Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Women will be your undoing, Pépé

The Saint Strikes Back (1939)
++ George Sanders epitomizes "Cool and calm under fire"

The Black Pirate (Silent film 1929)
+ My god Douglas Fairbanks Sr was SUCH an amazingly nimble S.O.B.

(RE-WATCH) Inside Out
It's almost scary how well this movie plucks at the heart strings

How the Grinch Stole Christmas
+ I still remember going to the theater, when this came out, with every intention of tearing this one down; being such a HUGE fan of the cartoon. And now, BOTH are on my christmas watchlist

Welcome to the human race...
But they are not metal. Nirvana is closer to metal than Slipknot as well as being more popular, well, the difference is perhaps that the guys from Slipknot explicitly claim to be metal, but to my ears that is not metal as well as for people who are into metal (metal archives does not list Slipknot there, Kai Hansen and other European or South American metal musicians also don't regard any of those American bands like Slipknot as metal).

They should have interviewed more European bands like Candlemass, Hellhammer and Helloween, as they said the biggest metal community in the world is in continental Europe around Germany but they didn't interview a lot of those bands. Still that was the best part of the documentary.
I guess that's a perspective thing. Sam Dunn certainly seems to think that Slipknot are at the very least relevant enough to the current concept of metal that they are worth giving screen-time to in his metal-themed documentary regardless of whether or not certain other metalheads think that they don't qualify as metal. This feels very similar to the people who claim that electronic music doesn't count as "real music". In any case, I guess there's only so much you can do when your documentary ends up being about 100 minutes and you might need to hook people in using popular groups like Slipknot. It does make you wonder just how much got left on the cutting-room floor and how the film might have been better served by becoming a TV series or something.


It's a Wonderful Life -

The heartwarming tale of a small town sucking a man dry.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Be a freak, like me too

I love the earlier films of Resnais as N&F, Hiroshima Mon Amour but his films after The Last Year At Marienbad... Not my cup of tea (except My American Uncle). Providence describes the writing process of an alcoholic and sick writer. It's a real boring mess. The actors, the music... are excellent. There's an oniric atmosphere but it's hard to find an interest in this film.

"We wanted to change the world, but the world changed us."

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
But they are not metal. Nirvana is closer to metal than Slipknot as well as being more popular, well, the difference is perhaps that the guys from Slipknot explicitly claim to be metal, but to my ears that is not metal as well as for people who are into metal (metal archives does not list Slipknot there, Kai Hansen and other European or South American metal musicians also don't regard any of those American bands like Slipknot as metal).

They should have interviewed more European bands like Candlemass, Hellhammer and Helloween, as they said the biggest metal community in the world is in continental Europe around Germany but they didn't interview a lot of those bands. Still that was the best part of the documentary.

I haven't but I plan to watch that, I am binge watching documentaries these days.

Sam Dunn did the best job it seems he could do, he doesn't really delve too much into anything, it seems like he's scared to do more than scratch the surface of a genre that is so deep and intricate. The film itself is good for people that want an outside look in, but to anyone who actually lives/lived that life, it's a joke. Myself, I lived the black metal lifestyle and wore the "uniform" for a decade plus. There is a big difference between casual fans(who this movie was likely made for) and fans who do the work themselves.

And I thought it was funny how he tried to make Varg out to be this mystical black metal villain. And to be honest European Black Metal and Death Metal are hardly the most extreme of there genre. Canada and the US are leaps and bounds ahead in that sense.

And no, Slipknot, Mudvayne, SOAD, Mushroom Head, Coal Chamber ETC are not metal and are not considered as such by "kvlt" metal fans.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Harry Potter and The Sorceror's Stone (2001)

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets (2002)

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire (2005)

Rewatching Harry Potter, sadly I have finished the last one I actually enjoyed, I will watch the other 3 again (I didn't even bother with Part 2 but I will finally watch it now), but mostly just to finally rate them all on here. Many say the newer ones are the best but I actually find it the opposite, after the fourth one It just seems like the magic (figuratively ofcourse lol) was gone. I never felt wonder or any enjoyment, even when they have those sort of scenes in the newer ones. Harry Potter also started something that now every....single.....****ing.....movie directed towards the teen audience does which is split the last book into two movies. This is why I quit watching Hunger Games after Catching Fire (Also thought the series was getting bad) and I have not even bothered with Divergent or Maze Runner and don't even talk about Twilight, I watched the first one and I was immediately finished with that series.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Heaven's Gate


Uh, it honestly makes me sad that a film of such striking ambition and scale has garnered such a negative reputation since its release. Heaven's Gate is appreciated in certain circles, but it still does not receive the proper recognition it rightfully deserves. Cimino was a great filmmaker, always was, and his remarkable talent is especially prevalent here.

It has flaws, for sure, but they aren't enough to diminish the greatness of this film.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Stalker - 5/10

Didn't like it. A couple of good lines, a lot of time dedicated to watching three men sleep. I gave it a 5, which I grade as "breaking even" partly because I've been trying to watch this movie for a year, but I heard the same exact complaints on here that were going through my mind while I was watching it I'm sure.

Winter Sleep (2014)

An intelligent study in self deception more textual than cinematic.
A description of humanity more Ibsen than Shakespeare.


Did not disappoint. 98% of it flew over my head (thank you Anthony Bourdain), but very enjoyable nonetheless.

Incredibly well made blockbuster: this is how blockbusters are supposed to be. Yes, its a remix of Star Wars and ESB, but an excellent remix. Best Star Wars movie since ESB and best blockbuster film since Lord of the Rings.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Heaven's Gate


Uh, it honestly makes me sad that a film of such striking ambition and scale has garnered such a negative reputation since its release. Heaven's Gate is appreciated in certain circles, but it still does not receive the proper recognition it rightfully deserves. Cimino was a great filmmaker, always was, and his remarkable talent is especially prevalent here.

It has flaws, for sure, but they aren't enough to diminish the greatness of this film.
I'm glad to see another fan of this film! It's cinematography is breathtaking, as is the vast scope of the film.

My Review of Heaven's Gate


Unoriginal and unlikable animated movies like Boxtrolls and Sponge Out of Water get 75 % and 79 % on RT respectably while a movie with some originality and likability gets 46%. Maybe that random IMDB user was right when he said today's critics have "shown no critically faculties." (though not in the examples he gave.) Joke Mode - No offense to today's critics, I thought it was a good joke to make. That IMDB user does look rude.