The MoFo Book Club - Idea thread


FunnyFace and I were thinking it might be cool to do a MoFo book club? Would anyone be interested?

If we have enough people (personally I'm okay with it being a small club) maybe we can get something going. I bet some of you are similar to me in that you would like to read more but find it can be difficult to get going. This might be a good motivator for those people. I love reading and there are so many books out there I want to read but it can be hard to actually do it. Not sure why, that's just how my brain is.

Anyway no rules are set yet. I'm not sure how any of this would work. In fact, if a better mind wants to run it I'm game to handing over the reigns. Yoda? Sean? Just looking to get this going. This thread is to see mainly who would want to join and how we would go about doing this.

The book FunnyFace and I were considering reading ourselves was Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. It's very short which could be a good thing just to get the ball rolling and figure this out. However, if it would dissuade any of you from participating I'm open to something else.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I'm trying to read more myself and have challenged myself to do a book a month. This will be a good motivator for me to continue with that. So count me in.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Great idea Swan! I used to be a big reader myself. Before joining Movie Forums I was actually a member of a writing forum for about a year (which was an inspiration for my name on here) and there was of course a lot of talk about books and authors and such.

I'm sorry to say this but I may not join right away, near the end of my writing forum days I developed a real bad problem with starting books and never finishing them. It literally happened with like 5 books. I also don't have enough in the budget for books right now. If it's a book I already own then that would be great! Though I don't want to be a butthole and be like "Let's do one that I own!"

Not really on topic, but...Looking forward to reading "The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet".

I have a problem with reading. It is a meditative act for me, which results in falling asleep after 10 pages. Plus, I read so fast that I often can't remember what I just read and have to go back.

It sounds like a great idea. When you guys start the remedial book club, let me know.

Master of My Domain
Let's read Pride and Prejudice so we can all become pretentious middle class Victorians.

Swan, maybe there doesn't really have to be rules. Create a thread called Book Club for the admin bit - the choices etc, then just have one thread per book so we can talk about the book as we read it or as we finish.

The members can choose a book in turns. I don't think we'll have any problems that need rules

I'm up for reading Metamorphosis too. Not read it but I feel like I have, so it's about time I did!

Good idea, christine. It looks like we'll be a small group of people doing this (which honestly I kind of like) so maybe the people who sign up can nominate and we'll just go down the line? Would that seem fair? If we need any structuring, I suppose we can work that out with the first go-around. I'll talk to FF about maybe making some questions along the way for each book, that might make it a bit more fun if we have some discussion points.

This is an exclusive club and you're not allowed in, MM...

...unless you are seriously considering joining. In which case, welcome.

Good idea, christine. It looks like we'll be a small group of people doing this (which honestly I kind of like) so maybe the people who sign up can nominate and we'll just go down the line? Would that seem fair? If we need any structuring, I suppose we can work that out with the first go-around. I'll talk to FF about maybe making some questions along the way for each book, that might make it a bit more fun if we have some discussion points.
Sounds great Swan, looking forward to it

Can't see why comic books shouldn't be allowed .
I think the only thing that would put me off any book is having to spend loads of money buying it. If it's available second hand on eBay or Amazon I wouldn't have a problem .