The Diet Thread


Perhaps this isn't the best thread for this kind of talk, though.
This is probably true, but I have this Christmas movie where there is this off the road little restaurant, and they actually deep fry Twinkies. That doesn't sound good to me, but I've never been a big fan of them, anyway. Hostess cupcakes is what it's all about. OK, I'll shut up. I'm not sure, but that deep frying story may have just got the rest of you over Twinkies, as well.

Twinkies = Die Hard

Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal weight.

Finally did it. Some numbers: I lost 25.6 lbs. It took 72 days, even though I'd lost 20.8 lbs at the 51 day mark. It took me another three weeks to drop the last 4+ lbs.

But when I dropped 1.6 lbs overnight on Wednesday, I decided to just repeat that same diet the next few days, and I got the same general loss all three days.

I'm gonna keep going with more or less this same diet for a few more days, and probably have the big celebratory cheat day on Tuesday. After that, tough to say--I definitely want to keep losing, but I'd be okay losing at a slower pace. I'm probably flying to Seattle in late August, and it'd be nice to dip below 200 for that.

Time will tell if I'm one of those all-or-nothing guys, where cheat days will just make it harder for me, or if I can have one now and then and get right back on the wagon. But for now, yay.

Last week I ran my best 5k in 19 minutes all the training was worth it
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

That is great. It is always inspiring to hear these things. Good luck with it all.

I am doing ten miles a day on my exercise bike, and two to four hours a day with stretching and weights. Seven days a week, of course.

How tall are you, Yoda?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I would like to take the time to say, "Oh my God!" I am in so much pain. I refuse to stop until I reach 10 freaking miles.
It's my lower spine and ribcage. Gee, I wonder why!

Nothing major to update: still losing, slow and steady. New low this morning: 26.2 lbs down since the beginning, and once again the big cheat day only took two days to work right back off.

I'm likely traveling to Seattle for PAX Prime at the end of August, so I'm using that as another motivator/goal: get under 200 lbs before then. It seems very doable. I'll only have to lose about 5 lbs a month for the next 4 months, which is an even slower pace than the one I've been on lately (which comes out to more like 6-7 lbs a month), so even if it gets harder I think I can make it. Especially now that I've started lifting a little and the softball games are happening regularly.

Probably won't be providing too many more updates for awhile, since I expect it'll be more of the same for the next month or two. Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement so far. Standing offer to "buddy up" with anyone else giving this sort of thing a go, just to be accountable to one another.

Well, it's been another 2+ months since that last post (wow! Time flies!). Since then I've dropped another 20 lbs. I popped in here because this is the first morning I've been under 200 lbs; I'm 199 at the moment. That was my big goal for the end of August, as mentioned in the post just above. I assumed I'd make it with room to spare, but I actually lost more in June than I had in April or May, so now it's all gravy (or, you know, avoiding things like gravy, technically).

That said, being under 200 is actually really close to an even 50 lbs. lost, so I decided awhile back to make that the real goal. Still got a little over 2 lbs to go for that, but it should be a cakewalk (or, you know, avoiding things like cake, technically).

The wife and I are already trying to make plans for what to do when it gets cold, when softball ends, etc. That'll present new challenges, for sure, but I feel pretty good about the prospects of moving more towards maintenance (or even slight gain) over the winter, knowing that something competitive like softball is there to keep me honest on the other side.

Also, standing offer to anyone else who wants to lose weight and just have a "weight loss buddy." Checking in with someone else--who'll notice and ask about it--makes a huge difference. It's a lot easier to let yourself off the hook, but knowing someone else knows what you did or didn't do changes the whole thing.

One thing I found really helpful is the idea that, if you really count calories, you have to lose weight. It's math. It's physics. At a low enough number of calories, It's impossible not to lose weight.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I will try to read all these posts later (got to Page 10)

I've had lower back problems, so I've been eating much better the last week. I take sleep medication that makes me eat so much, even when I'm full... In the past, I've always had sports, backpacking, etc., to keep me in good shape.

My mom works a few miles from where I live now, and she always gets me a breakfast sandwich from McDonalds (and some pies, which I never ate until she started getting them), so I've been eating those, but I've cut out frozen foods completely. In the last 10 days, I only had 2 cans of Dr. Pepper, and a can of Vernors. I'm trying to drink as much water as I can (about a liter) and some pomegranate juice for some flavor.

For veggies, I have celery (to mix with peanut butter for some protein and flavor), as well as Romaine lettuce (and sliced turkey).. Hummus and pita bread. I've also been eating a ton of fruit (so if I pig out at night, it won't be as bad) - raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, apples, pears, grapes. And today, I actually took all the fruit, with some milk, and blended it all up, and put about 3-4 servings into the pomegranate juice jug (mixing the juice and adding some water), though a few cups really hurt my stomach. I also have cinnamon oatmeal (packages) that I rarely eat from, as I try to avoid washing dishes, since it's the worst thing I can do to my lower back.

I've been taking 15 minute walks at night about 3 days in the last week, as well as a 2 mile walk today with my cousin with the heat. I plan on going for a walk at about 8 or 9pm as well, and try to be in bed at about midnight..

Any advice would be gladly appreciated. I don't have a scale; it's not worth the few dollars (I only save up for concerts and other experiences, bills) and I'm sure I'd be checking it obsessively. I've always been 180-190, and the last time I checked at physical therapy, I was 225 lbs and was told by a few friends (and my uncle) that I hadn't seen for months that I'm gaining weight..

Hi Matt. Ugh I hate it if someone says it looks like you've put on weight. I think guys will say that to each other but not to women as they think they're more sensitive to that sort of remark, but I don't think so - I don't think anyone likes it!

Why don't you come and post in Destiny's body building/body sculpting thread. I didn't post in there for a while cos I thought it was all about weight lifting but it's not. it's about getting fit and eating right. I've had some great advice and encouragement over there, and let's face it we all need encouragement!

I feel for you and your lower back pain, I suffer from that from time to time, Destiny will def be able to advise you on that one. You're not alone in putting on a bit of weight. I broke my leg near my ankle a few weeks ago and like an idiot I suppose I still insisted on going to work in plaster and on crutches. Now my ankle is so swollen I have to sit here on the sofa with my foot above my heart until my next appt on Thurs. People keep visiting with cake and chocolates, and the kids have been around making lovely dinners! I'm not complaining but I'm going to have to work hard when I get back on my feet!

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I lost 20 lbs! I came to visit my mom, and there's a bunch of junk food, and I thought I'd indulge, until I weighed myself at the pharmacy. AND, I still pig out at night, but at least it's not frozen foods..

I lost 20 lbs! I came to visit my mom, and there's a bunch of junk food, and I thought I'd indulge, until I weighed myself at the pharmacy. AND, I still pig out at night, but at least it's not frozen foods..
Wow Matt that's fantastic! Well done