Sumantra Roy's Favorite 75 Thrillers of All Time

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And, well, do I have to name the other movie I give you major props for? I doubt it.
As far as I can see you don't have to
To Suggest Is To Create, To Name Is To Destroy

45. The Orphanage (2007) - Juan Antonio Bayona

44. Kvinden i buret/ The Keeper of Lost Causes (2013) - Mikkel Norgaard

43. The Thin Blue Line (1988) - Errol Morris

42. Nightcrawler (2014) - Dan Gilroy

41. El Secreto de Sus Ojos/ The Secret In Their Eyes (2009) - Juan J. Campanella

Props for Nightcrawler, and those other ones look interesting too. But The Orphanage... Eh, I think that one is a bit cliche.

Damn, that's a great set right there. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of the Department Q films, but still awesome to see a Danish film on here and also being this high.

40. The Usual Suspects (1995) - Bryan Singer

39. Mientras duermes/ Sleep Tight (2011) - Jaume Balaguero

38. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011) - David Fincher

37. I... Comme Icare/ I As In Icarus (1979) - Henri Verneuil

36. Jagarna 2/ False Trail (2011) - Kjell Sundvall

Love The Departed and like Spoorloos, Le Samourai, and Wages of Fear. I prefer Sorcerer to the latter.
Love The Departed as well...never even heard of the other two films, though as I scroll through this thread, I'm questioning the definition of "thriller" as a movie genre.

If that version is better than the remake (which is usually the case) then there's no hope for it. with me. I felt the original was a real let down.

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If that version is better than the remake (which is usually the case) then there's no hope for it. with me. I felt the original was a real let down.
Totally agree. Ive had the remake ready to watch for ages but after seeing the original its really put me off.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

The plot for both movies of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is almost identical with only minor changes. The main difference is that the acting in the Swedish version is much better. If you didn't like the original then don't bother with the remake.

If that version is better than the remake (which is usually the case) then there's no hope for it. with me. I felt the original was a real let down.
Well, I saw both and I felt here the remake was actually better than the original. I feel the same about The Talented Mr. Ripley as well, where the remake was better than the original (Purple Noon). In case of Insomnia, though the original was better than the Hollywood remake...

I do know some people who think the same about GwtDT and The Talented Mr. Ripley, SR.

I completely agree that the original Insomnia is better than the remake. Much better, IMO.

35. Zodiac (2007) - David Fincher

34. Repulsion (1965) - Roman Polanski

33. Jagten/ The Hunt (2012) - Thomas Vinterberg

32. Shutter Island (2010) - Martin Scorsese

31. Johnny Gaddaar/ Johnny the Traitor (2007) - Sriram Raghavan

Several great ones in the last 3 sets, and I already have The Secret in Their Eyes on my watchlist-maybe from you?
You found it by googling movies nobodys ever heard of . You PMd me after i mentioned i'd seen it saying that