hello every one


Everyone is my friend unless proven otherwise
I am farkhondeh from iran .
i can't speak english very well .my language is persian (farsi).
سلام به همگي :hello every one
We can feel the God, in very simple moments
In the loves anxiety and the undesired sin
When all is set and done for love
It doesn’t care whether it’s soon or it’s too late
Don’t be afraid if your heart wakes up from an old dream
My be God has written your story from the beginning. Ehsan khaje Amiri


I love Iranian cinema. Any recommendations?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Everyone is my friend unless proven otherwise

I love Iranian cinema. Any recommendations?
for example:

third day روز سوم

-the song of sparrows آواز گنجشك ها

Jodaeiye Nader az Simin جدايي نادر از سيمين

i love third day movie .

for example:

third day روز سوم

-the song of sparrows آواز گنجشك ها

Jodaeiye Nader az Simin جدايي نادر از سيمين

i love third day movie .
I have seen the second and third movie, but the first one is so obscure it doesn't even have a RYM page. Thanks for recs.