Donald Trump for President?


So you're undermining his positives
I'm correcting his (and your) misstatements. Does it bother you that he says demonstrably false things on a regular basis?

More self-funding than the rest, *FAR* less overall budget, astronomical results
Again, it's not self-funding if he fundraises to pay himself back later.

And again, please explain how "saying outrageous things to get media coverage" is transferable to governing.

I know you're smart enough to know they don't hand out loans willy-nilly, you have to be approved, standard business practice

This is a winning blueprint for me

I know you're smart enough to know they don't hand out loans willy-nilly, you have to be approved, standard business practice
I have no idea what this means. He's loaned himself campaign funds, so he doesn't need anyone's approval. Any fundraising he does later can (and certainly will) be used to reimburse himself.

I would rather have Arnold Schwarzenegger for a President than Donald Trump. How about you? Dont you think Arnold has more work ethic, smarter on topics, and more of what a real american is compared to the natural born citizen The Donald is? Him being born on a certain landmass is an accomplishment? Him going-on about Obama not being a citizen should have eliminated him from any presidential consideration. You think its gonna stop there? You just know he will say something or do something stupid again. COUNTRIES ARE LAUGHING AT US MAN! British Parliament was flabbergasted at his stupidity, outright calling him names. Theyre our greatest ally!
The British Parliament had a debate on banning Trump from entering the UK because more than 580 thousand people signed a petition asking them to do so. Like I said before, we're nervous of the guy being elected, and the thought of having to deal with him on the world stage when diplomacy is sometimes a delicate art is a scary scenario.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The British Parliament had a debate on banning Trump from entering the UK because more than 580 thousand people signed a petition asking them to do so. Like I said before, we're nervous of the guy being elected, and the thought of having to deal with him on the world stage when diplomacy is sometimes a delicate art is a scary scenario.
We let Ahmadinejad come and speak at our universities here. A little hate speech means nothing to us.

The British Parliament had a debate on banning Trump from entering the UK because more than 580 thousand people signed a petition asking them to do so. Like I said before, we're nervous of the guy being elected, and the thought of having to deal with him on the world stage when diplomacy is sometimes a delicate art is a scary scenario.
Holy crap.

Putin must be laughing his balls off at us. We cant mistake delusional for patriotism. To have confidence in ones own country in the face of the world is good, but to make the Celebrity Apprentice judge President and expect real respect from the rest of the world, thats delusional.

Time will tell, he's a legit challenger

I can believe that Britain hates this, they've become a completely liberal country, and they're a shell of their former status as a world power

You can lump them together if you're trying to show that voters are upset with establishment tone, or results, but not if you're trying to show where the party is on policy, because they don't have many similarities there.

Cruz's original strategy was to not go after Trump because he figured he could pick up his supports when Trump crashed. So he thought there were similarities. And there are some. They are both the toughest on immigration and anti Washington. Their main support in the Republic Party comes from a split in the tea party. Sarah Palin campaigned for Cruz in his Senate run and endorsed Donald Trump.

Can't respond without a source, and whether it's "exaggerated" will depend on what your baseline is. But it's clearly a factor, given that he's underperformed in closed primaries, and that's on top of struggling to get above a third of the vote to begin with.

He has performed well in some closed primaries. The best example of that is Florida.

You said on a previous page Trump said he would moderate himself in the general election. You thought that showed he was insincere. Almost all of them do that. It's standard in the political playbook. But I'm convinced he can't. He doesn't have the discipline. It looked he was doing that in the last debate. But right after that he went totally nuts

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
I don't know how your system works and I don't follow elections so a silly question, dose Trump actually have any chance?
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

Time will tell, he's a legit challenger

I can believe that Britain hates this, they've become a completely liberal country, and they're a shell of their former status as a world power

Well thats good or we'd still be run by them. Seriously though, I think that their empire was as big as any at its zenith, but ruling the world is overrated. Way too much to manage.

I don't know how your system works and I don't follow elections so a silly question, dose Trump actually have any chance?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I don't know how your system works and I don't follow elections so a silly question, dose Trump actually have any chance?
Yes, he has all but won the primary and will go onto the general election against Hillary. That gives him a very real chance. Many will argue, but our country is pretty well equally divided along party lines. A handful of what they call swing states make the difference in our general election. We will know how real his chance is when we start seeing polls for the general in Florida and Ohio later in the summer.

I just saw a poll that showed he was even with Hillary in Arizona. If that's true, he could lose some red states. Arizona is one of those pesky states for Republicans where Hispanics are gaining.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Time will tell, he's a legit challenger

I can believe that Britain hates this, they've become a completely liberal country, and they're a shell of their former status as a world power
The majority party here are not liberal it depends where you go though, I live in one of the more liberal sections by some margin, mostly because they were fvked over by Thatcher when she ruled.

And I'm okay with Britain not abusing the commonwealth as they did, what we did to more or less all of them was beyond repugnant. Besides, us reacting to Trump is a pretty good thing I think for us, we've been the US' lapdogs for a long while, and we'll be anything but should Trump get in, which looks more and more likely with each day

I can believe that Britain hates this, they've become a completely liberal country, and they're a shell of their former status as a world power
When you say that about being liberal, do you mean that in a contemptuous way?

Time will tell, he's a legit challenger
If he is, it's probably because his supporters respond to questions about his indefensible statements and actions with non-sequiturs like "he's a legit challenger."

It'd have been nice if you'd just admitted upfront that you don't actually care what he says or does, because it could've saved me the time of detailing it.

Supported your position well you have, Master Yoda

Respect your reasoning I do

Finding out who you support, the last step is

Easier to destroy someone, than support someone it is

I can believe that Britain hates this, they've become a completely liberal country, and they're a shell of their former status as a world power
Ok I see you didn't mean 'liberal' contemptuously, but don't dismiss the UK as a spent force. For a small country we still rank 5th in the world GDP ratings. As for do I accept that we are a liberal country, then yes in the classic dictionary sense of 'willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas' , then over the course of my lifetime the population have done that in a massive way.
However we are not governed by a Liberal government, we have a Conservative government which at the time of writing look like they might possibly be falling apart ostensibly over budget cuts, but really over divisions in support for staying in the European Union.
Anyway sorry to butt in but just wanted to clarify that!