The Election News and Predictions Thread


The Bib-iest of Nickels
Please, go and vote for Gary Johnson elsewhere.

You are just the worst.
Never said anything about voting for Gary Johnson.

Regardless of who wins, the outdated electoral college needs to go! Popular vote alone should decide.
Nah, popular vote alone is bad. Because if the bulk of the territory chooses one but the other gets tons of votes from some regions, then I don't think it's fair either. I like electoral vote as well, it makes things more exciting.


Trump 49.2%
Clinton 47.7%

Yep, Trump is winning in states he was expected to lose:

North Carolina

Now Florida got tight (47.8 to 49.0 % at 95% of ballots). If Hillary wins there she wins, if Trump wins there, he wins.

Virginia is super close: 47.3 Hillary to 47.6 to Trump.

A system of cells interlinked
This is pretty crazy...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Exciting stuff

My wife and I voted different, and we both respect each other's decision.

I love both our country and my wife very much, and I would not change anything.

I guess Trump has like 80% probability of winning the election now.

Stock markets tomorrow will go down 5-6%. The world economy will lose more money than in the Brexit. Trump is going to apply his policies and turn the US into a Venezuela.

I posted that song to Facebook and Twitter too...............I really was hoping she'd grab Florida.