Mad Max: Fury Road Gets Two Sequels


Mad Max: Fury Road will be getting two sequels. Mad Max: The Wasteland and Mad Max: Furiosa. It was reported since back in 2012 that George Miller planned on making a trilogy and possibly shooting both of them back to back. But now the third film might start production a little later than planned.

So Mad Max: Furiousa will have Max as the lead right? It will only make sense.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to more madness from the mind of George Miller!

Master of My Domain
I bet there will be a remake of Fury Road once the trilogy is done.

I imagine it is all but guaranteed these get filmed back-to-back.

I don't see Miller getting carte blanche on the budget for these two.

Mad Max: Fury Road will be getting two sequels. Mad Max: The Wasteland and Mad Max: Furiosa. It was reported since back in 2012 that George Miller planned on making a trilogy and possibly shooting both of them back to back. But now the third film might start production a little later than planned.
I am SO excited! Time to dance!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Mad Max: Furiosa.
Jimminy Christmas! Couldn't you have kept the name of that one a secret. Sexy and 90's Ace will have a thread going by the end of the day.

Jimminy Christmas! Couldn't you have kept the name of that one a secret. Sexy and 90's Ace will have a thread going by the end of the day.
They should just call it Furiosa: Mad Max.

Fast and the Furiosa?