Terminator Reboot... A Stand Alone Trilogy


Welcome to the human race...
lol it's Terminator: Genisys.
It's almost as if gandalf26 was making some sort of joke about the distractingly bad spelling.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I am the Watcher in the Night
Cersei is Lena Headey, this is Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons, played by Emilia Clarke.
oh ****, meant Dany lool
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

We all know the Terminator franchise is getting a reboot of sorts with Terminator Genisys. Skynet tries to kill a pre-teen Sarah Connor, she is saved by a T-800 played by Arnold Schwarzenegger that is nicknamed"The Guardian." That single event has a ripple effect that changes everything in the future.

In 1984, Connor - raised by a T-800 that she calls "Pops" - works to save Kyle Reese, who finds himself in a newly altered timeline. In the trailer we saw the T-800 from the first Terminator emerge from time travel, only to be attacked in the end of the trailer by the aged "Guardian T-800".

According to TheTerminatorFans.com, there is going to be a full-on brawl like two tanks in a fist fight. Their source gives a little breakdown of what they've seen:

WARNING: "Terminator: Genisys" spoilers below
“The battle will be better then the T-800 and T-1000 from T2. The ground will break on the wrestling fight.

In this particular sequence the young digitally enhanced T-800 is doing a forward lunge double fist punch and/or crushing the aged T-800’s face with both its knuckles pile-driving into the real Arnold Schwarzenegger’s metal skull, like something out of a wrestling match.

The aged T-800 has its left arm locked under the T-800’s right shoulder as if it is going to make a deadly move on the younger T-800. The sequence or choreography could change in the finished product but what we’ve seen looks good! The moves will be devastating and the battle will probably be one of the most spectacular scenes in the movie especially in the VFX department.

The young T-800 is unclothed as he does this attack on the aged T-800, while the 3D model of the aged T-800 is wearing the clothing in the Trailer scene when he tells ‘The Terminator’ that he has been waiting for him… This is the equivalent of Tanks colliding, the machines are heavy. Battle damage is an obvious issue when Terminators Fight."

Source: TheTerminatorFans.com

Personally I'm already psyched for this movie, this just makes me even more excited and gives me more hope for this film than ever before.

A system of cells interlinked
We all know the Terminator franchise is getting a reboot of sorts with Terminator Genisys. Skynet tries to kill a pre-teen Sarah Connor, she is saved by a T-800 played by Arnold Schwarzenegger that is nicknamed"The Guardian." That single event has a ripple effect that changes everything in the future.

In 1984, Connor - raised by a T-800 that she calls "Pops" - works to save Kyle Reese, who finds himself in a newly altered timeline. In the trailer we saw the T-800 from the first Terminator emerge from time travel, only to be attacked in the end of the trailer by the aged "Guardian T-800".
This....is the dumbest retcon idea for a science fiction film I have ever had the displeasure of reading. Please tell me this is a joke, JRS...

Pops?? Someone needs to pop whomever is making this film in the nose...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Emilia is literally the only reason i have any interest in this movie, and that's funny because I love her but she is not a good fit for Sarah Connor.

Unless Sarah is suppose to be very young (Late teens) then Emilia is a good fit but if she's suppose to be late 20s early 30s Emilia is a little too short to be playing her

This is just in case people were too concerned about putting this film down and not actually paying attention to details...

Look carefully at the guy in the chair on the left in this gif from a scene in the film's advertisements. That is indeed Robert Patrick (the original T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgement Day) in a very quick cameo.

This thing is starting to smell like T3. Recycle the T-1000 (maybe the most iconic villain of my lifetime), old man terminator (I'm sure there will be some story about why he looks this way) and an overall uninspired feeling. I think the tv show did this better.

If this wasn't a Terminator movie, there is no reason other than that yellow bus that would compel me to see this.

old man terminator (I'm sure there will be some story about why he looks this way).
Sarah Connor in Terminator:Genisys (played by Emilia Clarke ) has been orphaned by a Terminator at age 9. Since then, she's been raised by Schwarzenegger's Terminator - who is an older T-800 she calls her "Pops". Because as said, she was raised by the T-800. Schwarzenegger's T-800 is programmed to guard rather than to kill. As a result, Sarah is a highly trained antisocial recluse who's great with a sniper rifle but not so skilled at the nuances of human emotion.

Within the film, such events as 1984's Terminator where Sarah Connor first meets with Kyle Reese to Kyle Reese handing the photo of Sarah Connor, to John Connor in the future (which was mentioned but never seen)... such details will be brought upon, although each having repercussions due to Skynet.

This brings me back to the older Terminator. Why did he choose to raise Sarah? My guess is because he knew of those repercussions and that Judgement Day will eventually occur. He raised Sarah the right way, skilled in battle and ready to fight.

The new film weaves some of the same Terminator/Terminator 2 events into this film but the way they're doing it, and the way it sounds, it's fresh and different in a way that brings new life to the Terminator series. Yet at the same time not messing with the franchise.

In my own opinion the film looks like it has promise. It doesn't come out until July 1st, so anything can happen within five more months. I will probably catch this within the first week or two of its release due to strong curiosity. It's a Terminator film, why wouldn't I go see it.

A system of cells interlinked
This is just in case people were too concerned about putting this film down and not actually paying attention to details...

Look carefully at the guy in the chair on the left in this gif from a scene in the film's advertisements. That is indeed Robert Patrick (the original T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgement Day) in a very quick cameo.

I think I speak for most of the forum when I say: What?

Ignoring the fact that a random animated gif doesn't in any way address my concerns with the film, I made my comments because I had just read the details on the film that you yourself posted. I mean, do you think i just randomly careen through the forums, trashing or praising films with absolutely zero knowledge of the content? That's not how people generally think and act, from my observations.

Point blank: I think the idea of an old terminator named "pops" flies in the face of the gritty, tech-noir style of the original film.

Let me try to illustrate. Here is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite scenes in the first film:

"Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."

This scene is chilling, the mood dark and gritty, the tension turned up to 11...and this is what happens in the film. The terminator is relentless, unstoppable...a ruthless machine, singular of purpose, and that purpose is death.

Let's recreate the scene in the confines of this new script idea:

"Listen, and understand. That terminator is out there. His name is Pops, and he is going to bounce Sarah on his knee and then buy her cotton candy. An actual terminator is going to chase her, because that's what people expect from these films now, but luckily...she has pops...good ol' pops!"

What the ****? Who wants to see a terminator BABYSIT while there is danger of another terminator tossed around in the dialogue.

Also, they have messed with the time travel so much now that nothing matters, anything can and will be reset or changed, so they can crank out films with the terminator franchise name in an effort to cash in for as long as possible.

Sadly, that's the problem with most of the big franchise flicks these days. The film itself is just a stopgap. Something to keep people busy while they wait for the next stopgap franchise flick to come along and promise big things...in the next film...which would then repeat the same process. Gone are the days when you could buy a ticket to see The Terminator, and leave the theater thrilled, satisfied, and feeling as if you just watched a complete film - a complete story. In my mind, films should not be made just to set up more films in a franchise, but one glace at the franchise film schedule for the next five years shows that to be the sad truth of the blockbuster industry in this day and age.

They are ripping you off JRS - you should be pissed, and not at some random overbearing ass on MoFo (that would be me). You should be pissed that studios are stomping all over the art form you love.

In the Beginning...
Yeah, Mike is spot on here. Changing the DNA of the world in order to accommodate an aged Arnold does not give this film any street cred, as I'm sure the studio execs are hoping it will. They need to look beyond the superficial model of big action sequences, pithy one-liners, and fan service cameos, and get back to the themes and ideas of the first two films. Until they do that, this franchise is sailing rudderless.

@ jrs

I just think this looks like it will be on the level with T3 quality wise. The television show was well done, whereas I don't think this movie will be.

According to a couple of people who got their hands on the screenplay for director Alan Taylor's upcoming sequel/reboot, it seems that excitement is definitely building for Terminator: Genisys.Many so-called "true fans" feel this new filn is dumping on Cameron but the truth is, he not only gave his blessing but it was his idea.

Here's what they had to say:

WARNING: "Terminator: Genisys" spoilers below
The best way to describe Terminator Genisys is three action packed movies in one. First of all, we finally get to see the Future Wars. Where John Connor, Kyle Reese and resistance take on Skynet. This is something that Terminator fans have wanted to see since James Cameron gave them a preview of it in the first film.

In the script the future war is 18 pages. So I would say around 20 minutes give or take. So it's probably 10-15 minutes of action and then the set up with Reese going back to 1984. The movie should be slightly over 2 hours(script is 130 pages). So the breakdown will probably be about 20 minutes Future Wars, 40 minutes 1984 and 1 hour for (*date removed for spoiler) portion of the movie.

Once Kyle Reese arrives in 1984, he quickly finds out that the past he was expecting, is no longer there. Since Jai Courtney "Reese" was expecting things to be exactly like Michael Biehn "Reese" from the original movie. With him having to save a young, weak Sarah Connor from an evil T-800 Terminator.

To his surprise he finds a near unstoppable T-1000 chasing him. With Sarah Connor and a "older T-800" having to rescue him. We soon find out that something happened when Sarah was a child. A good Arnold T-800 rescued her and raised for the past 10 years. Which caused the Terminator universe as we know it to be "reset". This portion of the movie gives long time Terminator fans a great nostalgia feeling - with it taking place in the same 1984 location as the original film. Not to mention it has the same action-packed chase scenes, shoot outs and Terminator vs Terminator fights to be expect from a Terminator film.

Now you would think seeing a big action-packed future war battle along with an older Arnold vs young Arnold T-800 showdown and having a T-1000 trying to terminate them in 1984 would be more then enough action and excitement for moviegoers but the action and thrills are just getting started! Next we see Sarah/Kyle (*deleted to be spoiler free). The dual is then greeted by a even older T-800 Arnold with grey hair. Of course you know Skynet isn't going to go out without a fight. This is when a new and very powerful threat appears. As action packed and exciting as the first two portions of the movie are, the third portion of the movie has even more non-stop big explosive action with tons of destruction and surprises.

And the other person...

WARNING: "Terminator: Genisys" spoilers below
Long time Terminator fans should be pleased to see some classic scenes recreated with a Back To The Future twist, meaning things don't pan out like the original movie. This is good for the nostalgia feel.

People new to the franchise and fans alike should also be happy this actually feels like a Terminator movie, unlike Rise of the Machines and Salvation. The atmosphere feels gritty and exciting, especially in the future war scenes. The special effects feel to be pushed to the limit for war scenes at the start, I really hope they can do it justice onscreen.

This also plays out like no other Terminator film yet in the fact it's not set in one time period from start to finish with a single villain to deal with! No the threat is greater here with two well known model terminators and a couple of other types spread throughout the movie - which has 3 major time zones.

Not everything in the spoilers box literally are spoilers, but enough is to be posted as such. Safe to say the movie will look unique all the way through enough, keeping it fresh and exciting.

Source: The Arnold Fans

Registered User
If it's at least as good as Termintor 3 it'll be watchable - I have my doubts about this comparing to the first 2 films though.

I'm also on the boat that adding in Arnie (other than as a cameo) isn't the best idea given his age - that just makes me think it'll turn out like Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and that a newer actor should take over if they plan on doing a brand new trilogy.

.I'm also on the boat that adding in Arnie (other than as a cameo) isn't the best idea given his age - that just makes me think it'll turn out like Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and that a newer actor should take over if they plan on doing a brand new trilogy
If you understood the whole premise and why he's in the film both young and old (other than the fact that he's gotten older), than maybe you wouldn't feel so negative. Or maybe you would since most of the people on here aren't giving this film a chance. Just bashing it before it even comes out.

Besides, Arnold doesn't have a cameo, he's in the entire movie.