The 2015 Oscar Picks Pool


I made my picks. Dont bother looking at them. I literally havent seen one movie thats been nominated, not only that but I havent seen one film with an actor nominated in it. This is a first. Ill probably see them all this year.

Gunslinger tells it true: the chat room will open an hour or two before the ceremony. Don't worry, you won't be able to miss it: we stick the link in the header of every single page.

Quick update: we've got a really great number of submissions already and breaking last year's record is very plausible.

I'll be rolling out increasingly annoying reminders over the next few weeks to entice more of you to make your picks. And they'll probably be well-nigh unbearable the week leading up to the ceremony. Fair warning!

Just finished recording the yearly Holden/Mark Oscar podcast. Went great. It's a little daunting to edit, so you guys might not get to hear it until sometime late in the week, but we'll see.

Okay, another big annoying notice for those of you who haven't made your picks yet.

Starting tomorrow you'll all be getting annoying PMs from me, too. One week left! Have at it:

I'll get mine in, just want to catch the last two Best picture movies in first.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Just looked mine over. I'm sticking even though it sounds like the favorites have shifted slightly. I will gladly tank the pool for a couple Budapest upsets in the big categories.

I was thinking it'd be a Best Picture/Director split, but this weekend has made it look like Birdman will take both.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

"I've noticed the more we doubt, the more we cling to a false lucidity, in hope of rationalizing what feelings have made murky." - Contempt

Just minutes until I shut things down. Last chance to make (or update) your picks.

Record number of submissions this year, by the way. Great job everyone!

Just made my final changes. Hope this goes well. I am looking forward to the Oscars this year. Also I spent all week doing most of my studying so I do not need to cram that much tonight.

The results are in.

First off, we got a record number of ballots this year, so thank you to everyone for that.

Second, the winner is...a non-member! D'oh. Maybe I can persuade them to join.

Third, it took just 21 out of 24 to win this year, as opposed to Mark's 23/24 last year. But the F. family had a great showing all the same, with both Mark and his daughter Sarah going 20/24. Sarah, in particular, nailed two significant upsets (that only 29% and 17% of ballots had correct), and was perfect through something like half the ceremony.

Lots of drama, and it all came down to the very last award.

And then there was me. 4 for 24 . I didn't bother reading into it since I didn't get to watch anyways.
I think I scored the same.

But then I've seen none of the Best Picture nominees. The only films I've seen that were nominated in any category were Gone Girl, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Inherent Vice, and The Lego Movie.