

Lets just be nice to each other even if we disagree about something.

Barney Hug

I know, I need to argue less too. Sometimes my ego just wants to make a strong point instead of actually thinking about other people's feelings. I know it probably sounds gay, but real men where pink these days.

Lately I think a lot about being more open minded and humble. But sometimes the internet just brings it out in me. Like those stupid youtube comments.

I disagree with this thread. I would never barney hug someone. I prefer a fist bump.

A thought about being nice:

You can be nice in the sense of being genial and kind, the way you would be in mixed company. But this means holding back a little and being careful of what you say. It's how we talk to people we barely know.

You can also be nice by just saying what's on your mind, but letting others say what's on theirs, and then just living with the disagreement and moving on, maintaining a baseline of respect even if you've butted heads. This is how we talk to our families, and close friends.

So maybe it says something about the community here that almost everybody opts for the latter.

All that said, I'm sure we could all stand to strike a better balance between speaking our minds and creating unnecessary conflict and drama. Especially this time of year.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Knowing how to argue is a valuable lesson for all people. Albeit posters on a discussion board or family members. We can vehemently debate and disagree with each other, without making an ad hominem attack.

Just remember: don't take it personally and don't make it personal.

The thing that helps me the most though is being quick to forgive. But I'm trying to work on realising when I don't actually know what I'm talking about, or just not always saying the first impulse.

Registered User
I disagree with this thread. I would never barney hug someone. I prefer a fist bump.
Barney creeps me out

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I got easily aggravated when I first joined 3 years ago, but it doesn't happen anymore.
I don't remember you ever getting aggravated. You've always seemed so calm to me.

I'll be the first to admit I have a temper but I've worked on it. I don't hold a grudge though so if I butt heads with someone, I'll get over it eventually.

For the most part I try to treat people well. I mess up sometimes. I have to remember that just because someone else behaves badly does not justify my behaving badly.