Rate The Last Movie You Saw


A Bittersweet Life (2005) - Jee-Woon Kim

- Awesome recommendation Minio!! so badass all movie long and some epic fighting scenes. I love the story the back-story with the girl and the music scenes are stunning. Byung-hun Lee is slowly becoming a favorite of mine after I Saw The Devil and this movie. Entertaining, badass and amazing movie. The Last 20min of it are perfect.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Memento (2000)

With: Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Pantoliano

Maybe it's because it's 3 am but at some parts it was hard to follow, or better said unfollow the movie, since you had to pay attention backwards (?) but damn!
I did see the ending coming, but not the ending of the ending! kind of.. damn so hard to explain without spoiling, I must be tired


and off to bed I go! nite nite
.Royal purple is noblest shroud.
Theodora Empress of the Byzantine Empire

Crumb (1994)

This is an acclaimed documentary about Robert Crumb, the famous underground cartoonist. He's has a bit of an odd personality, and for a little while I thought it was interesting. After some time, I became completely disinterested. He comes off as a bit of a creep, and I just got sick of watching and listening to him. Having zero interest in his work didn't help. It's a quality documentary for someone else.

Dark City (1998)
Director : Alex Proyas
Stars: Rufus Sewell, Kiefer Sutherland, Jennifer Connelly

The story is about a man who loses his past and first finds himself in a bath tub, doesn't know about himself and his life, but he has one ability that no one has, he can be alive when the evil forces stops the time and reshapes the world according to their own demand. The story is so fantastic and Proyas' nightmare world come true in that movie.

The story is complex but develops itself as a frequently entertaining thriller. It is thought provoking, which is a lesser thing you'll find in films today. You'll sit there thinking about life after viewing this film. It can easily been our future if we head down the road we are on.

One thing about this movie : it will never get old


Tangerine (2015)

"Los Angeles is a beautiful lie."

Shot with the iPhone 5S using an anamorphic lens, Sean Baker's Los Anglian odyssey retains the grit of urban life while also suggesting tropical paradise. Tangerine's characters are just as vibrant as its color temperature, and just as charmingly flawed as footage from consumer grade equipment.

While the term "indie" boarders on pejorative, Baker eschews menial white people problems without turning his picture into a self-congratulatory picket sign. I can't recall the last time I saw a movie populated by minorities and transgender people that wasn't solely about them being minorities and transgender people. It's almost revelatory that Baker treats them like actual, morally and emotionally complex, human beings.

Oh, and it's hilarious.


American Beauty (1999)

They put it on Netflix! I haven't seen this movie in a while and I almost forgot how creepy and weird it is, but it is still a great film. Kevin Spacey is always great. That drive thru scene is still hilarious.

Absolutely Anything

Overall, it's Simon Pegg, you know you're gonna laugh.

This is like the tenth time I disagree with critics and their opinions over films. This movie has a 9% on RottenTomatoes (). I really wanted to see this movie since the trailers looked good...and there's Simon Pegg.

I did enjoy this movie a lot. I fell for every joke while there were a few that didn't feel as good. There were a few occasions where I just burst out of laughter and I think there is still an important message behind that movie: even though one person has the will and power to change the earth, he can't do it alone because it will turn against him. The Monty Python crew did a good job with their "blablawing" where they said literally anything that meant nothing (they didn't even sound like they had created an alien language).

I did enjoy the movie WAAAAAY more than the critics, that's why I give it a

Finished here. It's been fun.


Everybody already knows this is a great film.

Top 3 Kurosawa for me. An incendiary, epic masterpiece about the weakness of man. Brilliant stuff.

Kung Fu Jungle

Overall, it's a Chinese martial arts movie...set in Hong Kong...with Donnie Yen...what do you expect...

This is a very graphic and thrilling film where Donnie Yen must help the police to find a killer who kills great masters of Kung Fu in the order of the Kung Fu mastery.

The action sequences are just amazing especially the last one that takes place in a highway with cars and trucks going by. The camera work during those scenes are very good and the choreography is almost perfect. There is a prison fight scene that was almost as amazing as The Raid 2's, even though it was a 1 against 17 and that there weren't blades and mud. Still, there were some flaws, like every movie, that may or may not be caught at the first glimpse. During the final fight sequence, since there are cars going by, it's no surprise that sometimes we see a car coming and a big time passes by and the car doesn't come, and when the camera takes the same angle, TA-DAA the car reappears! There are some scenes where the plot was obviously enlarged to take some time and there are some clichés that could not be removed from the typical Chinese action movie. While the villain's death is satisfying, the survival of the main character's wife/crush/student/...or something else...(it's not very clear ok?)'s survival was quite unexpected for me.

This is another movie that got mixed to negative reviews from critics that I liked very much. I give this movie a

Absolutely Anything

Overall, it's Simon Pegg, you know you're gonna laugh.

This is like the tenth time I disagree with critics and their opinions over films. This movie has a 9% on RottenTomatoes (). I really wanted to see this movie since the trailers looked good...and there's Simon Pegg.

I did enjoy this movie a lot. I fell for every joke while there were a few that didn't feel as good. There were a few occasions where I just burst out of laughter and I think there is still an important message behind that movie: even though one person has the will and power to change the earth, he can't do it alone because it will turn against him. The Monty Python crew did a good job with their "blablawing" where they said literally anything that meant nothing (they didn't even sound like they had created an alien language).

I did enjoy the movie WAAAAAY more than the critics, that's why I give it a
Yeah I watched this movie not to long ago and I found it much better than the critics were giving it credit for. Though Its basically just a British Bruce Almighty.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Days of Heaven - 5/10

Great story, but the first hour is filler, writing wasn't great. I also could have done with out the kid narrating with her 8-yr old NY accent. A film with a lot of filler. It seemed very long for only 90 minutes. Too much imagery, the story could have been told much better. I noticed the same problem with "Badlands"

Trouble with a capital "T"
Days of Heaven - 5/10

Great story, but the first hour is filler, writing wasn't great. I also could have done with out the kid narrating with her 8-yr old NY accent. A film with a lot of filler. It seemed very long for only 90 minutes. Too much imagery, the story could have been told much better. I noticed the same problem with "Badlands"
Exactly how I seen it. I really wanted to like this film but it tried to hard to be different and lost the flow of the story.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
matt, you mostly just listen to movies, right, kind of like they were radio broadcasts? You seem to have no use for visuals, just care about dialogue and subject matter. It certainly consistently seems that way.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Days of Heaven - 5/10

Great story, but the first hour is filler, writing wasn't great. I also could have done with out the kid narrating with her 8-yr old NY accent. A film with a lot of filler. It seemed very long for only 90 minutes. Too much imagery, the story could have been told much better. I noticed the same problem with "Badlands"

Maybe in another case I would agree with mark^^, but right here I kind of agree with you, matt.

It took a while to get going, I didn't like the 8-year old narrating with that accent and it did seem very long for a 90-minute movie.

I do like Badlands a whole lot though, I don't think they compare maybe despite of that movie being the closets in style and approach to that of Days of Heaven, out of all Malick's filmography. Anyways, people should know I like visual storytelling and visually striking films; The Tree of Life is one of my all-time favorite films... But yeah, Days of Heaven didn't do it for me....

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Days of Heaven is my favorite Malick film, the one which combines his painterly eye with a thoughtful, almost Biblical-level of storytelling. The visuals stunningly show the passage of an entire year on screen in 90 minutes - all four seasons are shown in detail. Besides having my favorite cinematography, it also has my favorite musical score (Ennio Morricone). I was lucky enough to see it at the theatre when it came out, and seeing it on the enormous screen with loud stereophonic sound was extremely affecting. Sure, I admit that it may seem like a movie I wouldn't think that much of because the plot isn't strong and the dialogue mostly forgettable, but the pure cinematic storytelling is what I consider close to perfection. And Linda Manz (who was 15 during filming) is quite hilarious in her narration, trying to find words for thoughts and feelings she's never had but stating some things so matter-of-factly. Of course, all Malick films have idiosyncratic narrations.

Donnie Darko

Overall, a very...peculiar film

I knew this movie was a cult classic and that it had an 8.1 on IMDb, so I decided to watch it.

When the movie ended. I barely understood what had happened the whole time. There were a lot of moments in the movie where it felt like there was no plot at all and that it was only...life. I'm still having a hard time understanding what it was all about. This is how I see it:

So the rabbit-man (or Frank) is a time-traveller who saves Donnie from death and then makes him do a lot of stuff for no apparent reason. At the end, Donnie says the rabbit-guy's gonna kill someone. That happens since the rabbit-guy runs over Donnie's GF and then Donnie kills him by shooting him in the eye...I suppose since when the guy had taken his mask off he had an eye wound...we then see a vortex creating over Donnie's house and then the plane where his mom is crashed and loses an engine. I suppose the engine is the same one that crashed in Donnie's house at the beginning when Frank saved him.

So (*sigh*) finally, Frank saved Donnie...for Donnie to...kill him...and then die himself killed by an engine of a plane where his mom was...but she was in the bedroom...and WHAT????

Nah, I REALLY need someone to explain me this, still it was a very good movie with good camera work and extremely good acting. I still praise the plot for being so complicated since it urges you to seek help or re-watch it. I give Donnie Darko a