman".

Luckily, the outrages against the 'politically correct' reactions far outweigh the actual 'politically correct' reactions.
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People today do not have the life experience they think they do to be preaching the rights and wrong of an old mans tweet about a friend who died.

This has gotten way worse as social media exploded into the mainstream. People seek approval, and acknowledgement in life, and the internet is a quick-fix which was never available before. Be it here, Facebook, Twitter, or wherever the goal mostly is to get that "Like", Thumbs-up, Retweet, etc.... so if anyone says or does something that could be taken the wrong way, it usually is for the sake of some false sense of heroics.
Says the guy who started a whole thread proclaiming outrage over other people's outrage and has collected at least eight rep points off it as a result.

Europeans dont act this way, Aussies dont either. This is an American culture thing which is fueling the "fake news" movement, catering to intellects which dont know the difference between reality tv and reality.
Check me if I'm wrong, but I thought "fake news" was supposed to describe, you know, news that was actually fake (like Pizzagate) instead of merely blowing things that actually happened out of proportion (as is the case with Martin's tweet).

You know whats sad, today a show like "All In The Family" couldnt stay on the air. The dumb would be outraged about Archie Bunker saying he promotes racism, and sexism, blah blah blah

It was a show about us. People. How we all bitch, do stupid things, have stupid beliefs, and get along with each other regardless.

Because we were mature enough then to "get it". Now we arent. Weve gone backwards.
Allow me to introduce you to an obscure little show called Family Guy.

I do not like this SJW Idiocracy, and miss the good ol' days. More specifically I miss how people were back then. Just because weve become more judgemental on each other doesnt mean weve evolved in any way.
Yeah, well, look where people who want to go back to the "good" old days have gotten us. Deliberately going backwards doesn't seem like evolution to me.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Rather than PC, I call this people being dumb and unable to understand a joke, as always.
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Allow me to introduce you to an obscure little show called Family Guy.
I swear i almost brought that up but went against it because i thought this thread would end up with some pointless arguments. Family Guy had one episode that i caught on TV the other day where Peter tries to marry his son Chris for some reason can't even remember why it was that dumb; during the episode Chris gave his Grandfather a handjob, there was several jokes about Peters disabled friend Joe having sex with his son as well as plenty of random cutaways with bestiatlity, whatever. At most All In The Family would be aired a little later but it actually feels extremely tame compared to what is aired now, like there's no comparison you are being ridiculous if you believe it wouldn't be aired today. I think what most people who say that want to say is that we can't walk about and act like Archie Bunker anymore; oh woe is me, great character, terrible attitude to have glad the world has moved on. I mean All In The Family is about an old fashioned guy in the 70s who has hilariously outdated views; that was the 1970s guys 40 years ago and the show is funny because his views were outdated fourty years ago now.

I agree that the joke this thread was about wasn't offensive at all and people completely overreacted to it but the thread title and subsequent posts are ridiculous; i mean "Ive a feeling she wasnt "politically correct" " as if being 'politically correct' whatever that means is some horrible thing? And all from old white guys who miss the good old days?

This should've been a post in the Chill Club or a Shout with a few responses, the fact that this is a thread with such an insulting title is hilarious.

Anyway: Camo/Cosmic 2016

well its easy to miss the "good ol days" when youre a white middle aged man though horrible stuff when you actually have to have some consideration for others

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
There's nothing wrong at all with Steve Martin's tweet - it's very well-written and poignantly expressed what he felt and wanted to say. I'm just sorry he also felt the need or was harassed enough to take it down.
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Just because offense is taken by someone doesn't mean that the other party meant any offense. Consideration and understanding needs to go both ways.

About my last post: i think people reminiscing for the good old days is pretty sad personally and it will probably be me some day which depresses me.

The idea that one ridiculous thing is enough to call the whole idea of political correctness out is ridiculous and offensive. Offensive because you are deciding on a few isolated occurrences that are ridiculed by most that people with hard-ships shouldn't be backed up. It's as offensive as claiming that the gun-toting, racist, sexist, christian is a solid representation of American Christians. And it is ridiculous because it is grouping a vast amount of people probably including yourself on some subjects into a 'politically correct' bracket without considering what their individual opinions are.

Just because offense is taken by someone doesn't mean that the other party meant any offense. Consideration and understanding needs to go both ways.
The other party doesn't get to decide what is and isn't offensive to the other person, that's the problem. If he genuinely caused offense to that person then it was his problem, i avoid that by not being offensive to people personally.

The other party doesn't get to decide what is and isn't offensive to the other person, that's the problem. If he genuinely caused offense to that person then it was his problem, i avoid that by not being offensive to people personally.
The people who are offended are not even the person he was talking about. It was a very innocent tweet. Is it better that everyone is ultra-careful about what they say, just because they may offend someone? It was really Martin's problem that some people were bothered by it?